Career prospects MScE

What are the prospects after a Master's degree in Economics?

After graduating from the MScE, you can opt for working either in the public sector (government or international institutions) or in the private sector (financial institutions, international corporations in Switzerland and all over the world).

Here are some examples of employers of MScE graduates:

Private sector

  • Financial sector: UBS, Credit Suisse, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise, Pictet, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, Paribas, SG Private Banking, etc.
  • Other private sector: Novartis, Alcoa, Arthur Andersen, Agefi, etc.

Public sector

  • World Bank, UNCTAD, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Union Postale Universelle, COMCO, SECO, Office Fédéral de la Statistique, Ville de Lausanne, Ville de Genève, etc.
  • Central Banks: Swiss National Bank, European Central Bank, Federal Bank of New York, Federal Bank of San Francisco, National Bank of Italy, National Bank of Norway, etc.

Academic sector

  • UNIL, Study Center Gerzensee, EPFL, HEID, ETH Zurich, etc.
  • Other universities in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, etc.

Moreover, the program being strongly research-oriented, is designed to serve as a stepping stone to doctoral studies in Lausanne, elsewhere in Europe or in North America. A PhD degree in economics typically leads to a career in public or private sector economic research, in economic policy consultancy or in academia.

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