Access to Bachelor studies

You wish to study in a Bachelor programme at the University of Lausanne
Select the entry corresponding to your situation. Don’t forget to respect the deadlines.

You have obtained or will obtain one of the following Swiss diplomas
maturité cantonale, certificat de maturité de la Commission suisse de maturité, passerelle Dubs, Bachelor from a Haute Ecole spécialisée (HES) or from a Haute Ecole pédagogique (HEP)

You have obtained or will obtain a foreign secondary school diploma
Unless otherwise specified, only diplomas of secondary education representing a broad curriculum are recognised (essentially of the literature or science type), subject to certain requirements in relation to average mark and additional entrance exams

UNIL sans matu? Admission to a Bachelor without a recognised secondary school leaving diploma
You wish to take a preliminary entrance exam (Examen Préalable) or apply for an admission based on curriculum (Admission sur Dossier)

You wish to enrol as an auditor
Information about the inscription


the French version of the registration conditions prevails
Unicentre  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 21 00