International Mountain Society

Since 2019, the CIRM has been a member of the International Mountain Society (IMS). The IMS aims to advance knowledge and disseminate information about mountain research and development worldwide. Its mission is to promote sustainable development in mountain regions through enhanced communication among institutions and individuals, with a focus on mountain ecoregions in developing countries.

To achieve this goal, the IMS publishes a quarterly journal, Mountain Research and Development (MRD). This journal is dedicated to mountains and their surrounding lowlands—ecoregions of global importance where communities are often marginalized. MRD highlights the latest research and development approaches for global mountain systems. Articles, which are peer-reviewed, present findings on international and national issues related to mountains, mountain communities, and sustainable mountain development.

Emmanuel Reynard and Iago Otero are members of the journal's international editorial board.


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Contact : Susanne Wymann von Dach

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