General information MScM


Each year in September (see UNIL academic calendar)

Degree awarded

Maîtrise universitaire ès Sciences en management avec 4 orientations spécifiques: "Strategy, Organization and Leadership", "Marketing", "Business Analytics" et "Behaviour, Economics and Evolution"
Master of Science (MSc) in Management with 4 specific orientations: "Strategy, Organization and Leadership", "Marketing", "Business Analytics" and "Behaviour, Economics and Evolution"

Program direction

Department of Marketing (DMK)
Department of Organizational Behavior (OB)
Department of Operations (DO)
Department of Strategy, Globalization and Society (SGS)

With the support of the Department of Ecology and Evolution of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of UNIL

ECTS credits



4 semesters

Teaching language


International rankings

Financial Times Ranking 


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Direct access

Internef - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 33 00
Fax +41 21 692 33 05
Association of MBAs (AMBA)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)