Katharina Pyschny



Bible hébraïque et histoire de l'Israël ancien


Institut romand des sciences bibliques (IRSB)






Interests of Research:

Exegesis of the Pentateuch (esp. the Book of Numbers)
Concepts of Leadership in the Hebrew Bible
(Religious) History of Ancient Israel
Biblical Archaeology and Material Culture of Israel/Palestine (esp. the Persian Period)
Ancient Near Eastern Iconography



During her studies in Cologne, Bonn, Bochum and Jerusalem (Catholic Theology/German Lang¬uage and Literature Studies, 2003–2009) Katharina Pyschny developed a great interest in Old Testa¬ment Studies and the material culture of ancient Israel/Palestine. 2009–2016 she worked as a research assistant at the Ruhr-University Bochum and received a doctorate there in 2015 with a thesis on the relation between the non-priestly and priestly traditions in Numb. 16–17 (supervised by Prof. Dr. Christian Frevel). Since her publications involve exegetical/ biblical themes as well as archaeological, icono¬graphical and epigraphical issues within the (religious) history of ancient Israel/Palestine, the methodically highly challenging intersection between biblical and historical questions is an important focal point of her research. As co-chair she is engaged in the EABS research units “Concepts of Leadership in the Hebrew Bible” as well as  “Historical Approaches to the Bible & the Biblical World”. At UNIL she works on “Sanctuaries in Ancient Israel and Judah and Deuteronomy’s Program of Cult Centralization” in the context of the SNF Sinergia Project “The History of the Pentateuch: Combining Literary and Archae¬ological Approaches”.

