A directory of professional addresses is available on the UNIL web pages. Changes to these professional addresses are processed by various internal structures at UNIL. We do our utmost to ensure that changes are made as quickly as possible.
An AI-based virtual assistant is a service that uses technologies such as natural language processing (NLP) to interpret voice and text commands to assist users with everyday tasks.
These machines are located in open and busy areas of UNIL. They allow you to quickly check your email, consult documents and print using the public printing system.
The University of Lausanne legitimation card allows you to take advantage of several functions. It is simultaneously a legitimation card, a reader's card for the libraries, an electronic purse, an access card to buildings and offices and can be used to access numerous services, including printing services.
This service enables UNIL staff to consult and manage reservations for shared rooms and auditoria on campus via the administrative intranet.
UNIL offers you a cloud service for storing, exchanging, sharing and synchronising files between several devices (alternative to Dropbox). Your data is stored in the Cloud in Switzerland. This service is ideal for synchronising your files and collaborating with your colleagues.
UNIL Campus is the official smartphone application that facilitates the daily life of the UNIL community, available free of charge for iOS and Android. Whether you want to check a course or public transport timetable, manage print credits or access Moodle or MyUNIL, UNIL Campus is there for you, along with many other functions.
The overall objective of the GEDUNIL 2.0 programme is to define, acquire and implement by 2018 one or more IT tools enabling UNIL units to manage, describe, classify, store, share, distribute and archive the electronic documents they produce and receive in the course of their activities, in accordance with their mission and the legal requirements in force.
The interactive campus map allows you to easily locate the offices, cafeterias and auditoriums of the University of Lausanne. Available for the 3 UNIL sites (Dorigny, Bugnon and Epalinges), the service allows you to carry out dynamic searches on your smartphone or workstation.
Contact the Help desk
phone: +4121 692 22 11
email: helpdesk@unil.ch
contact form
Service failure?
See the page "l'état des services"