Career prospects MScF

What are the prospects after a Master's degree in Finance?

The aim of our Master's degree is to first provide a very knowledge basis in general finance and then to provide more advanced specialized knowledge in corporate finance and risk management.

Our students may expect to find jobs in the following branches:

  • banks (retail, private, and investment)
  • insurance companies
  • fintech (robo-advising, bot-trading, crowd funding, financial chat-bots, distributed ledgers, big data, machine learning)
  • wealth manager or advisor in family offices
  • risk management
  • consulting companies
  • any activity related to corporate finance such as venture capital, merger-acquisition, structuring, or funding.
  • pension funds
  • trading of all sorts of products (Fixed Income, Commodities)
  • central banks, Government bodies, regulators, international institutions
  • research, doctoral studies, academic career

We expect some of our students to create their own firm and to become entrepreneurs in information technology related domains. Globally, we expect our students to take leading positions in their career.

Given the relatively technical training received, which also stresses the importance of financial intuition, our graduates have the ability to address a wide range of issues ranging from the very technical to the very intuitive.

Even though we do not promise a placement, our experience is that students tend to easily find a job after graduating from our Master. Students are encouraged in their last semester to go for an internship.

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Tel. +41 21 692 33 00
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