Presentation document (161 Ko)
Presentation document (161 Ko)
Each year in September (see UNIL academic calendar)
Maîtrise universitaire ès Sciences en sciences actuarielles
Master of Science (MSc) in Actuarial Science
Département de sciences actuarielles (DSA)
4 semesters
The Master of Actuarial Science program meets the educational requirements of the Swiss Association of Actuaries syllabus (SAA). Moreover, certain courses prepare the students for the first exams of actuaries (SOA).
Due to the inclusion of certain optional courses, the Master program will be in compliance with the future syllabus of the International Actuarial Association, which is currently working on promoting a new specialty track in the field of social security at the international level.
The Master of Actuarial Science has been awarded with the Global Centers of Insurance Excellence (GCIE) designation by the International Insurance Society (IIS) in July, 2018.
The GCIE certification program recognizes universities and colleges with outstanding Risk Management and Insurance programs. It is retained for five years and places HEC Lausanne’s Master of Actuarial Science in the selective list of 29 universities and colleges worldwide.
Established experts from ILO will deliver courses on social security financing, based on recent ILO series of textbooks on social security financing, actuarial practice, health financing and social budgeting.