Tutors to Help with Essay Writing Skills

| Essay Tutoring | Tutors - Spring Semester 2025

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Essay Tutoring

Writing is a lifelong learning process, even among the most experienced writers. We are always learning how to write better, more clearly, more effectively and convincingly. As such, the English Department is pleased to offer tutoring services for all BA students. You can find our tutors in some first-year classes and they are also available for individual sessions. All BA students – but particularly first year students – are encouraged to make use of this opportunity. 

Students are welcome to bring essay outlines, drafts or corrected essays to discuss with our tutors during the one-on-one consultations. Tutors do not proofread and/or edit assignments. Rather, they help students to develop effective writing skills and editing strategies, to spot and prioritise issues to work on, and to become more confident writers and better readers of their own writing. Moreover, those tutors who attend the IELL tutorials can also help students in grasping different linguistic concepts.

Students who need help with their literature essays can either drop in at the office ANT 5138.1, or book an appointment through our online booking platform below (at least 24 hours in advance). 

Medieval tutoring

First-year students taking Introduction to Medieval English might want some additional, one-on-one tutoring on the Old English language, or on close reading a text from the later medieval period. They are encouraged to sign up for a one-on-one tutoring session, or to come to one of the cram sessions organised one week before the Midterm and Final exams:

Cram session week 6, Thursday 27th March, 2.15-3.45, room 3174

Cram session week 12, Thursday 15th May, 2.15-3.45, room 2055

Medieval/Literature tutors will be available for one-on-one appointments during weeks 5 and 6 and 11 and 12
Linguistics tutors will only be available for one-on-ones on weeks 7 and 8. 

In order to book an appointment with a tutor, please consult the booking page below. 

“Book Now” link

Questions about the department’s tutoring service can be sent to tutorat-anglais@unil.ch.

Tutors - Spring Semester 2025


Carey (she/her) - Medieval / Literature


Elizabeth (she/her) - Medieval / Literature


Martina (she/her) - Medieval / Literature


Olivia (she/her) - Medieval / Literature


Loréane (she/her) - Linguistics


Marina (she/her) - Linguistics


Millie (she/her) - Linguistics


Réka (any/all) - Linguistics

Follow us:  
Offices #5065-70 - Anthropole - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 29 13