Credit allocation and workload
The 120 ECTS credits of this Master are allocated in 4 semesters as follows:
- 90 credits awarded for the first three semesters
- 30 credits for the thesis (upon the condition of obtaining the initial 90 credits)
Recommended courses prior to MScE
2nd year Bachelor
Analyse économique : macroéconomie (6 credits)
Statistique et économétrie I (6 credits)
Analyse économique : microéconomie (6 credits)
Principes de Finance (6 credits)
Statistiques et économétrie appliquée : introduction (4.5 credits)
3rd year Bachelor
Statistique et Econométrie II (6 credits)
Macroéconomie II (6 credits)
Microéconomie II (6 credits)