Vascular and tumor biology


Our focus

Our main research interests are the mechanisms of tissue- and disease-specific functions of lymphatic and blood vessels. To study this question, our group combines expertise in advanced animal models with high resolution imaging, diverse cellular models and analyses of human patient samples.


Our projects

Mechanisms and novel effectors of (lymph)angiogenesis.

Lymphatic vasculature is a key player in the maintenance of normal fluid balance and immunity. It is also important in many common human diseases, such as cancer and chronic inflammatory conditions. Our aim is to identify central regulators of lymphatic vascular development and to study the impact of lymphatic vascular dysfunction on immunity and cancer. We employ tissue-specific inducible genetic animal models, ex vivo characterization of endothelial cells and analyses of patient samples.

Organ-/cancer-specific vasculature and its cross-talk with stem cells.

Blood-and-brain barrier and liver sinusoidal vasculature are examples of highly specialized vascular beds.  Such specialization is essential for the normal organ function, for example to restrict the diffusion of certain components of blood to cerebrospinal fluid, and it is frequently affected in pathological conditions. However, with a notable exception of blood-and-brain barrier, our knowledge of the mechanisms underlying organ-specific vascular specialization and its role in human diseases is fragmentary. Even less is known about how such specialization affects the formation of primary or metastatic tumors, and whether it contributes to the maintenance of cancer stem cells. Using colon cancer as a model, we study stromal regulation of tissue- and cancer-specific stem cells. Our ultimate goal is to define new strategies for targeting stem cells in colon tumors.

Biomechanical forces in normal and diseased vessels.

Endothelial cells are continuously subjected to a variety of forces, such as shear fluid shear stress, stretch and transmural flow. In collaboration with bioengineers, we study how endothelial cells transmit and respond to biomechanical forces. Better understanding how biomechanical and biochemical stimuli are perceived and interpreted by vessels in normal and diseased tissues is important for targeting and regulation of vascular function. ​​​​​​



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News @ Petrova Lab

Insights into Nutrient Absorption and Gut Health

Insights into Nutrient Absorption and Gut Health

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Full Professor
Ludwig adjunct scientist

Laboratory T. Petrova

Deputy Director, Fundamental research

Department of oncology UNIL CHUV
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Lausanne

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Phone +41 21 314 29 68



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Featured Publication -------

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Biological functions of lymphatic vessels
Jul-2020 | Petrova T.V., Koh G.Y.


Ch. des Boveresses 155 - CH-1066 Epalinges
Tel. +41 21 692 59 92
Fax +41 21 692 59 95
Ludwig Cancer ResearchUniversité de LausanneCentre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)