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The "Geographical information sciences" (ScIG) collective brings together members of the IGD interested in developing and sharing knowledge around original quantitative methods in geoinformation. Cartography, spatial analysis, data analysis as well as mathematical and computer modelling are the elements that feed the exchanges and meetings.
Although the practices within the collective are diverse, the spatial nature of the research makes it possible to make the link and encourage interactions and synergies between cartographic and statistical methods. The collective is a place for exploring innovative methods, researching new forms of (geo)visualization, and discussing challenges and issues in these different fields.
In addition to regular meetings, the life of the collective is punctuated by a bi-annual cycle of "BrownBag" type conferences where a research topic is presented and then discussed in a less formal setting, during the lunch break. An annual practical workshop is also offered to enable the discovery and application of a quantitative or cartographic method useful to people outside the collective.