Students’ Committee Obsessively Passionate about English (SCOPE)

Who are we?

We are SCOPE, the Students’ Committee Obsessively Passionate about English! We all are students in the English department that want to make a difference!

What do we do?

Well, first are foremost, we represent YOU students. We do so in several ways:

We attend the “Assemblées de section”, average twice a year. During these assemblées, we discuss and we participate in important decisions regarding the department, for example regarding plans d’études and programmes, we talk about budgets, and we discuss problems and to-be improvements in the department. (Yes, I’m afraid you have to thank us – and well the teachers as well of course – for a compulsory reading of Beowulf in the 1st year!)

We organize the parties and other social events: the how, the where and the when. We try to make them as agreeable, friendly, fun and as varied as possible, of course! We'll let you be the judges of whether we do a good job ;-)

We organize SCOPE Talks. To get students interested in academic events such as conferences, we decided to organize short talks by a guest speaker who usually is a member of the English Department’s staff. We wanted to have academic talks that are accessible for students, and we hope you’ll enjoy them!

We have the Creative Writing Club. Those of us who like to write but in an non-academic frame and that have wild imaginations joined together to create the club. We meet up every three weeks to write texts based on prompts and help each other out! Snacks are of course part of the program.

We have the Food+Poetry Club. For those of us that just can’t get enough of poetry (and/or food), we meet up every three weeks to read poetry together (and eat)!

We have the Weird Book Club. For those of us who like weird, unsettling, creepy texts. We meet up every three weeks to read unsettling literature together (and have snacks, if we can stomach it).

We have Chat 'n' Chew. We meet every Thursday from 11:45 to 14:15 in Anthropole cafeteria just to chat (and chew, aka have lunch) in English in an informal environment and have a good time.

We organize Improv.ppt which consists of participants giving improvised presentations on subjects that they most probably have no idea about. Yes, you read that correctly.

We also have an Instagram page and a Facebook.

You can find out more about SCOPE here or you can contact us here.

Follow us:    
Offices #5065-70 - Anthropole - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 29 13