

Conferences and Workshops organized by Ecospat

Symposium SDM-CH, 12 Feb 2025, University of Lausanne. Modeling species distributions in Switzerland for science and applications. Satellite Events of Biology25. Scientific committee led by Prof. Antoine Guisan.

- Symposium “Towards a Global Assessment of Mountain Biodiversity", 13 June 2024, Davos, Switzerland. World Biodiversity Forum. Co-organized by Prof. Antoine Guisan.

- Workshop “Towards a Global Assessment of Mountain Biodiversity", 12-14 June 2024, Davos, Switzerland. World Biodiversity Forum. Co-organized by Prof. Antoine Guisan.

Symposium "Species distribution models for spatial prioritization of biodiversity conservation", 13 June 2024, Davos. Switzerland. World Biodiversity Forum. Organized by Prof. Antoine Guisan.

- Symposium “Standards for Species Distribution Models”, Aug 28 - Sep 2, Geneva, Switzerland. International Association for Ecology Conference (INTECOL). Co-organized by Prof. Antoine Guisan. 

- Symposium “Soil microbial ecology & biogeography”, Aug 28 - Sep 2, Geneva, Switzerland. International Association for Ecology Conference (INTECOL). Co-organized by Prof. Antoine Guisan. 

- Symposium “Mountains under global change”, Aug 28 - Sep 2, Geneva, Switzerland. International Association for Ecology Conference (INTECOL). Co-organized by Prof. Antoine Guisan. 

- Symposium “What future for models of future species distributions?”, 23 March 2018, Evora, Portugal. Day 3 plenary symposium, International Biogeography Society (IBS) Conference. Organized by Prof. Antoine Guisan.

Workshop "Global change effects on Alpine ecosystems" , 10-12 November 2016, Eurotel Victoria, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland. Upscaling from fine-grained information about species' fundamental ecological requirements to meaningful distribution range predictions. Organized by Prof. Arlettaz, Prof. Guisan and Dr Braunisch.

- Workshop "Quel futur pour les Alpes vaudoises?", 30 septembre 2016, Université de Lausanne. Organisé par Isaline von Däniken & Prof. Antoine Guisan.

- Swiss Annual Congress of Ecology & Evolution - Biology16, 10-12 February 2016, University of Lausanne. Scientific and organizing committee lead by Prof. Antoine Guisan. Photo Gallery

- First RechAlp.vd symposium, 29 October 2015, University of Lausanne, Lausanne. Organized by Isaline von Däniken & Prof. Antoine Guisan.

- Spatial Community Modeling Workshop, 21-24 April 2015, University of Lausanne. Increase our understanding of the drivers of community assembly by synthesizing biogeographical, ecological and evolutionary knowledge. Organized by Dr. Manuela D'Amen & Prof. Antoine Guisan.

- CEED-SDM Workshops, 2001, Brisbane, Melbourne and Canberra, Australia. What are species distribution models for?Series of workshops coordinated by A. Guisan and financed by the Center for Excellence in Environmental Decision (CEED) at UQ (Prof. H. Possingham lead).

- Alpine ecology workshop,2007, University of Lausanne. Joint workshop between Prof. Guisan team and the teams of Prof. W. Bowman and M. Williams at Boulder, Colorado.

- EUROMONT workshops, April and December 2006, University of Lausanne. Confronting pan-European to local projections of the impact of climate change on alpine plant distributions.

- Riederalp workshops in Spatial Modelling (II), 14-21 Aug 2004, Riederalp, Switzerland. Generalized Regression Analyses and Spatial Predictions: grasping ecological patterns from species to landscape.

- Riederalp workshops in Spatial Modelling (I), 4-11 Aug 2004, Riederalp, Switzerland. Advances in GLM/GAM Modeling: From Species' Distribution to Environmental Management.

-  Swiss Forum for Conservation Biology (SWIFCOB), 8 Oct 2004, Obwald & Nidwald, Switzerland. SWIFCOB'04, Promoting the dialog between research and practice. Within the framework of the 184th Annual Symposium of the Swiss Academy of Sciences. (dual talks).

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