Programs, regulations, schedule, preparatory courses

Program direction

Course schedule

Courses start every year in September.

See UNIL academic calendar and the Masters timetable and courses.

Credit allocation and workload

The 120 ECTS credits of this Master's program are allocated in 4 semesters as follows:

  • 90 credits awarded for the first three semesters
  • 30 credits for the thesis (upon the condition of obtaining the initial 90 credits)

Teaching language


Recommended courses prior to MScF

2nd year Bachelor
Analyse économique : macroéconomie (6 credits)
Statistique et économétrie I (6 credits)
Analyse économique : microéconomie (6 credits)
Risk Management (3 credits)
Principes de finance (6 credits)
Statistiques et économétrie appliquée : introduction (4.5 credits)

3rd year Bachelor
Finance d'entreprise (6 credits)
Financial Markets (6 credits)
Statistique et Econométrie II (6 credits)
Mathématiques de la Finance (3 credits)

Preparatory courses

Candidates who are required to successfully complete a preparatory program (French command necessary):

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