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Marchant R., Ringgenberg Y., Stampfli G., Birkhäuser P., Roth P. & Meier B. 2005: Paleotectonic evolution of the Zürcher Weinland based on 2D and 3D seismics in northern Switzerland. Eclogae Geol. Helv. 98, 345-362. PDF (5 Mb).
Stampfli, G. M., Borel, G. D., Marchant, R.& Mosar, J. 2002. Western Alps geological constraints on western Tethyan reconstructions. In: Reconstruction of the evolution of the Alpine-Himalayan Orogen (Eds. Rosenbaum, G. & Lister, G. S.). J. Virtual Explorer 7, 75-104. PDF (4 Mb).
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Stampfli G.M., Mosar J. & Marchant R.H. 1997: From the Préalpes to the Penninic Alps: evolution of the Alpine Tethys margins from rifting to collision. EAGE post congress field guide. Petroconsultants, Geneva, 65 p.
Marchant R.H. & Stampfli G.M. 1997: Subduction of continental crust in the Western Alps. Tectonophysics 269, 217-235.
Pugin A., Marchant R., Besson O. & Stampfli G. 1997: Incision and backfilling of Alpine valleys: Seismic modeling of lines Martigny and Vétroz. In: Deep structure of the Swiss Alps - Results from NRP 20 (Eds. Pfiffner O.A., Lehner P., Heitzman P., Mueller S. & Steck A.). Birkaüser AG., Basel, 326-337.
Stampfli G.M. & Marchant R.H. 1997: Geodynamic evolution of the Tethyan margins of the Western Alps. In: Deep structure of the Swiss Alps - Results from NRP 20 (Eds. Pfiffner O.A., Lehner P., Heitzman P., Mueller S. & Steck A.). Birkaüser AG., Basel, 223-240.
Marchant R.H. & Stampfli G.M. 1997: Crustal and lithospheric structures of the Western Alps: geodynamic significance. In: Deep structure of the Swiss Alps - Results from NRP 20 (Eds. Pfiffner O.A., Lehner P., Heitzman P., Mueller S. & Steck A.). Birkaüser AG., Basel, 326-337.
Steck A., Epard J.-L., Escher A., Marchant R. & Masson H. 1997: Geologic interpretation of the seismic profiles through western Switzerland: Rawil (W1), Val d'Anniviers (W2), Mattertal (W3), Zmutt-Zermatt-Findelen (W4) and Val de Bagnes (W5). In: Deep structure of the Swiss Alps - Results from NRP 20 (Eds. Pfiffner O.A., Lehner P., Heitzman P., Mueller S. & Steck A.). Birkaüser AG., Basel, 123-138.
Stampfli G.M. & Marchant R.H. 1995: Plate configuration and kinematics in the Alpine region. Acad. Naz. Sci. Roma 40, Scritti e Documenti 14, 147-166.
Besson O., Marchant R., Pugin A. & Rouiller J.-D. 1993: Campagne de sismique-réflexion dans la vallée du Rhône entre Sion et Martigny: perspectives d'exploitation géothermique des dépôts torrentiels sous-glaciaires. Bull. Centre hydrogéol. Neuchâtel 12, 39-58.
Steck A., Spring L., Vannay J.-C., Masson H., Stutz E., Bucher H., Marchant R. & Tièche J.-C. 1993: Geological transect across the Northwestern Himalaya in eastern Ladakh and Lahul (a model for the continental collision of India and Asia). Eclogae geol. Helv. 86, 219-263.
Steck A., Spring L., Vannay J.-C., Masson H., Bucher H., Stutz E., Marchant R. & Tièche J.-C. 1993: The tectonic evolution of the Northwestern Himalaya in eastern Ladakh and Lahul, India. In: Himalayan Tectonics (Eds. Treloar P.J. & Searle M.P.). Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ. 74, 265-276.
Spring L., Masson H., Stutz E., Thélin P., Marchant R. & Steck A. 1993: Inverse metamorphic zonation in very low-grade Tibetan zone series of SE Zanskar and its tectonic consequences (NW India, Himalaya). Schweiz. Min. Petr. Mitteilung. 73, 85-95.
Marchant R. 1993: The Underground of the Western Alps. Mém. Geol. Lausanne 15, 137 p. PDF (71 Mb).
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Litak R.K., Marchant R.H., Brown L.D., Pfiffner O.A. & Hauser E.C. 1991: Correlating crustal reflections with geologic outcrops: seismic modeling results from the southwestern USA and the Swiss Alps. In: Continental lithosphere: deep seismic reflections (Eds. Meissner R., Brown L., Dürrbaum H.-J., Franke W., Fuchs K. & Seifert F.). Amer. Geophys. Union, Geodyn. Ser. 22, 299-305.
Marchant R. & Steck A. 1991: The geology of the Simplon Massif and the lower Penninic nappes. In: Tectonics and deep structure of the Western and Southern Swiss Alps - an excursion guide (Ed. Heitzmann P.). NFP20/PNR20 Bull. 9, 13-30.
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