
2024, Jan 19 - 2nd Best Student Talk of Bart Steen at Biology24

Bart Steen was awarded the prize of the "2nd Best Student Talk" at Biology24 in Zurich, for his talk on "How sensitive are species distribution models to different background points selection strategies? A test with species at various equilibrium levels"

2023, 16 juin - Marianna Tzivanopoulou - Prix de Faculté FBM 2023

La FBM décerne le Prix de Faculté à Marianna Tzivanopoulou pour sa thèse de Master intitulée "Assessing the reliability of citizen-science data for the study of ant species’ environmental niches and distributions"

2023, Feb 17 - Best Talk Award of Marianna Tzivanopoulou at Biology23

Marianna Tzivanopoulou, University of Lausanne, was awarded the Microsynth-sponsored best talk price for her presentation entitled “Assessing the reliability of citizen-science data for the study of ant species’ environmental niches and distributions“.

2022, Nov 16 - Plusieurs chercheurs du CHUV et de la Faculté de Biologie et Médecine parmi les "Highly Cited Researchers"​ 2022

Neuf cliniciens et scientifiques du CHUV et de la Faculté de Biologie et médecine, dont Antoine Guisan, se voient désignés parmi les Highly Cited Researchers, un classement des chercheurs les plus cités au monde. Selon cette classification, leurs publications se situent dans le premier pourcent des citations pour leur-s domaine-s sur les dernières dix années. lien linkedin

2022, Sep 21 - Oct 2 - Külling N, Rey PL, Adde A - 2022 Figure 1A Award

Nathan Külling, Pierre-Louis Rey and Antoine Adde won a price at the international science-art competition and exhibition [FIGURE 1.A.] for their picture "From dawn till dusk".

2022, june 5 - Antoine Guisan - IBS Distinguised Fellow Award

The International Biogeography Society (IBS) has nominated Antoine Guisan as Distinguished Fellow. Fellows are chosen based on their outstanding contributions to the mission of the society through excellence in basic research and exceptional service to the field of biogeography. The Distinguished Fellow award is a senior career award to people who have made an important contribution over time. Thus, nominees will normally have been engaged in the profession for 10 years or more, and will have engaged with the International Biogeography Society. IBS link

2021, 29 septembre - Coralie Theux - Prix de la Société Académique du Valais

La Société académique du Valais décerne un prix à Coralie Theux pour l'excellence de son travail de Master intitulé "A multiscale approach to understand the needs of a rare and endangered owl in Switzerland". Ce travail co-dirigé par Jean-Nicolas Pradervand et Antoine Guisan est désormais publiée dans le revue scientific Ibis

2021, 21 septembre - Vivien Cosandey- Prix Professeur Henri-A. Guénin

La FBM décerne le Prix Professeur Henri-A. Gunénin à Vivien Cosandey pour l'excellence de son travail de Master intitulé "Modelling the distribution of coprophagous beetle species in the Western Swiss Alps"

2021, 21 avril - Antoine Guisan- 119ème au classement des spécialistes du climat

Antoine Guisan figure au 119ème rang des spécialistes du climat les plus influents établi par l’agence Reuters (The Hot List). Le ranking est basé sur plusieurs métriques analysant les publications scientifiques des spécialistes en question.

2019, January 10 - 3rd best poster prize for Leanne Phelps at IBS

Leanne Phelps was awarded the 3rd poster prize at 9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society (IBS), Malaga, Spain, for her poster "African vegetation change since the last glacial maximum: climate versus pastoralism"

2018, December 13 - Best poster prize for Damian Ortiz-Rodriguez at Complex Networks 2018

Damian was awarded the best poster prize at Complex Networks 2018, the 7th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, Cambridge, United Kingdom, for his poster "Topological variables of habitat networks as predictors of species occurrence"

2017, November 2 - Best poster prize for Maude Baudraz at Frontiers and Horizon in Ecology

Maude was awarded the Best poster prize at the Frontiers and Horizon in Ecology Conference, Belfast, for her poster "Are plant demographic strategies more constrained at niche edge?"

2015, September 1 - Frank Breiner gets the 1st Prize of the MCED arward

The Modelling Complex Ecological Dynamics platform (MCED) grants Frank Breiner for his work on "modelling the distribution of rare and threatened species by means of Ensembles of Small Models (ESMs)" the 1st prize of 500 EUR in the PhD/Postdoc category. MCED Award 2015

2015, June 23 - Thomson Reuters Honors Australia's Leaders in Research and Innovation

Antoine Guisan and 4 Australian colleagues recieved this award for their work on "Effects of Climate Change on Habitat Loss and Conservation Decisions. Link

2015, June - Antoine Guisan 2nd most cited in Ecology/Environment

Antoine Guisan is ranked 2nd most cited scientist in the category ‘Ecology/Environment’ according to Thompson-Reuters’ Essential Science Indicator (ESI)


2014, 18 septembre - Blaise Petitpierre - Prix de Faculté FBM 2014

La FBM décerne ce prix de faculté à Blaise Petitpierre pour sa thèse de doctorat intitulée "Using environmental niche modeling to understand biological invasions in a changing world"

2014, 13 juin - Mila Pajkovic - Prix MSc FBM

La FBM décerne le prix de Faculté à Mila Pajkovic pour l'excellence de son Master intitulé "Modelling the invasive potential of the giant hogweed in the Alps"

2014, June - Antoine Guisan - Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher

Antoine Guisan has been selected as a Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher


2013, 29 Novembre - Loïc Pellissier - Prix d'Excellence de Faculté FBM 2013

La FBM décerne ce prix d'Excellence à Loïc Pellissier pour sa thèse de doctorat intitulée "Species Distributions and Interactions in a changing world: from understanding to forecasting"

2013, June 5 - Loic Pellissier et al. 2013 - F1000prime paper

Pellissier L., Ndiribe C., Dubuis A., Pradervand J.N., Salamin N., Guisan A., Rasmann S., 2013. Turnover of plant lineages shapes herbivore phylogenetic beta diversity along ecological gradients. Ecology Letters 16(5) pp. 600-608

was primed as 1000 top article in biology and medicine by the Faculty of 1000

2013, April - Antoine Guisan - 6th most cited author in 'plant sciences'

Analysis based on citations of articles published between 2005 and 2011 and recorded up until May 2013 using the Web of Science database from Thomson Reuters. Labtimes ranking 2013 


2012, March - Antoine Guisan - 6th most cited scientist in Ecology and Environment

Antoine Guisan is the 6th most cited scientist in category 'Ecology/Environment by Essential Science Indicators (ESI). 


2010, November - Antoine Guisan - 9th most cited scientist in Climate Change

Antoine Guisan is the 9th most cited scientist in Climate Change and is interviewed by ScienceWatch

2010, 7 décembre - Robin Engler - Prix de Faculté FBM

La FBM décerne ce Prix de Faculté à Robin Engler pour sa thèse de Doctorat intitulée "Unfolding nature in silico: overcoming practical and metodological limitations of species distribution models"


2009, 8 décembre - Olivier Broennimann - Prix de Faculté

Olivier Broennimann reçoit le prix de la Faculté de Biologie et Médecine pour sa thèse de doctorat intitulée "Niche distribution and global changes: modelling insights into biogeography and conservation biology", soutenue en septembre 2008 sous la direction du Prof. Antoine Guisan. Cérémonie de remise de prix

2009, October 16 - Christophe Randin - Best Talk Award

Dr. Christophe Randin, former PhD student in the ECOSPAT group, wins the award for the best talk at the 2nd DIVERSITAS open science conference in Cape Town for his talk entitled "Using georeferenced databases to assess the effect of climate change on alpine plant species and diversity" in the category 'Young Scientists awards'

2009, March 31 - Robin Engler - Swiss Global Change Day Poster Award

Robin Engler is the winner of the Poster Award 2009 (sponsored by the Swiss Biodiversity Forum, Swiss Academy of Sciences) at the 10th Swiss Global Change Day for is poster entitled 'Future distribution of plant species under climate change: Towards more realistic projections?'. 

2009, 5 février - Dorothea Pio - Prix du meilleur Poster

Dorothea Pio gagne le prix du meilleur Poster à la 6ème édition du D.Day, pour son poster intitulé 'Evolutionary history as a biodiversity measure'


2008, October - Antoine Guisan - #12 most-cited papers in Environment & Ecology

Guisan & Zimmermann (2000) enters the top 20 most cited papers in Ecology & Environment between 1998 and 2008. ScienceWatch

2008, 10 septembre - Loïc Pellissier et Bertrand Fournier - Prix Alp.Relève

Lors du congrès Alp.Relève «Les Alpes dans l’optique de jeunes scientifiques» à Brigue les 9 et 10 septembre 2008, la Commission de recherche alpine ICAS des Académies suisses des sciences a décerné des prix d’encouragement aux botanistes Loïc Pellissier et Bertrand Fournier (Département d’écologie et d’évolution, Université de Lausanne) pour leur étude conjointe "Morphologie et reproduction des plantes le long de gradients altitudinaux". Rapport annuel de L'Académie Suisse des Sciences Naturelles, page 25.


2007, December 10 - Antoine Guisan - Co-winner Peace Nobel Prize

2007, Juillet - Florian Dessimoz - EcoPrix du WWF

Florian Dessimoz recoit l'ECOPRIX WWF 2007 pour son travail de Master sur la modélisation de la distribution de la Berce du Caucase dans les Alpes vaudoises. Le côté particulièrement appliqué de son travail est ici récompensé, avec un outil de gestion proposé aux communes concernées. Interview paru dans 24 heures .

2007, 8 mars - Olivier Broennimann - Prix du Meilleur Poster

Olivier Broennimann gagne le prix du meilleur Poster à la 4ème édition du D.Day, pour son poster intitulé 'Climatic niche shift during biological invasion:implications for niche-based predictions of invaded areas'.


2006, June 17 - Florian Dessimoz - Best Poster Award

Florian Dessimoz wins the Best Poster Award at the Annual Meeting of the Swiss Zoological, Botanical and Mycological Societies (Biology06) in Geneva for his poster entitled 'Invasive potential of the Giant Hogweed in the western Swiss Alps: implications for management'


2005, 20 septembre - Ramona Maggini - EcoPrix WWF-Vaud

Dans sa recherche liée à sa thèse de doctorat, Ramona Maggini a obtenu par modélisation une carte de distribution des habitats naturels pour la faune en Suisse. Ses résultats, qui permettront de mieux gérer les ressources naturelles, sont primés par l’Eco-prix 2005 du WWF-Vaud. Bilan, no 189, 21 sept 2005., 20 sept. 2005


2003, May - Antoine Guisan - Hot Paper comments by ESI

New Hot Paper by A. Guisan & N.E. Zimmermann

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