Multifunctionality of Alpine Hydroelectric Infrastructures

This project is the result of a partnership between UNIL and the company Alpiq. Its aim is to address the challenges related to developing multifunctional uses of water and hydraulic infrastructure, particularly in the context of renewing hydroelectric concessions. The project is jointly conducted by CIRM, the Institute of Geography and Sustainability (IGD), and the Institute of Public Administration (IDHEAP).

The postdoctoral research of Silvia Flaminio (2021-2023) focused on examining the origins and evolution of the concept in Switzerland, as well as the perspectives of various stakeholders regarding this concept.

Andréa Savoy's doctoral thesis investigates the institutional framework surrounding multifunctionality.

The project operates at multiple levels, including the Swiss context, the cantons of Vaud and Valais, and three specific sites: Cleuson, Hongrin-Léman, and Gougra (Moiry).

A publication has recently been released.


Project website :

Contact : Prof. Emmanuel Reynard, project leader

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