
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 and before | Anterior to ECOSPAT


Adde, A. Black B., Kuelling N., Büth C., Rey P.-L., Petitpierre B., Broennimann O., Zimmerman N.E., Pellissier L., Lehmann A., Altermatt F., Grêt-Regamey A., Guisan A. 2024. Projecting the Effects of Climate and Land-Cover Change on Swiss Biodiversity. World Biodiversity Forum (WBF), June 16-21 2024, Davos, Switzerland. Talk.

Arraiano Castilho R., Malard L.A., Guisan A., Sanders, I.R. Using Meta-Omics to study cross-Kingdom interactions between plants, mycorrhizal fungi, and other soil microbes along altitudinal gradients. International conference on Mycorrhiza 12, Manchester, UK. Talk.

Broennimann O., Pearman P., Guisan A. 2024. Prioritizing areas to monitor genetic diversity during climate change: an approach based on niche marginality. IBS. January 7-11, Praque, Czech Republic. Talk.

Collart F., Patiño, J., Vanderpoorten, A., Martin-Esquivel, J. L., Naranjo-Cigala, A., Mirolo, S., & Karger, D. N. 2024. Spatial resolution impacts plant responses to climate change. World Biodiversity Forum. June 16-21. Davos, Switzerland. Talk.

Chevalier M., Broennimann O. and Guisan A. 2024. Climate change may reveal currently unavailable parts of species’ ecological niches. Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research (AMEMR). July 8-12, Plymouth, UK. Talk.

Guisan A. 2024. Predicting species distributions for conservation decision. E4S community meet-up “Biodiversity”, March 5th , University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. Talk.

Guisan A., Petitpierre B., Mateo R., Scherrer D., Adde A., Broennimann O., Chevalier M., Zarzo-Arias A., Goicolea T., Collart F., Riva F. 2024. Spatially-nested hierarchical species distribution models to avoid niche truncation. World Biodiversity Forum, June 17-20, Davos, Switzerland. Talk.

Guisan A., Petitpierre B., Mateo R., Scherrer D., Adde A., Broennimann O., Chevalier M., Zarzo-Arias A., Goicolea T., Collart F., Riva F. 2024. Watch out for niche truncation: towards hierarchical species distribution models? International Biogeography Society (IBS), 11th Biennial Conference, January 7-11, Prague, Czechia. Talk.

Guisan A. 2024. Modelling species’ niches & distributions: Which niche to consider for environmental change projections? PI’s Thursday seminars, Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. Talk.

Guisan A. 2024. Recent progress in predicting species distributions (for biodiversity conservation). EAWAG PhD Symposium, Dübendorf, Switzerland. Talk.

Klein N., Adde A., Grêt-Regamey A., Guisan A., Herzog F., Jeanneret P., Kay S. 2024. Where to do what – Identifying focus zones for Swiss agricultural priority birds. German Ecological Society Annual Conference, Freising, TUM, Germany. 12.09.2024. Talk.

Martin C., Adde A., Guisan A. 2024. A multi-taxa conservation plan for biodiversity and climate change in Switzerland. World Biodiversity Forum. June 16-21. Davos, Switzerland. Talk.

Morán-Ordóñez A., Beja P., Fraixedas S., Herrando S., Junker J., Kissling W.D., Lumbierres M., Lyche Solheim A., Miret G., Moe J., Moreira F., Pereira H.M., Santana J., Villero D., Brotons L. 2024. Bottlenecks in European biodiversity information flows. 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB24), June 17-21, Bologna, Italy. Invited talk.

Morán-Ordóñez, A. 2024. Towards Geo-Data Science: extracting knowledge from heterogeneous geoenvironmental data. Venice International University, May 20-24, Italy. Invited lecture.

Morán-Ordóñez A., Guisan A. 2024. Introduction to Decision Making for Applied Ecology and Conservation. Doctoral program in ecology and evolution. Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale (CUSO), 22-26 January, Bern, Switzerland. 

Pearman P.B., Broennimann O., Guisan A. and the ‘G-BiKE: Genomic Biodiversity Knowledge for Resilient Ecosystems’ consortium. 2024. Conserving genetic diversity during climate change: Niche marginality and discrepant monitoring effort in Europe. 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB24), 17-21 June 2024, Bologna, Italy. Talk.

Rey, P-.L., Adde, A., Vittoz, P., Petitpierre, B., Guisan, A., (2024). Mapping nature’s contributions to people from species distributions: a novel perspective for conservation? ECCB24. June 17-21, Bologna, Italy. Talk.

Rey, P-.L., 2024. Amélioration des relations entre la Biodiversité et sa contribution envers l’Homme.
Green Talk by UNIGE. May 14. Genève, Switzerland. Talk/Course.

Rivoire P., Dupuis S., Guisan A., Vittoz P., Domeisen D. 2024. Identification of hydrometeorological drivers of forest damage in Europe. 15th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, June 24-28, Toulouse, France. Talk.

Rivoire P., Dupuis S., Guisan A., Vittoz P., Domeisen D. 2024. Predicting Forest Damage in Europe: A Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Forecasting Approach for Hydro-meteorological Drivers. EGU General Assembly 2024, 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria. Talk.

Steen, B., Broennimann, O., Maiorano, L., Guisan, A. (2024). Hierarchical species distribution models for invasive species. World Biodiversity Forum. June 16-21. Davos, Switzerland. Talk.

Steen, B., Broennimann, O., Maiorano, L., Guisan, A. (2024). How sensitive are species distribution models to different background point selection strategies? A test with species at various equilibrium levels. Biology24. January 18-19, Zurich, Switzerland. Poster. (Award won: second price of best talk)

Steen B. 2024. Modélisation spatiale des espèces exotiques envahissantes pour la gestion de l’environnement. Ma thèse en 180 secondes (MT180), 21 March 2024, Lausanne. Lien vidéo


Bruni E.P., Duckert C., Ermolaeva E., Adde A., Borges P.A.V., Broennimann O., Gabriel R., Guisan A., Lentendu G. & Mitchell E.A.D. 2023. Climate niche distribution modelling of Hyalosphenia papilio (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida) conflicts with documented occurrences in the Azores (Portugal) revealing dispersal limitation and the first evidence of island disharmony among microorganisms. International Symposium on Testate Amoebae (ISTA 10), Madrid, Spain, 02-06 October 2023. Talk.

Collart F., Broennimann O., Guisan A., Vanderpoorten A. 2023. Ecological and biological indicators of the accuracy of species distribution models: lessons from European bryophytes. Biology23. February 16-17, Geneva, Switzerand. Talk.

Klein N., Adde A., Grêt-Regamey A., Guisan A., Herzog F., Jeanneret P., Kay S. 2023. Does agricultural management promote Swiss agricultural priority species? A spatial approach. Biology23, Geneva, 16.02.2023. Talk.

Malard L.A. and Guisan A. 2023. Into the Microbial Niche. UNIL Internal seminar, Lausanne, Switzerland. Talk.

Martin C., Guisan, A. 2023. The taxonomic and spatial domains of systematic conservation planning. International Congress for Conservation Biology. July 23-27. Kigali, Rwanda. Talk.

Mazel F. 2023. Models of phylosymbiosis. Probabilistic models of microbiome workshop. Oxford University, UK. Talk. 

Rey, P-.L. 2023. Round Table for the Science week. Discussion with directors of wildlife documentaries. (topics: sport and environment in mountain area). Invited by "Ligue Protection des Oiseaux, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes". September 19. Chambéry, France. Talk.

Rey P-.L. 2023. Round table with athletes on "Sport and Environment" relationships. DACIA UTMB Mont-Blanc. Invited by “Protect Our Winters France”. August 09. Chamonix, France. Talk.

Rey, P-.L. 2023. Atelier Science en Montagne, UNIL/UNINE. August 19, Pont de Nant, Switzerland. Scientific Workshop.

Rey P.-L. 2023. Une nouvelle voie pour la protection de notre environnement : l’intégration des relations entre les espèces et les services écosystémiques. Ma thèse en 180 secondes (MT180), Université de Lausanne, Suisse. Lien vidéo

Rivoire, P., Dupuis, S., Guisan, A., Vittoz, P., Domeisen, D.I.V, Identification of drivers for forest low greenness events. Colloquium Climatology, Climate Impact, Remote Sensing and Geocomputation, University of Bern, October 2023. Talk.

Rivoire, P., Dupuis, S., Guisan, A., Vittoz, P., Domeisen, D.I.V, Compounding hydro-meteorological drivers of forest damage over Europe. EGU Meeting, April 2023. Talk.

Vila-Viçosa C. Arenas-Castro S., Guisan A., Ulker E., Stephan J., Vázquez F.M., Honrado J., García C., Almeida R., Gonçalves J. 2023. Past projections of marcescent oaks predict future range-shifts of vulnerable species. 31st Conference of the European Vegetation Survey: methods and approaches in a changing environment, 21-25 May 2023, Rome. Italy. Talk.

Tzivanopoulou M., Broennimann O., Schwander T., Freitag, A., Guisan A. 2023. Assessing the reliability of citizen-science data for the study of ant species’ environmental niches and distributions. Biology23. February 16-17, Geneva, Switzerand. Talk.


Adde A., Rey PL., Fopp F., Brun P., Kulling N., Petitpierre B., Broennimann O., Zimmermann N., Altermatt F., Lehmann A., Pellissier P., Guisan A. 2022. A high-performance computing pipeline for biodiversity modelling in Switzerland. INTECOL 2022, Aug 28 - Sep 2, Geneva, Switzerland. Talk.

Adde A. 2022. Pipeline de modélisation de la biodiversité en Suisse: Zoom sur l’exemple des espèces de rivière. 10e Rencontres de l'eau, 10 juin 2022, Maison de la Rivière, Lausanne, Suisse. Talk.

Adde A. 2022. Mise en place d’un pipeline de modélisation de la biodiversité en Suisse. Cycle de séminaires « Regards sur la montagne » du Centre Interdisciplinaire sur les Régions de Montagne (CIRM), 22 mars, UNIL, Lausanne, Suisse. Talk.

Broennimann O., Pearman P.B.,  Guisan A., Bruford M. 2022. Prioritizing genomic sampling based on environmental marginality to maximize the detection of locally adapted populations and potential adaptational lag under climate change. Climate Change Genomics workshop: vulnerability, adaptation & applications. British Ecological Society. Sep 13, 2022. Invited talk.

Bruni E.P., Rusconi O., Ermolaeva E., Borges P., Broennimann O., Gabriel R., Guisan A., Jausslin R., Kosakyan A., Krashevska V., Lentendu G., Mitchell E.A.D. (2022). Tiny microorganisms tell big stories: using soil testate amoebae in species distribution modelling. International Ecology Conference (INTECOL), Geneva, Switzerland, 28 August to 02 September 2022. Talk.

Collart F., Karger D.N., Nieto-Lugilde D., Vanderpoorten A., Esquivel J., Naranjo-Cigala A., Mirolo S., Patiño J. Vulnerability of cloud forests to climate change: what can we learn from high-resolution climatologies in a topographically complex oceanic archipelago? FloraMac. 12-16 Septembre  2022, La Gomera, Canary Islands, Spain. Talk.

Guisan, A. (2022) From Correlative to Mechanistic Models: How paved is the road? Annual Conference of the British Ecological Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, 18-21 December 2022. Keynote talk.

Guisan, A. (2022) Predicting species distribution as basis for biodiversity conservation planning. World Biodiversity Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 26 October to 1st July 2022. Talk.

Guisan, A. (2022) Collaborative Mountain Biodiversity Science for Sustainable Development. International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, 11-15 September 2022. Welcome talk.

Guisan, A. (2022) Hierarchical approaches as a necessary standard to avoid niche truncation when projecting species distributions? International Ecology Conference (INTECOL), Geneva, Switzerland, 28 August to 02 September 2022. Talk.

Guisan, A. & Adde, A. (2022) Introduction to the session “Standards for Species Distribution Models”. International Ecology Conference (INTECOL), Geneva, Switzerland, 28 August to 02 September 2022. Introductory talk.

Liang Q., Mod H.K., Luo S., Ma B., Yang K., Chen B., Qi W., Zhao Z., Du G., Guisan A., Ma X., Le Roux X. 2022. 2022. Taxonomic and functional dissimilarities of soil bacterial communities are more related to environmental dissimilarity than geographic distance. International Ecology Conference (INTECOL), Geneva, Switzerland. Talk.

Malard L.A., Mod H., Guex N., O. Broennimann, E. Yashiro, E. Lara, E. Mitchell, N. Niculita-Hirzel and A. Guisan. Defining the microbial niche. 13th International Congress of Ecology Conference (INTECOL 2022), Geneva, Switzerland 28.08-02.09. Talk.

Martin CJ, Riva F, Kelly B. 2022. Identifying blue carbon sinks that will retain high biodiversity in the face of climate change. INTECOL 2022, Aug 28 – Sep 2, Geneva, Switzerland. Talk.

Martins A., Collart F., Patiño J., Sim-Sim M. Taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity of bryophytes along an elevation gradient across an oceanic island (Madeira), FloraMac. 12-16 Septembre, La Gomera, Canary Islands, Spain. Talk.

Mazel F., Mallard L., Lara E. and Guisan A. 2022. Soil protist function varies with elevation in the Swiss Alps. International Mountain Conference. Sep 11-15 2022, Innsbruck, Austria. Talk.

Mirolo S., Ledent A., Collart F., Mardulyn P., Gabriel R., Gonzales Mancebo J.M., Vanderpoorten A., Patiño J. 2022. Island disharmony of the Macaronesian bryophyte community, FloraMac. 12-16 Septembre, La Gomera, Canary Islands, Spain. Talk.

Mirolo S., Ledent A., Collart F., Mardulyn P., Gabriel R., Gonzales Mancebo J.M., Vanderpoorten A., Patiño J. Where do macaronesian bryophytes come from?, Annual Plant Meeting Ecology and Evolution. 29 Septembre 2022, Meise, Belgium. Talk.

Mod H.K., the SOMETALP consortium, and Guisan A. 2022. Spatial modelling of soil microorganisms, with comparison to species distribution models of plants. Modelling in Ecology and Evolution Meeting (MEEM) online talk series. Talk.

Mouton, L., Patiño, J., Carine, M., Rumsey, F., de Sequeira, M M., González-Mancebo, J M., Gabriel, R.M.A., Hardy, O J., Sim-Sim, M., Reyes-Betancort, J A., Collart, F., & Vanderpoorten, A. 2022. Patterns and drivers of beta diversity across geographic scales and lineages in the Macaronesian flora, Annual Plant Meeting Ecology and Evolution. September 29, Meise, Belgium. Talk.

Pearman P.B.,  Broennimann O., Alves P.C., Bertola L., Buzan E., Curik V.C., Fedorca A., Godoy J.A., Hvilsom C., Klinga P., Konopinski M., Kopatz A., Laikre L., Neophytou C., Pálsson S., Paz-Vinas I., Posledovich D., Rolečková B., Rungis D., Segelbacher G., Sonnenschein K., Thurfjell H., Träger S., Vernesi C., Vilà C., Westergren M., Zachos F., Guisan A., Bruford M. 2022. Monitoring population genetic diversity for conservation in Europe: Preparing for impacts of climate change. European Conservation Genetics Meeting, Edinburgh, Aug 30-Sept 1, 2022. Talk.

Regos A., Gonçalves J., Atenas-Castro S., Alcaraz-Segura D., Guisan A., Honrado J.P. (2022). Incorporating remotely sensed ecosystem functioning into species distribution models: limitations, advantages and future avenues.  IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress, Warsaw, Poland, 11-15 July 2022. Talk.

Rey PL, Vittoz P, Petitpierre B, Adde A, Guisan A. 2022. Linking species with Nature’s Contribution to People, a new perspective for conservation? International Mountain Conference. Sep 11-15, Innsbruck, Austria. Talk.

Rey PL, Vittoz P, Petitpierre B, Adde A, Guisan A. 2022. Linking species with Nature’s Contribution to People, a new perspective for conservation?  World Biodiversity Forum, June 26 - July 1, Davos, Switzerland. Talk.

Rivoire, P., Dupuis, S., Guisan, A., Vittoz, P., Domeisen, D.I.V, Assessing Drivers and Forecasts Across Timescales of Vegetation and Ecosystem Damage. 20th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, November 2022. Talk.

Seppey C., Singer D., Malard L., Lara E., Broennimann O., Guisan A. & Fournier B. 2022. Land use change decreases soil protist diversity and function in alpine meadows. INTECOL, Geneva, Switzerland. Talk.

Urbach D. et al. (incl. Guisan A.) 2022. Visualisation 4°C ou + en montagne et en plaine aux horizons 2050 et 2100? Forum Suisse du Paysage, 8-9 Septembre 2022, Rapperswil, Switzerland. Talk.

Verdon V., Guisan A., SOMETALP consortium. 2022. Toward the Prediction of Soil Microbial Communities Distribution across the Western Swiss Alps. INTECOL August 28-September01, Geneva, Switzerland. Talk.


Adde A. 2021. Projet ValPar - Les valeurs de l’infrastructure écologique dans des parcs suisses: Modélisation et cartographie de la biodiversité. Workshop avec le Parc Régional Gruyère-Pays d’Enhaut, 7 juillet 2021, Château d’Oex, Suisse.

Guisan, A. 2021. Modélisation biogéographiques en région de montagne : le besoin d’approches intégratives et multidisciplinaire. Workshop avec le Parc Régional Gruyère-Pays d’Enhaut, Château d’Oex, 7 juillet 2021.

Guisan A. 2021. Spatial modelling of biodiversity and ecosystem services – a key tool in the Anthropocene? Federal research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf-Zurich, 20 October 2021. Invited talk.

Mazel F. 2021. Specificity of the mammalian gut microbiota. Federal research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf-Zurich. 17 November 2021. Invited seminar.

F. Mazel. 2021. Specificity of the mammalian gut microbiota. Institute of Ecology and Evolution. University of Bern. 31 May 2021. Invited seminar. 

Panchard T., Broennimann O., Gravey M., Mariethoz G., Guisan A. 2021. Testing the power of remotely sensed snow cover duration to predict plant species distributions in alpine ecosystems. International Biogeography Society Early Career Biogeographers Conference, Amsterdam (online conference), Netherlands, 22-24 October 2021.

Regos A, Gonçalves J, Arenas-Castro S, Alcaraz-Segura D, Guisan A & Honrado JP (2022). Incorporating remotely sensed ecosystem functioning into species distribution models: limitations, advantages and future avenues. IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress Jul 11 – 15, 2022. Warsaw, Poland. Talk


Guisan A. 2020. Spatial modelling of biodiversity and ecosystem services – a key tool in the Anthropocene? EESS – Environmental Engineering Seminar Series, EPFL, Lausanne, 29 September 2020. Invited talk. Link of the video

Guisan A. 2020. Le numérique pour l'environnement : modéliser le futur de la biodiversité. Séminaires Interfacultaires en Environnement (SIE), Université de Lausanne, Suisse, 1er avril 2020.

Guisan A. 2020. Integrating Spatial Biodiversity Modelling with Ecosystem Services into Conservation Prioritization Frameworks. World Biodiversity Forum, February 23-28, Davos, Switzerland. Invited talk.

Malard L. 2020. Microbial biogeography in Alpine soils. World Biodiversity Forum, Davos, Switzerland. 23-28 February 2020.

Malard, L.A., Mod, H.K., the SOMETALP consortium and A. Guisan. 2020. Microbial biogeography in Alpine soils. World Biodiversity Forum, Davos, Switzerland. 23-28 February 2020.

Ramel C., Rey PL., Fernandes R., Broennimann O., Pellissier L., Pradervand JN., Ursenbacher S., Schmidt B.R., Cardoso A.R., Vincent C., Guisan A. 2020. Integrating nature’s contribution to people within spatial conservation prioritization. World Biodiversity Forum, Davos, Switzerland. 23-28 February 2020.

Rumpf S.B., Buri A., Tesson S., Cianfrani C., Grand S., Guisan A. 2020. Different aspects of global change govern responses of vegetation and soil in the European Alps. World Biodiversity Forum, Davos, Switzerland. 23-28 February 2020.

Rumpf S.B., Buri A., Tesson S., Cianfrani C., Grand S., Guisan A. 2020. Different aspects of global change govern responses of vegetation and soil in the European Alps. Biology20, Fribourg, Switzerland, 6.-7 February 2020.

Rumpf, S. 2020. Changes in the composition of vegetation and soil over 40 years of environmental change in the Swiss Alps, Science Forum Biogeochemistry and Landscape Dynamics, University of Zurich, 10.6.2020


Broennimann O., Petitpierre B., González-Suárez M., Jeschke J.M., Rolland R., Bacher S., Guisan A. 2019. Native climatic niche explains establishment success in exotic mammals. 9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society (IBS), Malaga, Spain. 10 Jan 2019. Talk.

Chevalier M., Grenouillet G. 2019. Likelihood of future regime shift in the temperature regime: implications for biodiversity at the global scale. 9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society (IBS), Malaga, Spain. 11 Jan 2019. Talk.

Chevalier M., Broennimann O. and Guisan A. 2019. On the use of hierarchical Bayesian models to account for niche truncation in species distribution models. Internal Seminar. University of Lausanne. May 14th, Lausanne, Switzerland. Talk.

Guisan, A. 2019. Crise de La Biodiversité : le moteur d’un changement de société ? Assises décanales du Canton de Vaud, UNIL Dorigny, Geopolis, 29 novembre 2019. Conférence invitée.

Guisan, A. 2019. Modelling species distributions: recent advances and some ways forward. UMR AMAP, CIRAD, Université de Montpellier, Montpellier, France. 9 Oct 2019. Invited talk.

Guisan, A. 2019. Modelling species niches and distributions: recent advances and some ways forward. Modelling Ecology and Evolution Conference, UZ Botanical Garden, Zürich, 27-28 June 2019. Keynote talk. ( ). Talk.

Loy A., Broenniman O., Cianfrani C., Diamente S., Di Febbraro M., Guisan A.2019. Impacts of climate change on the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra. 8th European Mammal Congress, Warsaw 22-27 September 2019. Talk. 

Mod H., Yahiro E., Buri A., Guex N., Guisan A. 2019. Predictive biogeography of soil bacteria in mountain environment. 9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society (IBS), Malaga, Spain. 10 Jan 2019. Talk.

Phelps L., Chevalier M., Davis B., Quick C., Kiahtipes C., Mariéthoz G., Broennimann O. , Manning K., Guisan A. 2019. African vegetation change since the last glacial maximum: climate versus pastoralism. 9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society (IBS), Malaga, Spain. 10 Jan 2019. Talk.

Rumpf S.B. 2019. Climate-driven range dynamics and potential current disequilibrium in Alpine vegetation. Vegetation re-survey workshop, Bergen, Norway. 17-18 October 2019. Invited talk


Broennimann, O. 2018. CHCLIM25: generating high spatial and temporal resolution climate maps for Switzerland. Swiss Geocomputing Centre kick-off workshop. University of Lausanne, Switzerland. 15 Oct 2018. Invited talk

Buri A., Pinto-Figueroa E.,  Yashiro E., Guisan A. 2018. Refining our understanding of the realized niche: What are the most crucial soil factors for predicting the distribution of alpine plant species? International Biogeography Society (IBS) meeting: “Climate Change Biogeography”. University of Evora, Portugal. 23 March 2018. Talk

Csergő A.M., Broennimann O, Guisan A., Buckley Y. 2018. The geography of plant vulnerability to global environmental changes. International Biogeography Society (IBS) meeting: “Climate Change Biogeography”. University of Evora, Portugal. 23 March 2018. Plenary Talk

Fernandes R., Scherrer D., Guisan A. 2018. Multiple factors affecting prediction accuracy in stacked species distribution models – a ”virtual ecologist” approach. International Biogeography Society (IBS) meeting: “Climate Change Biogeography”. University of Evora, Portugal. 23 March 2018. Talk

Guisan A. 2018. Remote sensing for biodiversity prediction and monitoring: complementary views from the Swiss Alps. “Informing Species Distribution Models and Essential Biodiversity Variables using Remote Sensing” symposium, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 5 Feb 2018. Short talk.

Guisan A. 2018. Biogéographie in silico : des observations de terrain aux modèles de distribution d’espèces. Leçon Inaugurale, Université de Lausanne, Suisse, 25 avril 2018. Public conference.

Guisan, A. 2018. Modélisation biogéographique en région de montagne : le besoin d’approches intégratives et multidisciplinaires. Conférence inaugurale. Inauguration du nouveau Centre Interdisciplinaire sur les Régions de Montagne (CIRM), 2 novembre 2018, campus UNIL, Bramois, Sion, Valais, Suisse. Invited talk

Guisan, A. 2018. Spatial modelling of biodiversity in mountain landscapes: from species to communities. University College London (UCL), London, 22 Oct 2018. Invited talk.

Guisan, A. 2018. BioGeoComputing: predicting species distribution in an era of global changes. Swiss Geocomputing Centre kick-off workshop. University of Lausanne, Switzerland. 15 Oct 2018. Invited talk

Guisan, A. 2018. Spatial modelling of biodiversity in mountain landscapes: from species to communities to ecosystem services. University of Helsinki, Finland, 17 August 2018. Invited talk

Mod H. 2018. Incorporating biotic interactions into species distribution modelling (SDM) frameworks for more realistic biodiversity forecasts. Fribourg Days of Ecology & Evolution, University of Fribourg, 13 Sep 2018. Invited talk.

Mod H.K., Scherrer D., DiCola V., Broennimann O., Guisan A. 2018. Novel predictions and revived metrics of future changes in alpine biodiversity: including rarely studied taxa. International Biogeography Society (IBS) meeting: “Climate Change Biogeography”. University of Evora, Portugal. 23 March 2018. Early career Keynote Talk 

Phelps L., Manning K., Broennimann O., Timpson A., Mariéthoz G., Davis B., Guisan A. 2018. Quantifying trends in the land use niche: Holocene animal production expansion on the African continent. The African Quaternary Environments, Ecology and Humans (AFQUA). National Museum of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya. 19 July 2018. Talk

Phelps L., Manning K., Broennimann O., Davis B., Mariéthoz G., Guisan A. 2018. Holocene changes in the animal production niche: Land use trends on the African continent. Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAFA). 24th Biannual meeting: Building Bridges to the African Past. Toronto, Canada. 21 June 2018. Talk

Phelps L., Broennimann O., Manning K., Mariéthoz G., Davis B., Jousse A., Guisan A. 2018. Holocene changes in the animal production niche: land use trends on the African continent. International Biogeography Society (IBS) meeting: “Climate Change Biogeography”. University of Evora, Portugal. 22 March 2018. Early career keynote

Scherrer, D., Guisan A. 2018. Ecological indicator values reveal missing predictors of species distributions. International Biogeography Society (IBS) meeting: “Climate Change Biogeography”. University of Evora, Portugal. 23 March 2018. Speed Talk


Baudraz, M., Csergö A.M., Broennimann O., Guisan, A., Bukley Y. 2017. Are plant demographic strategies more constrained at niche edge? Ecology Across Borders Joint Annual Meeting 2017. ICC Ghent, Belgium. 11-14 Decembre 2017. Lightning talk.

Buri A. 2017. Soil properties in mountain environment: their role for predicting plant species distribution. INTEGRALP Symposium, University of Lausanne, 27-28 March 2017. Talk

Fernandes, R.F., Scherrer D.S., A. Guisan. 2017. Measuring the effects of error accumulation on performance metrics of species distribution models and stacked assemblages. Biology 17. Bern, Switzerland. 2-3 February 2017. Talk

Fernandes, R.F., Scherrer D.S., A. Guisan. 2017. Multiple factors affecting prediction accuracy in stacked species distribution models – A “virtual ecologist” approach. 1st International Conference on Community Ecology. Budapest, Hungary. 27-29 September 2017. Talk

Guisan, A. 2017. Predicting species distributions: learning from artificial data? Valais/Wallis Workshop on Artificial Intelligence 2, IDIAP Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland, 10 November 2017. Keynote talk

Guisan, A. 2017. Le futur sera climatique : Quels effets sur les plantes alpines ? Café scientifique “Le futur sera climatique: le réchauffement climatique change déjà nos vies, et après?”, Villeneuve, Suisse, 9 novembre 2017. Conférence invitée.

Guisan, A. 2017. Spatial modelling of biodiversity in alpine landscapes: from species to ecosystem services. University of Geneva, Institute for Environmental Sciences, Geneva, November 9th, 2017. Invited talk

Guisan, A. 2017. Conférence dans le cadre de l’exposition « Big Data, rencontre biologique entre science et art ». 14 septembre 2017, maison culturelle La Ferme des Tilleuls, Renens, Suisse. Public conference. Invited lecture.

Guisan, A. 2017. Spatial modelling of ecological niches and distributions of alien invaders. NNEXT Summer School “Modelling landscape invasion by non-native trees: challenges and applications”, CIBIO, Vairão, Vila do Conde, Portugal, 25-29 September 2017. Invited talk

Guisan, A. 2017. Spatial modelling of biodiversity in alpine landscapes: from species to ecosystem services. International Ecology Conference – INTECOL 2017, Beijing, China, August 23, 2017. Keynote talk

Guisan, A. 2017. Predicting species distributions: where we are and where we go? And some conservation perspectives. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zoology, Beijing, China, August 22, 2017. Invited talk

Guisan A. The INTEGRALP Project: Modelling Mountain Ecosystems and their services. INTEGRALP Symposium, University of Lausanne, 27-28 March 2017. Talk

Guisan, A. & Randin, C. 2017. Plus chaud au Pays-d'Enhaut? Quels effets sur la végétation? 2 Mars 2017, Rougemont, Pays-d’En-Haut, Suisse. Public conference

Mod, H. 2017. Biotic interactions in shaping cold-adapted vegetation: What can we learn by applying spatial modelling approaches? Internal seminar of DEE, UNIL March 7, 2017. Talk

Mod, H., Luoto, M and Guisan, A. 2017. Ecological assembly rules in defining vegetation are scale-dependent: new insights using JSDM-approach. Ecology Across Borders: Joint Annual Meeting 2017. Ghent, Belgium. 11 - 14 December 2017. Talk

Mod, H. 2017. Joint species distribution models (JSDM) and biotic interactions –workshop in Ecology Across Borders: Joint Annual Meeting 2017. Ghent, Belgium. 11 - 14 December 2017. Invited Panelist Talk.

Ortiz-Rodríguez, D., van Strien, M.J., Grêt-Regamey, A., Guisan, A. and Holderegger, R. 2017. Predicting Species Occurrence with Habitat Network Models: Why Topological Placement Matters. IALE European Congress 2017. Ghent, Belgium, 12-15 September 2017. Talk

Pradervand J-N. 2017. Coarse or very high-resolution predictors in species distribution models? An example from the Alps and its implications for upscaling. Global change effects on alpine ecosystems: upscaling from fine-grained information about species’ fundamental ecological requirements to meaningful distribution range predictions. Eurotel Victoria, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland. 10-12 November 2017. Talk

Scherrer, D. 2017. Modelling species distributions in the past, present and future. Station Biologique Roscoff. Roscoff, France. 12. October 2017. Invited talk.

Scherrer, D. and Guisan, A. 2017. Ecological indicator values reveal missing predictors of species distributions. Ecology Across Borders: Joint Annual Meeting 2017. ICC Ghent, Belgium. 11 - 14 December 2017. Talk


Bucher V., D'Amen M., Pradervand J-N., Guisan A. Comparing biogeographic patterns of butterflies, orthopterans and vascular plants in the Swiss Western Prealps. 2016, the Annual Conference of the Swiss Entomological Society, Neuchâtel, 5 March 2016.

Buri A. 2016. Etude de l'influence du sol sur la végétation à l'échelle des Alpes vaudoises : Utilisation de modèles statistiques. Workshop "Which future for the Alps of Vaud?" University of Lausanne, 30 September 2016. Talk

Cianfrani, C. et al. Modeling soil water content for vegetation modeling improvement. EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna, Austria, 17–22 April 2016.

Fernandes, R.F., Scherrer D.S., A. Guisan. Measuring the effects of error accumulation on performance metrics of species distribution models and stacked assemblages. Community Ecology for the 21st Century. From Genes to Ecosystems. Évora, Portugal, 17 Oct – 19 Oct 2016. Talk

Guisan, A. 2016. Predicting species distributions: where we are and where we go? Taking a more specific conservation perspective. Universidad Catholica de Chile, Santiago, 4 November 2016. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. 2016. Spatial ecology in the Swiss Alps. Chilean’ s National Office for the Environment & Universidad Catholica de Chile, Santiago, 17 October 2016. Invited Talk.

Guisan A. 2016. Introductory Conference to the workshop "Which future for the Alps of Vaud? University of Lausanne, 30 September 2016. Introductory Talk

Guisan A., M. D’Amen, D. Scherrer, R.G. Mateo. (Invited Talk). Modelling species assemblages in time and space. EcoSummit. Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change, Montpellier, France, 29 Aug – 2 Sep 2016. Talk

Guisan, A. (with collaboration of J. Soberon, R.P. Anderson, M. Araujo, A. Guisan, J.M. Lobo, E. Martinez-Meyer, A.T. Peterson, D. Schigel). GBIF data fitness for modelling: examples and some recommendations. Symposium for the 10-years anniversary of GBIF-France, Paris, 10 June 2016. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. Predicting species distributions: where we are and where we go. Swiss Ornithological Station (SOS), Sempach, 16 March 2016. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. Data for biodiversity models and models for biodiversity data. FutureEarth/GMBA Workshop “Global Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring: Science, Data and Infrastructure Needs for IPBES and Beyond”, Monte Verita, Switzerland, 6-10 March 2016. Talk

Martinez-Meyer E., Anderson R.P., Araujo P., Guisan A., Lobo J.M., Peterson A.T., Soberon J., Schigel D. 2016. Data Needs and Challenges for the Present and Future of Species Distribution Modelling. Task Group on GBIF Data Fitness for Use in Distribution Modeling. GBIF Conference, Sao Paulo, Brasil. March 9-11, 2016. Talk

Petitpierre B., Broennimann O., Guisan A. Niche innerness, a population based metric measuring the ecological proximity to the niche margins. Biology16, the Annual Swiss Conference on Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, Biogeography and Conservation, Lausanne, Switzerland, 11 February 2016. Talk

Regos, A. Clavero, M., D’Amen, M., Guisan, A., Brotons, Ll. 2016. Fire-vegetation dynamics, biotic interactions and (not only) climate drive the variability of community-based indicators of climate change. Community Ecology for the 21st Century. From Genes to Ecosystems. Évora, Portugal, 17 Oct – 19 Oct 2016. Talk

Scherrer, D., Guisan A. How much environmental niche variation can be explained? Plant ecological indicator values may hold the answer. Biology16, the Annual Swiss Conference on Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, Biogeography and Conservation, Lausanne, Switzerland, 11 February 2016. Talk

Scherrer D., S. Massy, S. Meier, P. Vittoz, A. Guisan. Assessing and predicting mountain forest changes across a 25 years time scale. Community Ecoloogy for 21st Century. From Genes to Ecosystems, Evora, Portugal, 17 Oct – 19 Oct 2016. Talk

Scherrer D. 2016. Integrating small scale habitat heterogenity and atmospheric decoupling into coarser scale species range predictions. Global change effects on Alpine ecosystems, Villars, Switzerland, 10 Nov - 12 Nov 2016. Talk

Scherrer D., S. Massy, S. Meier, P. Vittoz, A. Guisan. Assessing and predicting mountain forest changes across a 25 years time scale. EcoSummit. Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change, Montpellier, France, 29 Aug – 2 Sep 2016. Talk

Scherrer D. (invited talk). Ecological indicator values as diagnostic tools. DEG-Seminar, Diversity-Ecology-Genetics, WSL-Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 24 Aug 2016. Talk

Sun Y., Broennimann O., Müller-Schärer H. 2016. Climatic suitability ranking of biological control candidates: a biogeographic approach for ragweed management in Europe. Ragweed Management and the potential benefit and risks of Ophraella communa in Northern Italy: researchers meet their stakeholders. Rho, Italy. 28 Oct. 2016. Talk pdf

Zemanova M. A., Broennimann O., Guisan A., Knop E., Heckel G. Slug invasion and climate change: phylogenetics, interception records and climatic niche help elucidate global spread of Arion species. Neobiota: 9th International Conference on Biological Invasions, Vianden, Luxembourg. 14 - 16 Sep 2016. Talk



Breiner F., Guisan A., Bergamini A., Nobis M. 2015. How to overcome the rare species modelling paradox? A test on 107 species of conservation concern. Göttingen, Germany, Conference: 45th GFÖ Annual Meeting. Talk for MCED award. September 2015

Buri A., Cianfrani C. Développer les modèles de sols pour améliorer les prédictions de végétation et d'écosystèmes. First RechAlp.vd symposium, 29 October 2015, Lausanne.

Csergő A.M., Salguero-Gómez R., Broennimann O., Coutts S.R., Angert A.L., Welk E., Guisan A., Buckley Y. M. Is climate suitability a useful predictor of population dynamics? BES Annual Symposium. 23-26 March, 2015.

D’Amen M. , Dubuis A., Di Febbraro M., Loy A. & Guisan A. New insights on the implementation of the SESAM framework. IBS Conference 2015, Bayreuth, Germany. 8 – 12 January 2015.

Guisan, A. 2015. Conférence introductive. Symposium RECHALP: Les Alpes vaudoises laboratoire de la recherche transdisciplinaire? 29 octobre 2015, Université de Lausanne, Suisse. Talk

Guisan A.Data for Models and Models for Data: Toward a Mutual Benefit? Symposium and panel discussion, ‘Frontiers Of Biodiversity Informatics and Modelling Species Distributions’, an event convened by the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History (CBC-AMNH) and GBIF, American Museum of Natural History, New York. 4 November 2015. Video

Regos A, Domínguez J, Gil-Tena A, D’Amen M, Guisan A, Brotons L. Rewilding as a land use option for biodiversity conservation in a context of land abandonment and fire disturbance: winners and losers. In: From abandoned to wild landscapes: practices, consequences and perceptions of Rewilding in Europe. 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology and the 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB-ECCB): Montpellier, France 2-6 August 2015. Talk


Breiner F., Guisan A., Bergamini A., Nobis M. 2014. How to overcome the rare species modelling paradox? A test on 107 species of conservation concern. Hidesheim, Germany, Conference: 44th GFÖ Annual Meeting. September 2014

Di Cola, V., Guisan, A. & Chiaraviglio, M. Ecological and evolutionary drivers of the environmental niche of Neotropical snakes. IBS Early Career Conference 2014, Canberra, Australia. 07-10 January 2014. Talk.

Di Cola, V., Guisan, A. & Chiaraviglio, M. Ecological and evolutionary drivers of the environmental niche of Neotropical snakes. BIOLOGY’14 Symposium, Geneva, 13-14 February 2014. Talk.

Guisan, A. Modelling species distributions: from understanding to predictions. ECEM 2014 – Ecological Modelling Beyond boundaries: next generation modelling. International Congress of the Ecological Modelling Society. Marrakech, 27-30 October 2014. Keynote Talk.

Guisan, A. Predicting species distributions: from understanding to conservation decisions. Spatial Ecology & Conservation (SEC, 2nd Symposium, Birmingham 17 June 2014. Keynote Talk.

Pinto-Figueroa E., Hirzel-Niculita H., van der Meer J., Guisan A. Predicting the distribution of soil fungal amplicons on an changing planet. Eukaryotic-omics Symposium, Geneva, 24-25 April. Talk

Pinto-Figueroa E., Hirzel-Niculita H., van der Meer J., Guisan A. Environmental, edaphic drivers and spatial distribution of fungal communities. Population Genomics Meeting 2014, Lausanne, 23 January. Talk

Pinto-Figueroa E., Hirzel-Niculita H., Guisan A., van der Meer J. Fungal community analysis in the Swiss Alps. D-BSSE Symposium, Basel, Switzerland, 20 January. Talk

Scherrer, D et al. Alpines Massensterben? Der Klimawandel und seine Folgen für die Flora und Fauna unserer Alpen. Wildhaus, 27 February 2014. Public Talk

Scherrer, D. et al. Alpines Massensterben? Der Klimawandel und seine Folgen für die Flora und Fauna unserer Alpen. Rheinfelden, 31 October 2014. Public Talk


Carvalho S.B., Gonçalves J., Guisan A., & Honrado J.P. 2013. A model-based, integrative approach to cost-efficient multi-species monitoring across scales. Society for Conservation Biology.

Guisan A., Müller-Schärer H., Schaffner U., Broennimann O., Mraz P., Petitpierre B., Sun Y. 2013. How far can we understand and anticipate plant invasions? Lessons learned from Centaurea stoebe. Final Conference of the NCCR Plant Survival in Natural and Agricultural Ecosystems, "Plant Survival: a story of sex, violence and light". Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 23/24 January 2013. Keynote Talk.

Guisan A., Zimmermann N.E. 2013. Introductory Remarks. Symposium « Predicting species and biodiversity in a warmer world: are we doing a good job? ». International Biogeographical Society, 6th Biennal Meeting, 9-13 January 2013, Miami, Florida, USA. Keynote Talk.

Guisan A., Zimmermann N.E. 2013. Concluding Remarks. Symposium « Predicting species and biodiversity in a warmer world: are we doing a good job? ». International Biogeographical Society, 6th Biennal Meeting, 9-13 January 2013, Miami, Florida, USA. Keynote Talk.

Lomba, A., Guisan, A., Araújo, M.B. 2013. Species distribution models on rare endemic plants towards targeted monitoring of the condition and dynamics of High Nature Value Farmlands in the Iberian Peninsula. 56th Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS 2013): Vegetation Patterns and their underlying processes. Tartu, Estonia. June 26-30, 2013.

Petitpierre B., Kueffer C., Broennimann O., Randin C.F., Daehler C. & Guisan A. 2013. Niche Shifts Are Rare Among Holarctic Plant Invaders. International Biogeographical Society, 6th Biennal Meeting, 9-13 January 2013, Miami, Florida, USA. Talk

Vicente, J. et al. 2013 IAVS Estonia

Zimmermann N.E., Guisan A. 2013. Projecting species range at large spatial scales. Symposium « Predicting species and biodiversity in a warmer world: are we doing a good job? ». International Biogeographical Society, 6th Biennal Meeting, 9-13 January 2013, Miami, Florida, USA. Keynote Talk


Guisan A. & group 2012. ECOSPAT - Spatial modelling of species and biodiversity with applications to conservation biology. Visit of the ECOSPAT group by the Herbette Foundation, University of Lausanne, Biophore, 6 December 2012. Talk.

Lomba, A., J. Vicente, J. Honrado. Improving models and scenarios towards adaptive and cost-efficient conservation and monitoring of biodiversity across scales. 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology. Glasgow, 28 August-1 September 2012. Talk.

Pottier J., Dubuis A., Pellissier L., Vittoz P., Götzenberger L., Zobel M., Guisan, A. 2012. Plant community assembly over contrasted environments. A European perspective on the future of biodiversity and ecosystems. Final Conference of the ECOCHANGE FP6 Project. ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland. Invited talk.

Pradervand J.-N., Pellissier L., Litsios G., Guisan A. Entre compétition et stress environmental:Quels facteurs influencent la diversité des bourdons dans les Préalpes vaudoises? Journée Suisse des Hyménoptères, Berne, Switzerland, 28 January, 2012. Talk


Broennimann O. 2011. Species distribution modeling: a predictive tool for island ecology and biogeography. XVII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia, July 26, 2011. Invited Talk

Broennimann O. et al 2011. Change of the climatic niche over space and time in the invasive Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea stoebe). Invited talk at the Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, May 3, 2011. Invited Talk

Broennimann O, Fitzpatrick M, Pearman P, Pellissier L, Petitpierre B, Yoccoz NG, Thuiller W, Fortin M, Randin C, Zimmermann N, Graham CH, Guisan A. 2011. A framework to measure species’ niche overlap: illustration with a large set of invasive plants. Sixth International Symposium on "Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics". Leuven, Belgium, February 4, 2011. Talk

Dubuis A, Rossier L, Pottier J,Pellissier L, Guisan A. 2011. Prédiction spatio-temporelle de la structure fonctionnelle des communautés. Congrès ECOVEG 7, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1avril 2011. Talk

Gonzalez A., Guisan A., Moreno Saiz JC and Fuertes, J. 2011. Gaps in distribution of Macaronesian Navaea phoenicea are due to ecological niche discontinuities, Corcerizas environmental education center, Spain, April 2011. Talk

Guisan, A. 2011. How can species distribution models help make better conservation decisions? Inaugural conference of the National Center for Excellence in Environmental Decisions, Melbourne, Australia, December 1, 2011. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. 2011. Introductory Lecture. International workshop “What are SDMs useful for?”, ARC Center of Excellence in Environmental Decision (CEED), University of Melbourne, 28-29 November 2011

Guisan, A. 2011. Predicting species distributions: projecting the niche in space and time? CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, Dutton Park, Brisbane, Australia, November 15, 2011. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. et al. 2011. Species distribution models: use and misuses in conservation biology? Department of Geography, University of Queensland, St-Lucia, Brisbane, Australia, October 18, 2011. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. et al. 2011. Predicting current and future distributions of species assemblages. Center for Excellence in Environmental Decisions, University of Queensland, St-Lucia, Brisbane, Australia, October 7, 2011. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. et al. 2011. Predicting current and future distributions of species and communities: a case study in the Swiss Alps. GFO Macroecology Workshop, Basel, Switzerland, February 17, 2011. Invited Talk.

Guisan, A. et al. 2011. Predicting global change impacts on the distribution of biodiversity: achievements and new challenges. Invited talks at the Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, February 16, 2011. Invited Talk

Guisan A., Broennimann O., Petitpierre B. 2011. WP3 annual meeting, NCCR PlantSurvival. Institute of Plant Sciences, Bern, Switzerland. March 9, 2011. Talk

Guisan, A., Engler, R. et al. 2011. 21st Century climate change threatens mountain flora unequally across Europe. Annual meeting of the FP6-ECOCHANGE European project, University of Lausanne, 17-19 May 2011. Invited Talk

Guisan, A., Pottier, J. & Maiorano, L. 2011. Activity 5 Meeting of the FP6-ECOCHANGE European project, Lausanne, February 2011. Talk.

Honrado, J., Carvalho, S., Gonçalves, J., Vicente, J., Lomba, A., Cabral, J., Alonso, J., Araújo, M.B. and Guisan, A. (2011). Optimizing the conservation and monitoring of Iberian biodiversity under scenarios of ecological change. 12th European Ecological Federation Congress, “Responding to Rapid Environmental Change”, Ávila, Spain, 25-29 September 2011. Invited Talk

Maiorano L., Cheddadi R., Zimmermann N.E., Pellissier L., Petitpierre B., Pottier J., Laborde H., Hurdu B.I., Pearman P.B., Psomas A. et al., 2013. Building the niche through time: using 13,000 years of data to predict the effects of climate change on three tree species in Europe. Annual meeting of the FP6-ECOCHANGE European project, Lausanne, 17-19 May 2011. Invited talk.

Ndiribe, C., Antonelli, S., Dubuis, A., Pellissier, L., Pottier, J., Vittoz, P., N. Salamin and A. Guisan. 2011. Phylogenetic Community Structure and Trait Conservatism in Alpine Angiosperms. Evolution 2011 Conference, Oklahoma, USA. Talk

Pellissier L., Litsios G., Fiedler K., Pottier J., Vittoz P., Dubuis A., Pradervand J.N., Salamin N., Guisan A. 2010. Towards more generalized biotic interaction in severe environments?. External seminar, Tromso University, Tromso, Norway 14.05.2010. Talk

Pellissier L., Litsios G., Fiedler K., Pottier J., Vittoz P., Dubuis A., Pradervand J.N., Salamin N., Guisan A. 2010. Towards more generalized biotic interaction in severe environments? Internal seminar, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland 19.04.2011. Talk

Pliscoff, P. & Guisan, A. 2011. Predicting the past, present and future of plant biodiversity in Chile: A species distribution modeling approach. The International Biogeography Society, Early Career "Advances in Biogeography" Conference, Oxford, United Kindom, September 24, 2011. Talk

Pottier, J. Maiorano, L. Dubuis, A. Ndribe, C. Pellissier L. Vittoz, P. and Guisan A. 2001 Modelling mountain biodiversity response to climate: are all dimensions equally well predicted from species distribution models? 12th EEF Congress, Avila, Spain, September 26, 2011. Talk

Pottier J.,Dubuis A., Pellissier L., Maiorano L., Vittoz P., Randin C. and Guisan, A. 2011. Predicting assemblages from species distribution models. EU-FP6 Ecochange annual meeting, Lausanne, May 2011

Pottier,J. 2011. Predicting assemblages from species distribution models based on topoclimatic factors, Invited talk at the ECOS lab, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 7, 2011. Talk.

Pottier J., Dubuis A., Pellissier L., Maiorano L., Rossier L., Randin C.F., Vittoz P., Guisan A., 2013. Predicting species assemblages from topoclimatic species distribution models. Annual meeting of the FP6-ECOCHANGE European project, University of Lausanne, 17-19 May 2011. Invited talk.

Pradervand J.-N., Pellissier L., Litsios G., Guisan A. Is the host range of cuckoo bees more generalized in harsher climate? Seminar, Lausanne, Switzerland, 6 december, 2011. Talk

Pradervand J-N., Rossier L., Pellissier L., Guisan A. 2011. Importance des traits biologiques dans l'étude de la distribution des Rhopalocères (Lepidoptera). Assemblée générale de la Société Suisse d’Entomologie. Zürich, Switzerland, march 4, 2011. Talk

Vicente, J., Lomba, A. . Applications of Ecological Models in Biodiversity Conservation and Monitoring in a Rapidly Changing World. 2011. 12th European Ecological Federation Congress Congress. “Responding to Rapid Environmental Change”. Ávila, Spain, 25-29 September 2011. Talk

Vicente, J., Gonçalves, J., Lomba, A., Randin, C., Alves, P., Fernandes, R., Silva, R., Alonso, J., Guisan, A. and Honrado, J. (2011). Modelling the patterns and trends of rural landscape invasion by alien plants – examples and future perspectives. 1st Iberian Conference of Invader Plants, Vigo, Spain, May 12-14, 2011. Talk


Broennimann, O., Petitpierre, B. & Guisan, A. 2010. Niche modelling of Centaurea stoebe. WP3 annual meeting, NCCR plant survival. Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. April 27, 2010. Talk

Broennimann, O., Petitpierre, B. & Guisan, A. 2010. A framework to measure species' ecological niche overlap in space and time: illustration with a large set of invasive plants. NEOBIOTA 2010 Conference. Biological Invasions in a Changing World - from Science to Management, 6th NEOBIOTA Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-17 September, 2010. Talk.

Dubuis A., Pellissier L. Chérix D., Vittoz P., Guisan A. 2010. Biodiversité des plantes et insectes dans les Préalpes: causes et conséquences. Biodiversité. 4 Novembre, Sion, Switzerland. Talk

Dubuis, A., Pottier, J., Rion, V., Pellissier, L., Theurillat, J.-P., Guisan, A. 2010. Predicting spatial patterns of species richness : a comparison of direct marcoecological and species stacking approaches. Global Change and the World’s Mountains, Perth, Scotland, UK, 26-30 September 2010. Talk

Dubuis, A., Pottier, J., Rion, V., Pellissier, L., Theurillat, J.-P., Guisan, A. 2010. Predicting spatial patterns of species richness : a comparison of direct marcoecological and species stacking approaches. Internal Seminar DEE, Lausanne, 26 October 2010. Talk

Engler R., Randin C., Guisan A. and the Euromont consortium. Climate change threatens mountain flora unequally across Europe. Global Change and the World's Mountains. 26-30 September 2010, Perth, Scotland. Talk

Engler R., Randin C., Guisan A. and the Euromont consortium. Climate change threatens mountain flora unequally across Europe. EU-FP6 ECOCHANGE international meeting, University of Lausanne. Talk

Gómez-Rodríguez C., A. Guisan, C. Díaz-Paniagua & J. Bustamante. 2010. When should we survey amphibian communities? Application of detection probabilities to the design of monitoring programs in temporary ponds. 4th Conference of the European Pond Conservation Network (EPCN) Berlin (Erkner), Germany, 1st – 4th June 2010. Talk

Gonzalez A., Guisan A., Moreno Saiz JC and Fuertes, J. 2010. Gaps in distribution of Macaronesian Navaea phoenicea are due to ecological niche discontinuities, Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid, Spain, September 2010. Talk

Guisan, A. (2010) Modelling biodiversity response to environmental change, Symposium “Optimal monitoring of habitats and biodiversity across scales”, Porto, Nov 15-17, 2010.

Guisan, A., J. Pottier, L. Pellissier, A. Dubuis, C. Randin, R. Engler, M. Anzini, L. Maiorano, P. Vittoz. 2010. Global change impact on mountain plant diversity: modelling insights from the Swiss Alps. Invited talk at ESA Symposium, Pittsburgh, 1-6 August 2010, special session (OOS #5471) on "Global Change and Alpine Ecosystems: the Experience so far and Looking Ahead". Talk

Guisan, A., Pottier, J. Dubuis, A. Pellissier, L. Maiorano, L. Vittoz, P. Randin, C. 2010. Can we predict communities from the individual response of species to climate? Global Change and the World’s Mountains, Perth, Scotland, UK, 26-30 September 2010. Talk

Guisan A., Randin C., Engler R., Vittoz P., Pellissier L., Dubuis A., Pottier J., Maiorano L., Pearman P. 2010. Predicting current and future plant distribution and diversity in a mountain environment. Invited talk at the Seminars on Ecology and Evolution of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) at the University of Amsterdam. Invited Talk

Guisan, A., Broennimann, O. & Petitpierre, B. (2010) Predicting biological invasions: can we project the niche in space? Conference at the Natural History Museum, Madrid, February 2010. Invited Talk

Guisan, A., Pottier, J., Maiorano, L. et al. 2010. Improved projections of global change impact on biodiversity in Europe – workpackage 6.1. Activity 6 Meeting of the FP6-ECOCHANGE European project, Madrid, 17-18 February 2010. Talk.

Guisan, A. Christophe Randin, Robin Engler, Pascal Vittoz, Anne Dubuis, Julien Pottier, Loic Pellissier, Luigi Maiorano. (2010). Predicting the impact of climate and landuse change on mountain biodiversity in the Western Swiss Alps. External presented at Arctic Community Modeling Workshop, Roskilde, Denmark 13.1.2010 - 15.1.2010. Invited Talk

Lomba, A., Guisan, A., Pellissier, L., Vicente, J., Randin, C., Moreira, F. and Honrado, J. (2010). How will rare species respond to multi-scale environmental changes? A test with endemic plants of high conservation priority. International Conference on Landscape Ecology (ICLE) “Landscape structures, functions and management: response to global ecological change”, Brnó, Czech Republic, September 3-6, 2010. Talk

Maiorano L., A. Falcucci, A. Guisan, N. Zimmermann, A. Psomas, C. Rondinini and L. Boitani. 2010. Future battlegrounds for the conservation of terrestrial mammals in the Mediterranean basin. 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada), 3-7 July 2010. Talk

Maiorano, L., Guisan, A. et al. 2010. Improved Modelling and uncertainty assessment: progress and perspectives, Activity 5 Meeting of the FP6-ECOCHANGE European Project, Zürich, 4-7 May 2010. Talk.

Pellissier L., Pradervand J.N., Dubuis A, Pottier J., Guisan A. 2010 La biodiversité des insectes dans les Préalpes Vaudoises. Journées de la biodiversité, Sion, Switzerland. Invited Talk

Pellissier L., Pottier J., Vittoz P., Dubuis A., Guisan A. 2010. Spatial pattern of floral morphology: a possible insight into the effects of pollinators on plant distribution. External seminar, MRU, Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark 14.10.2010. Invited Talk

Pellissier L., Bråthen K.A., Pottier J., Randin C.F., Vittoz P., Dubuis A., Yoccoz N.G., Alm T., Zimmermann N.E., Guisan A. 2010. Species distribution models reveal apparent competitive and facilitative effects of a dominant species on the distribution of tundra plants. presented at Arctic Community Modeling Workshop, Roskilde, Denmark 13.1.2010 - 15.1.2010. Invited Talk

Pellissier L., Maiorano L., Guisan A. 2010. How to account for biotic interactions in species distribution modelling ? C-BIO NET Workshop, Roskilde, Denmark 28.09.2010. Invited Talk

Petitpierre B., Kueffer C., Broennimann O., Daehler C., Guisan A. 2010. Large-scale test of species niche shifts during biological invasions. Biology 10, The annual meeting of the Swiss Botanical, Mycological, Systematics and Zoological Societies, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, February 11-12, 2010. Talk.

Petitpierre B., Kueffer C., Seipel T. & Guisan A. 2010. Will the risk of plant invasions into the European Alps increase with climate change? NEOBIOTA 2010 Conference. Biological Invasions in a Changing World - from Science to Management, 6th NEOBIOTA Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-17 September, 2010. Talk

Petitpierre, B., Kueffer, C., Seipel, T. & Guisan, A. 2010. Will the risk of plant invasions into the European Alps increase with climate change? NEOBIOTA 2010 Conference. Biological Invasions in a Changing World - from Science to Management, 6th NEOBIOTA Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-17 September, 2010. Talk

Pottier, J. Dubuis, A. Pellissier, L. Maiorano, L. Vittoz, P., Randin, C. and Guisan, A. 2010. Can we predict plant assemblages from species responses to topoclimatic factors? International GMBA-DIVERSITAS conference "Functional significance of mountain biodiversity". Chandolin, Switzerland, Jully 27-30, 2010. Talk

Pottier, J. Dubuis, A. Pellissier, L. Maiorano, L. Vittoz, P., Randin, C. and Guisan, A. 2010. Can we predict plant assemblages from species responses to the physical environment? Internal seminar at the Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Lausanne. March 2010. Talk.

Pradervand J-N., Rossier L., Pellissier L., Guisan A. Bumblebees distributions (Bombus Latreille) in the Swiss Northern Alps, a balance between biotic and abiotic factors. Assemblée générale de la Société Suisse d’Entomologie. Neuchâtel, Switzerland, march 6, 2010. Talk

Vicente, J., Araújo, M., Pereira, H., Metzger, M., Randin, C., Guisan, A. and Honrado, J. 2010. How vulnerable are mountain landscapes and their services to invasion by alien plant species? International GMBA-DIVERSITAS conference "Functional significance of mountain biodiversity". Chandolin, Switzerland, Jully 27-30, 2010. Talk

Vicente, J., Pereira, H., Gonçalves, J., Lomba, A., Randin, C., Honrado, J and Guisan, A. 2010. Is dissimilarity in alien plant species composition better explained by environmental, dispersal or geographical distance? Landscape Ecology International Conference IUFRO. “Forest Landscapes and Global Change - New Frontiers in Management, Conservation and Restoration”. Bragança, Portugal, September 21-27, 2010. Talk

Vittoz, P. 2010. Potential impact of climate change on grasslands. Workshop "Grassland management and biodiversity. Bern, Switzerland, June 16-18, 2010. Invited Talk

Vittoz, P. 2010. Flore alpine et changements climatiques: données et observations récentes. Mini-symposium de la Société botanique suisse. Bern, Switzerland, September 25, 2010. Invited Talk


Broennimann, O., Petitpierre, B. & Guisan, A. 2009. WP3 annual meeting, NCCR plant survival. Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. March 11, 2009. Talk.

Dubuis A., Pottier J., Pellissier L., Randin C., Guisan A. 2009 Testing assembly rules in predictive models of species distribution. Seminar at William Bowman lab meeting, INSTAAR, Boulder, USA. Talk

Dubuis A., Pottier J., Pellissier L., Randin C., Guisan A. 2009 Testing assembly rules in predictive models of species distribution. Ecological assembly rules workshop, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, September 2009. Talk

Engler R., Randin C., Vittoz P. and Guisan A. Future distribution of mountain plants under climate change: does dispersal capacity matter?. Biology’09 (Swiss national zoological and botanical meeting), 12-13 February 2009, Bern, Switzerland. Talk

Guisan, A. Broennimann, O., and Petitpierre, B. 2009. Predicting biological invasions: can we project the niche in space? Niche evolution: a unifying concept for systematics, ecology, paleontology and conservation biology. Zurich, July 3-4, 2009. Invited Talk.

Guisan, A., Vittoz, P., Randin, C., Engler, R., Pearman, P.B. (2009). Climate change impacts on alpine floras. Swiss-South-African workshop on global change in mountain areas, Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), University of Lausanne, Nov 6, 2009. Invited Talk

Guisan, A., Pellissier, L. et al. 2009. Assessing niche stability in space in arctic-alpine plants. ECOCHANGE Activity 4 Meeting, Lausanne, 18 March 2009. Talk

Guisan, A. & Rahbek, C. 2009. SESAM - a new framework integrating macroecological and species distribution models for predicting spatio-temporal patterns of species assemblages. Ecological assembly rules workshop, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, September 2009. Talk

Guisan, A. et al. 2009. Activities 4 to 6. Second Annual Review Meeting, FP6-ECOCHANGE European Project, Bruxelle, 7 May 2009. Talk.

Guisan, A., Pottier, J. et al. Developing assembly rules to reconstruct communities from individual species. ECOCHANGE Activity 4 Meeting, Lausanne, 18 March 2009. Talk

Lomba, A., Guisan, A., Vicente, J., Randin, C., Alves, P., Moreira, F. and Honrado, J. Regional and Local determinants of the distribution of endemic species: The case-study of Narcissus cyclamineus DC. ECCB 2009, Conservation biology and beyond: from science to practice. Prague, Czech Republic, September 01-05, 2009. Talk.

Maggini, R., Schröder, B., Zimmermann, N.E., Bolliger, J., Lehmann, A., Schmid, H. and N. Zbinden, 2009. Will Swiss birds fly away? INTECOL 2009: the 10th International Congress on Ecology. Ecology in a Changing Climate. Two Hemispheres - One Globe. Brisbane, Australia, August 16-21, 2009. Talk.

Maiorano, L., Pottier, J., Guisan, A. et al. 2009. Tree species and niche conservatism in the Holocene. ECOCHANGE Activity 4 Meeting, Lausanne, 18 March 2009. Talk

Maiorano, L., Guisan, A. et al. 2009. Evaluating species distribution models. Activity 5 meeting of the FP6-ECOCHANGE European Project, Zürich, November 2009. Talk

Pearman, P.B., Maiorano, L., Cheddadi, R., Hajar, L., Edwards, M., Guisan, A., Singarayer, J. and Zimmermann, N.E. 2009. Niche dynamics of some European trees during the Holocene. Niche Evolution Conference, University of Zurich, Switzerland. 03-04 July 2009. Talk

Pio DV, Broennimann O, Rebelo A, Reeves A, Barraclough TB, Thuiller W, Guisan A, Salamin N, 2008, Phylogenetic diversity and species richness hotspots of the Cape Proteaceae, Evolution 2008, Minnesota, USA, June. Talk.

Pio, D.V., Broennimann, O., Rebelo, A, Reeves, A., Barraclough, T.B., Thuiller, W. Guisan, A., Salamin, N., 2009. Future phylogenetic diversity patterns challenge conservation decision making. European Conservation Biology Congress, ECCB Prague 2009, Czech Republic, September 1-5. Talk.

Pottier, J., Guisan, A. et al. 2009. Integrating projections within the ECOCHANGE project. Activity 5 meeting of the FP6-ECOCHANGE project, Zürich, November 2009. Talk

Pottier, J., Guisan, A. et al. 2009. Improved species and biodiversity predictions, and uncertainty assessment. Annual meeting of the FP6-ECOCHANGE European project, Svalbard, June 2009. Talk

Randin CF, Engler R, Vittoz P, Pearman PB and Guisan A. Using georeferenced databases to assess the effect of climate change on alpine plant species and diversity. DIVERSITAS Open Science Conference (DIVERSITAS OSC2), 13-16 October 2009, Cape Town, South Africa. Talk Francesco di Castri Young Scientist Awards : Best oral presentations by a young scientist. Talk

Schorr, G., J. W. Kadereit & A. Guisan, 2009. Diversifikation alpiner Primeln – Synthese aus Populationsgenetik & modellierten Eiszeitrefugien. Meeting of Junge Systematiker (JuSys) of the Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, Mainz, Germany, March 14-17. Talk

Vicente, J., Randin, C., Lomba, A., Guisan, A. and Honrado, J., 2009. Forecasting impacts of climate and land-use changes on biodiversity: can we predict and prevent the loss of rare species in protected areas? 2nd European Congress of Conservation Biology - ECCB “Conservation biology and beyond: from science to practice”, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1-5, 2009. Talk

Vicente, J., Randin, C., Metzger, M., Gonçalves, J., Honrado, J. and Guisan, A. 2009. Where will conflicts between alien and rare species occur after climate and land use change? A test with a novel combined approach. World Conference on Biological Invasions and Ecosystem Functioning – BIOLIEF, Porto, Portugal, September 27-30, 2009. Talk


Broennimann, O., U. Trier, A. Guisan, H. Müller-Schärer. Climatic niche of the invasive spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa): Insights from niche-based models and population genetics. Species Distribution Modeling Discussion Group Meeting. The American Museum of Natural History, New York. Dec 4, 2008. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. 2008. Plant invasions: causes, spread and impact. Review Panel of the NCCR plant Suvival. Neuchâtel, Switzerland. May 27, 2008. Talk

Guisan, A. 2008 Niche conservatism in space (arctic vs alpine). Annual Meeting ECOCHANGE Project, Cluj, Romania, 19-22 May 2008.

Guisan, A. 2008. Improved modelling and uncertainty assessment. Annual Meeting ECOCHANGE Project, Cluj, Romania, 19-22 May 2008.

Guisan, A. ECOSPAT Spatial modelling of biodiversity with applications to conservation biology. Presentation to the delegation of the Swiss Federal Office of the Environment (OFEV), University of Lausanne, 17 Dec. 2008. Talk

Guisan, A. 2008. Predicting species distributions in space and time:
the global change challenge. Seminar of the Institute of Botany, University of Bern, Switzerland. 19 Nov 2008. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. 2008. Predicting species’ geographic distribution in a global change context. Seminar of the Institute of Geography, University of Zürich, Switzerland. 11 Nov 2008. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. 2008. Concluding Lecture, Symposium “Alpine ecology modelling workshop: European meet american researchers”, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 6-10 October 2008. Talk

Guisan, A. 2008. Introductory Lecture, Symposium “Alpine ecology modelling workshop: European meet american researchers”, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 6-10 October 2008. Talk

Guisan, A., Broennimann, O., Petitpierre, B., Treier, U. & Müller-Schärer, H. 2008. Climatic niche shift hamper predictions of biological invasions? Both native and invaded ranges matter. NEOBIOTA: Toward a synthesis, 5th European Conference on Biological Invasion, Prague, Tchèque Republic, 23.-26. September 2008. Talk

Guisan, A. Projecting plant distributions in space and time: lessons from biological invasions and climate change. Topic Group ECB, C. Wedekind chair, Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Lausanne, 5 May 2008. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. 2008. Climate change impacts on alpine floras. DanBIF Conference: Biodiversity Informatics and Climate Change Impacts on Life, Aarhus University, Denmark, 5-6 April 2008. Plenary Talk

Guisan A., Vittoz P., Randin C.R., Engler R., Pearman, P. 2008. Climate change and alpine flora: Predicting future plant distributions. 9th Swiss Global Change Day, Bern, Switzerland, 1st April 2008. Plenary Talk

Guisan, A. 2008. Projecting plant distributions in space and time: lessons from biological invasions and climate change. Invited seminar, Royal Botanical Garden, Madrid, Spain, February 2008. Invited Talk

Le Lay, G. & Guisan, A. 2008. Niche-based distribution models to the rescue of rare species? 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Chattanooga, Canada, 13-17 July 2008. Talk

Maggini, R., 2008. Gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici sugli uccelli. Giornata sugli uccelli del Ticino. Bellinzona, Switzerland, October 11, 2008. Invited Talk.

Pellissier L., Bertrand F., Guisan A., Vittoz P. 2008. Plant traits covary with altitude in grassland and forest in the European Alps. Phil. Alp - Die Alpen aus der Sicht junger Forschender, September 9-10. Talk

Pio DV, Broennimann O, Engler R, Lelay G, Randin C, Vittoz P & Guisan A. 2008. Conservation applications of niche models. seminar for Dept. of Environmental Sciences Institute of Biogeography, University of Basel, Basel. 26 May, 2008. Invited Talk

Randin CF, Engler R, Pearman PB, Vittoz P and Guisan A. Providing more informative projections of climate change impact on plant distribution in a mountain environment. 93rd ESA Annual Meeting, 3-8 August 2008, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Talk

Schorr, G., Guisan, A, 2008. The origin of species in Primula sect. Auricula – a combined species distribution modeling (SDM) and phylogeographical approach. Systematics 2008, joint meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik and the Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, Göttingen, Germany, April, 7-11. Invited Talk

Vicente, J., Guisan, A., Randin, C., Lomba., A. and Honrado, J. 2008. A hierarchical approach to forecasting impact of climate and land-use changes on rare species distribution. EURECO-GFOE. Liepzig, Germany, September 15-19, 2008. Talk.

Vittoz, P. 2008. Exemples du monde vegetal. SWIFCOB 08 : La biodiversité dans la perspective des changements globaux. Bern, Switzerland, October 31, 2008. Talk.


Guisan, A. 2007. Predictive modelling of species distributions: how does it serve nature conservation? Imperial College, Silwood Park, UK, September 2007. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. 2007. Predictive modelling of species distributions: how does it serve nature conservation? “Monitoring the Effectiveness of Nature Conservation”, International Symposium, Birmensdorf, 3-6 Sept. 2007. Plenary Talk

Guisan, A. 2007. Impact of climate change on plant distributions in the Swiss Alps. Conférence publique donnée dans le cadre de l’Association des amis du Jardin Botanique de Lausanne, 29 mars 2007. Invited Talk

Guisan, A. 2007. Predictive modelling of species distributions: an introduction. Annual meeting of the FP6-ECOCHANGE European project, Wageningen, 24-26 Oct 2007. Invited talk.

Guisan, A. et al. 2007. Niche conservatism in space (arctic vs alpine). Annual meeting of the FP6-ECOCHANGE European project, Wageningen, 24-26 Oct 2007. Talk.

Guisan, A. et al. 2007. Activity 5: Improved biodiversity modelling and uncertainty assessment. Kick-off meeting of the FP6-ECOCHANGE European project, Durdan, France, 16-18 Jan 2007. Talk.

Lomba, A., Sillero, N., Gonçalves, J. A., Guisan, A., Alves, P., Vicente, J., Moreira, F. and Honrado, J. 2007. Why don’t endemic species take advantage of available habitats? Ecology vs. biogeography in the distribution of an Iberian endemic Daffodil. ECEM, 07 The 6th European Conference on Ecological Modelling. Trieste, Italy, November 26-30, 2007. Talk

Pearman, P., Engler, Randin, C., Zimmermann, N.E., Thuiller, W., the EUROMONT consortium & Guisan, A. 2007. Predictive modelling and climate change: confronting global to local views. GMBA-GBIF Conference, « Geo-referenced biological databases - synthesis of examples and principles of e-database-mining for mountains » E. Spehn & C. Körner, Copenhagen, 4 Sept. 2007. Talk.

Vittoz, P. 2007. Climate change impact on alpine flora and vegetation. Consequences of climate change for alpine protected areas, October 18-19, Stelvio National Park. Talk.

Vittoz, P. and Guisan, A. Mountain vegetation changes in Switzerland. 2007. 16th workshop of European Vegetation Survey, March 22-26, Roma. Talk.



Broennimann, O. & Guisan, A. 2006. WP3 annual meeting, NCCR plant survival. Academy of Sciences, Bern, Switzerland. April 29, 2006. Talk.

Broennimann, O. & Guisan, A. 2006. Is the niche of Centaurea maculosa conserved across native and invaded ranges? Annual meeting of the NCCR plant survival. Academy of Sciences, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. May 9, 2006. Talk.

Broennimann, O. 2006. Using niche-based models to improve the sampling of rare species. Thematic Group Niche & distribution. Doctoral School of the Faculty of Medicine and Biology. University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Talk

Broennimann, O. & Guisan, A. 2006. Using niche-based models to improve the sampling of rare species. BIOLOGY’06 Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland. Talk.

Broennimann, O. & Guisan, A. 2006. Is the niche of Centaurea maculosa conserved across native and invaded ranges? Spread and Impact of Invasive Species topic group meeting, National Center of Competence in Research, University of Neuchâtel, 9 May 2006. Talk

Engler R. and Guisan A. 2006. Species distribution modeling: an invasive species perspective. Mountain Invasion Research Network workshop, 24-28 September 2006, Cove, Oregon, USA. Talk.

Engler R. and Guisan A. 2006. MIGCLIM - A new tool for predicting plant distribution and dispersal in a changing climate: A case study in the Swiss Alps. Phil.Alp '06 meeting of the Interacademic Commission on Alpine Studies (ICAS). 23-24, March 2006, Glarus, Switzerland. Talk.

Guisan, A. 2006. Introductory Lecture. 2nd EUROMONT Workshop, Climate Threat to European Mountain Floras, University of Lausanne, 19-21 December 2006. Talk.

Guisan, A. 2006. Concluding Lecture. 2nd EUROMONT Workshop, Climate Threat to European Mountain Floras, University of Lausanne, 19-21 December 2006. Talk.

Guisan, A. 2006. Projecting plant distributions in space and time: lessons from biological invasions and climate change. Series of public conferences, University of Lausanne, 6 Dec. 2006. Invited Talk.

Guisan, A. 2006. Predicting species distribution: how transferable is the ecological niche in time and space? National Center of Competence in Research, Thematic Group 9, Invasive species, University of Neuchâtel, 2 Nov. 2009. Talk.

Guisan, A. Predicting species distribution: how transferable are models in time and space? Seminar of the Environmental Science Institute, Swiss Institute of Technology ETH, Zürich, 19 Oct. 2006. Invited Talk.

Guisan, A. Predicting species distribution: how transferable are models in time and space? University of Roma III, 6 Oct. 2006. Invited Talk.

Guisan, A., presented on behalf of Spehn, E., Körner, C. 2006. Geo-referenced biological databases: tools for understanding mountain biodiversity. “Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE)”, 52th Conference, Roma.2-6 Oct. 2006. Plenary Talk.

Guisan, A. 2006. Evidence of climatic niche shift during biological invasion. Symposium “Evolution of Invasiveness”, University of Fribourg, September 2006. Plenary Talk.

Guisan, A., Randin, C., Engler, R. Zimmermann, N.E., Thuiller, W. & the EUROMONT consortium. 2006. Predictive modelling and global change: confronting global to local views. 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology – Session on Predictive distribution modelling for conservation of biodiversity in Europe. Eger, Hungary, August 22-26, 2006. Talk.

Guisan, A., Pearman, P., Randin, C., Engler, R. & Vittoz, P. 2006. Providing more nformed projections of climate change impacts on plant distribution. National Center of Competence in Research “Climate”, University of Bern, 14 June 2006. Invited talk.

Guisan, A. & Müller-Schärer, H. 2006. Evolution and spread of potential invasive plants. Review Panel Symposium of the National Center of Competence in Research « Plant Survival », University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 8 June 2006. Plenary Talk.

Guisan, A. Predicting species distribution: past, present, future. Seminar series, Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 6 June 2006. Invited Talk.

Guisan, A. 2006. Climatic threat to alpine plant diversity in Europe. EUROMONT workshop, Climate change impact on plant distributions in European mountains: confronting continental to local projections, University of Lausanne, April 10-13, 2006. Talk.

Guisan, A. 2006. Providing more informed projections of climate change impacts on plant distribution. Environmental Science Institute, Swiss Institute of Technology ETH, Zürich, 25 June 2006. Invited Talk.

Guisan, A. 2006. Providing more informed projections of climate change impacts on plant distribution. Swiss Ornitological Institute, 12 June 2006. Invited Talk.

Guisan, A. 2006. Introductory Lecture. 1st EUROMONT Workshop, Climate Threat to European Mountain Floras, University of Lausanne, 10-13 April 2006. Talk.

Guisan, A. 2006. Concluding Lecture. 2nd EUROMONT Workshop, Climate Threat to European Mountain Floras, University of Lausanne, 10-13 April 2006. Talk.

Le Lay, G., Franc, E., Engler, R. & Guisan, A. 2006. Niche-based distribution models to the rescue of rare species. Annual Symposium of the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB), San José, California, June 2006, Talk.

Le Lay, G., Franc, E., Engler, R. & Guisan, A. 2006. Niche-based distribution models to the rescue of rare species. 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology. Eger, Hungary, August 22-26. Talk.

Pearman, P., Randin C.R, Czaka T. & Guisan, A. 2006. Assessing Predictions of Future Habitat Distribution Using Ancient Plant Distributions. 1st European Congress of Conservation Biolog. Eger, Hungary, August 22-26, 2006. Talk.

Pio DV, Broennimann O, Rebelo A, Reeves A, Barraclough TB, Thuiller W, Guisan A, Salamin N, 2006, Phylogenetic diversity of the Cape Proteaceae, Swiss-South African research collaboration workshop, Rhodes University, South-Africa, September 2006. Invited Talk.

Randin, C. & Guisan, A. Climate change impact on alpine floras: views from different scales. EUROMONT workshop, Climate change impact on plant distributions in European mountains: confronting continental to local projections, University of Lausanne, April 10-13, 2006. Talk

Travelletti, J., Randin, C., Vittoz, P., Guisan, A. & Jaboyedoff, M. 2006. Plant species and vegetation communities as indicator of soil instability. 4th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Bern, 2006. Talk.Vittoz, P. and Theurillat J.-P. 2006. Repeatability of vegetation permanent plots. IVe workshop of the GLORIA project, August 8-14, 2006, Vienna. Talk.

Zimmermann, N.E., Eggenberg, S. & Guisan, A. 2006. Predictive habitat modelling of rare grassland species and assessment of a national dry meadow mapping project for nature conservation in Switzerland. 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology. Eger, Hungary, August 22-26, 2006. Talk.


Guisan, A., Benetollo, C. , Randin, C., Broennimann, O., Dessimoz, O. & Engler, R. 2005. Niche-based models to assess the spread of invasive species. MIREN workshop, Mountain Invasion Research Network, Vienna, Austria. Talk.

Guisan, A., Randin, C. & Engler, R. 2005. Providing more informative predictions of climate change impact on alpine plants distribution. Bustamante, J., Seoane, J. & Brotons, L. (Chairs), Predictive modelling of species distribution: new tool for the XXI century, Baeza, Spain, 2-4 Nov. Plenary Talk.

Matthis, L., Zimmermann, N.E. & Guisan, A. 2005. Bridging spatial scales in structural forest ecosystem hierarchy: from tree to landscape level. INTECOL Symposium. February 2005. Talk.

Randin, CF, Zimmermann N and Guisan A. Plant species in a changing climate: a habitat modeling study in the Swiss Alps. GLOCHAMORE Open Science Conference: Global Change in Mountain Regions, 2-6 October 2005, Perth, Scotland, UK. Talk.

Randin, CF and Guisan A. Projecting climate change impact on species distribution: the challenge of elevation gradient. GLOCHAMORE workshop on altitudinal gradients studies, 27-30 July 2005, Samedan, Switzerland. Talk.

Randin, CF, Dirnböck T, Düllinger S, Zimmermann NE, Zappa M and Guisan A. Are species distribution models transferable in space and time? Biology05, 24-25 February 2005, Basel, Switzerland. Talk.

Randin, C. & Guisan, A. 2005. Plant species in a changing climate: a habitat modeling study in the Swiss Alps. MRI Open Science Conference, Global change in mountain regions, Perth, Scotland. Talk.

Randin, C., Dirnböck, T., Dullinger, S., Zappa, M., Zimmermann, N.E. & Guisan, A. 2005. Testing the geographic transposability of predictive species distributions models. BIOLOGY’05 Symposium, Basel, Switzerland. Talk.

2004 and before

Guisan, A. 2004. Introductory Lecture, 2nd Riederalp Workshop on Spatial Modelling in Conservation Ecology, Generalized Regression Analyses and Spatial Predictions: Grasping Ecological Patterns from Species to Landscape, Riederalp, Switzerland, 14-21 August 2004. Talk.

Guisan, A. 2004. Concluding Lecture, 2nd Riederalp Workshop on Spatial Modelling in Conservation Ecology, Generalized Regression Analyses and Spatial Predictions: Grasping Ecological Patterns from Species to Landscape, Riederalp, Switzerland, 14-21 August 2004. Talk.

Guisan, A. 2004. Modéliser l’impact des changements climatiques sur la distribution de la végétation dans les Préalpes vaudoises. WWF Hot Day, public conferences, University of Lausanne, 12 June 2004. Plenary Talk.

Guisan, A. Modelling plant species distribution in an alpine landscape. Botanical Society of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland. March 2004. Invited Talk.

Guisan, A. Predicting species distributions: advances and limitations. Geobotanical Institute of the Swiss Technological Institute ETH, Zürich, 3 March 2004. Invited Talk.

Guisan, A. 2004. Scenarios of climate change impact on alpine plant distributions. Institute Kürt Bösch, Sion, Switzerland. 15 January 2004. Invited Talk.

Guisan, A. 2003. Progress in predictive modelling of species distribution. Seminar series, Department of Environmental Sciences & Conservation Biology, University of Basel, 19 May 2003. Invited Talk.

Guisan, A. 2001. Introductory Lecture, 1st Riederalp Workshop on Spatial Modelling in Conservation Ecology, Advances in GLM/GAM Predictive Modeling: from species distribution to environmental management. Riederalp, Switzerland, 5-11 August 2001. Talk.

Guisan, A. 2001. Concluding Lecture, 1st Riederalp Workshop on Spatial Modelling in Conservation Ecology, Advances in GLM/GAM Predictive Modeling: from species distribution to environmental management Riederalp, Switzerland, 5-11 August 2001. Talk.


Guisan, A. 2001. Modelling the distribution of plant species in an alpine environment: application of the derivation of climate change impact scenarios. Series of conferences, University of Lausanne. Faculty of Sciences, 31 May 2001. Invited Talk.

Anterior to ECOSPAT

Guisan, A. & Harrell, F. 1999. Semi-quantitative response models for predicting the spatial distribution of plant species, Symposium “Predicting species occurrences: issues of accuracy and scale”, Snowbird, Utah, USA.

Guisan, A. & Theurillat, J.-P. 1999. Equilibrium modeling of alpine plant distribution and climate change : how far can we go ? Annual Symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science (IAVS), Bilbao, Spain. Talk.

Guisan, A. 1999. Assessing climate change impact from Modeling spatial patterns of plant species and diversity in a mountainous landscape. ECOPHOC 3rd Cycle, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. 17 Sept 1999.

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