Adde, A. Black B., Kuelling N., Büth C., Rey P.-L., Petitpierre B., Broennimann O., Zimmerman N.E., Pellissier L., Lehmann A., Altermatt F., Grêt-Regamey A., Guisan A. 2024. Projecting the Effects of Climate and Land-Cover Change on Swiss Biodiversity. World Biodiversity Forum (WBF), June 16-21 2024, Davos, Switzerland. Talk.
Arraiano Castilho R., Malard L.A., Guisan A., Sanders, I.R. Using Meta-Omics to study cross-Kingdom interactions between plants, mycorrhizal fungi, and other soil microbes along altitudinal gradients. International conference on Mycorrhiza 12, Manchester, UK. Talk.
Broennimann O., Pearman P., Guisan A. 2024. Prioritizing areas to monitor genetic diversity during climate change: an approach based on niche marginality. IBS. January 7-11, Praque, Czech Republic. Talk.
Collart F., Patiño, J., Vanderpoorten, A., Martin-Esquivel, J. L., Naranjo-Cigala, A., Mirolo, S., & Karger, D. N. 2024. Spatial resolution impacts plant responses to climate change. World Biodiversity Forum. June 16-21. Davos, Switzerland. Talk.
Chevalier M., Broennimann O. and Guisan A. 2024. Climate change may reveal currently unavailable parts of species’ ecological niches. Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research (AMEMR). July 8-12, Plymouth, UK. Talk.
Guisan A. 2024. Predicting species distributions for conservation decision. E4S community meet-up “Biodiversity”, March 5th , University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. Talk.
Guisan A., Petitpierre B., Mateo R., Scherrer D., Adde A., Broennimann O., Chevalier M., Zarzo-Arias A., Goicolea T., Collart F., Riva F. 2024. Spatially-nested hierarchical species distribution models to avoid niche truncation. World Biodiversity Forum, June 17-20, Davos, Switzerland. Talk.
Guisan A., Petitpierre B., Mateo R., Scherrer D., Adde A., Broennimann O., Chevalier M., Zarzo-Arias A., Goicolea T., Collart F., Riva F. 2024. Watch out for niche truncation: towards hierarchical species distribution models? International Biogeography Society (IBS), 11th Biennial Conference, January 7-11, Prague, Czechia. Talk.
Guisan A. 2024. Modelling species’ niches & distributions: Which niche to consider for environmental change projections? PI’s Thursday seminars, Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. Talk.
Guisan A. 2024. Recent progress in predicting species distributions (for biodiversity conservation). EAWAG PhD Symposium, Dübendorf, Switzerland. Talk.
Klein N., Adde A., Grêt-Regamey A., Guisan A., Herzog F., Jeanneret P., Kay S. 2024. Where to do what – Identifying focus zones for Swiss agricultural priority birds. German Ecological Society Annual Conference, Freising, TUM, Germany. 12.09.2024. Talk.
Martin C., Adde A., Guisan A. 2024. A multi-taxa conservation plan for biodiversity and climate change in Switzerland. World Biodiversity Forum. June 16-21. Davos, Switzerland. Talk.
Morán-Ordóñez A., Beja P., Fraixedas S., Herrando S., Junker J., Kissling W.D., Lumbierres M., Lyche Solheim A., Miret G., Moe J., Moreira F., Pereira H.M., Santana J., Villero D., Brotons L. 2024. Bottlenecks in European biodiversity information flows. 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB24), June 17-21, Bologna, Italy. Invited talk.
Morán-Ordóñez, A. 2024. Towards Geo-Data Science: extracting knowledge from heterogeneous geoenvironmental data. Venice International University, May 20-24, Italy. Invited lecture.
Morán-Ordóñez A., Guisan A. 2024. Introduction to Decision Making for Applied Ecology and Conservation. Doctoral program in ecology and evolution. Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale (CUSO), 22-26 January, Bern, Switzerland.
Pearman P.B., Broennimann O., Guisan A. and the ‘G-BiKE: Genomic Biodiversity Knowledge for Resilient Ecosystems’ consortium. 2024. Conserving genetic diversity during climate change: Niche marginality and discrepant monitoring effort in Europe. 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB24), 17-21 June 2024, Bologna, Italy. Talk.
Rey, P-.L., Adde, A., Vittoz, P., Petitpierre, B., Guisan, A., (2024). Mapping nature’s contributions to people from species distributions: a novel perspective for conservation? ECCB24. June 17-21, Bologna, Italy. Talk.
Rey, P-.L., 2024. Amélioration des relations entre la Biodiversité et sa contribution envers l’Homme.
Green Talk by UNIGE. May 14. Genève, Switzerland. Talk/Course.
Rivoire P., Dupuis S., Guisan A., Vittoz P., Domeisen D. 2024. Identification of hydrometeorological drivers of forest damage in Europe. 15th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, June 24-28, Toulouse, France. Talk.
Rivoire P., Dupuis S., Guisan A., Vittoz P., Domeisen D. 2024. Predicting Forest Damage in Europe: A Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Forecasting Approach for Hydro-meteorological Drivers. EGU General Assembly 2024, 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria. Talk.
Steen, B., Broennimann, O., Maiorano, L., Guisan, A. (2024). Hierarchical species distribution models for invasive species. World Biodiversity Forum. June 16-21. Davos, Switzerland. Talk.
Steen, B., Broennimann, O., Maiorano, L., Guisan, A. (2024). How sensitive are species distribution models to different background point selection strategies? A test with species at various equilibrium levels. Biology24. January 18-19, Zurich, Switzerland. Poster. (Award won: second price of best talk)
Steen B. 2024. Modélisation spatiale des espèces exotiques envahissantes pour la gestion de l’environnement. Ma thèse en 180 secondes (MT180), 21 March 2024, Lausanne. Lien vidéo