Programs, regulations, schedule, preparatory courses

Study plans and regulations | Program direction | Course schedule | Credit allocation and workload | Teaching language | Recommended courses prior to MScM | Preparatory courses

Study plans and regulations

MScM official study plan 2024-2025
Orientation Business Analytics  (203 Ko)
Orientation Behaviour, Economics and Evolution  (260 Ko)
Orientation Marketing  (203 Ko)
Orientation Strategy, Organization and Leadership  (270 Ko)
Study plan / MScM part-time program
MScM part-time program  (172 Ko)

Le début des cours se fait chaque année en septembre.

Voir le calendrier académique de l'UNIL et le site des cours et horaires de Master.

Program direction

Department of Marketing (DMK)
Department of Organizational Behavior (OB)
Department of Operations (DO)
Department of Strategy, Globalization and Society (SGS)

With the support of the Department of Ecology and Evolution of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of UNIL

Course schedule

Courses start every year in September.

See UNIL academic calendar and the Masters timetable and courses.

Credit allocation and workload

The 120 ECTS credits of this Master are allocated in 4 semesters as follows:

  • 90 credits awarded for the first five modules
  • 30 credits for the thesis (upon the condition of obtaining the initial 90 credits)

Teaching language


Recommended courses prior to MScM

For the following orientations: Strategy, Organization & Leadership and BEE

2nd year Bachelor

Analyse de la décision (6 credits)
Statistique et économétrie I (6 credits)
Fondamentaux de contrôle de gestion (4,5 credits)
Principes de Finance (6 credits)

3rd year Bachelor

Organizational soft-skills: From presentation techniques to group management (3 credits)
Finance d'Entreprise (6 credits)
Contemporary Challenges in Management Control (3 credits)
Principes de politique d'entreprise (3 credits)

For the Business Analytics Orientation

2nd year Bachelor

Analyse de la décision (6 credits)
Statistique et économétrie I (6 credits)
Analyse économique: microéconomie (6 credits)
Business Intelligence and analytics (4,5 credits)
Gestion des opérations I (3 credits)
Principes de Finance (6 credits)
Risk Management (3 credits)
Statistique et économétrie appliquée (4.5 credits)

3rd year Bachelor

Algorithmes et pensée computationnelle (6 credits)
Introduction à la logique (6 credits)
Gestion de projets (6 credits)
Recherche empirique en management et économie (6 credits)
Statistique et économétrie II (6 credits)

For the Marketing orientation

2nd year Bachelor

Principes de Marketing (6 credits)
Statistique et économétrie I et exercices (6 credits)
Systèmes d'information (3 credits)
Communication et Leadership (4,5 credits)

3rd year Bachelor

Human Branding (3 credits)
Integrated Marketing Communication (3 credits)
B-to-B Marketing (6 credits)
Consumer Behaviour (3 credits)
Ethique et Marketing (3 credits)
Marketing Research (6 credits)

Preparatory courses

Candidates who are required to successfully complete a preparatory program (French command necessary):

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