Internship MDE

Important information

  • Number of credits worth: 15 ECTS credits
  • Students may present their master's thesis once they have obtained 39 credits in the module 1 and 2 of their Master studies
  • Duration: 2 months but flexible for MDE, can be prolonged
  • Period: at any time but preferably during the summer following the first year of the course


  • Full-time (80% accepted). A part-time internship is accepted at a rate of minimum 50%, must be validated by the Direction of the master, the duration being 4 months minimum, 6 months maximum
  • Under the supervision of a company tutor and a HEC Lausanne professor for the dissertation
  • The content of the internship must be accepted first by the professor and the Master Committee
  • The contract has to be signed by the company, the student and the professor (document should be downloaded on
  • Validation of the internship with a written report. Conditions and rules are defined in the regulations of each programme
  • Thesis defense
  • Students must register for the thesis DURING the examination registration period, in the same way as for other examinations in previous semesters

Internship sequence


  1. Students must find a company internship by themselves. The HEC Career Center can help them (
  2. The company confirms the internship.
  3. The student finds a professor from HEC Lausanne who agrees to supervise his/her internship thesis.
  4. Validation of internship together with the content of the internship.
  5. The online form "Convention de stage" (Internship agreement) has to be completed and signed by all parties involved (see below the "Documents" section)
  6. The agreement has to be signed even if the internship theme is not yet available.
Return at the beginning of the internship
Formulaire de non-plagiat  (55 Ko)

The Internship Agreement should be completed directly online through Once the documents have been completed, you should be able to download the pdf files and have them printed and signed. Once the document is signed by all parties, you should:

  • upload the final document on the platform
  • complete the different information 
  • do not forget to submit the final file (SUBMIT FINAL)

Sequence for an internship dissertation


  1. The Master thesis is supervised by a professor from HEC Lausanne. Regular contacts between the student and the professor are necessary. At least two meetings and regular contact by email and telephone.
  2. Viva in the presence of the expert, the professor and the company tutor (the latest is invited but it is not compulsory). The professor fixes the date of the viva in agreement with the student, the expert and the company tutor.
  3. The student informs Isabelle Perrotti by mail of the date of the viva.
  4. The professor sends the completed form "Formulaire de validation du mémoire de stage" (Validation of the internship thesis) with the grade to the administration.
  5. After the presentation, the student should upload (SUBMIT FINAL) :
          •  the final PDF of the thesis
          •  the required information (thesis title, viva date, etc)
  6. The master’s thesis will be stored in a database

Important dates:

  • Submission of the thesis at the end of the internship
  • Presentation of viva flexible – if 39 compulsory credits from module 1 have been obtained. If 75 credits obtained, the student has 6 months to do the viva’s presentation.
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Internef - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 33 00
Fax +41 21 692 33 05
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