

Calcul haute performance / High performance computing (HPC) (in French)

This service provides access to UNIL's high-performance computing infrastructures (clusters) for processing non-sensitive research data.

Stockage de données de recherche / Research data storage (in French)

The IT Centre provides the scientific community with storage environments with various characteristics (format, level of security, etc.). Requests for access to this service can be made online.

Soutien à la recherche / Research consulting (in French)

This service enables you to request application support from the DCSR (Division de calcul et soutien à la recherche - Computing and Research Support Division) and benefit from expertise in areas such as high-performance computing, data science, databases, machine learning, web applications, etc.

Virtual machines for research (in French)

This service enables you to obtain a virtual workstation (VDI) or a virtual server with possible access to GPUs for your research work.

Institutional digital repository (Serval) (in French)

The SERveur Académique Lausannois (Serval) contains digital collections, the main one being the institutional repository of the UNIL and the CHUV. The publications of researchers from these two institutions are preserved there and are available in Open Access.

Online surveys (in French)

This service meets the needs of institutional surveys, supported by a department or project manager and covering a wide range of audiences, both inside and outside UNIL.

Conference management (in French)

The IT Centre provides UNIL units responsible for organising a conference with a web application to help manage such an event.

Automatic document transcription (OCR/HTR) (in French)

The DCSR provides an open source automatic document transcription tool (eScriptorium) based on character recognition (OCR/HTR) and artificial intelligence (deep learning, supervised learning).

Automatic transcription of audio and video files (in French)

Corv is a service that transforms audio or video files into text, for the transcription of audio recordings, the generation of subtitles, etc.

Geographic Information System (GIS) (in French)

The IT Centre has a number of tools and data dedicated to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Install GIS software, consult the geocatalogue to find out what data is available at UNIL or access the geodata server.

External services

UNIL research database (Unisciences)

UNIL research database (Unisciences)

Unisciences is a database presenting the activities of all the researchers and research units at the University of Lausanne. The information presented includes contact addresses, research areas and projects, collaborations, teaching and publications. This data is either entered by each member of staff or collected automatically from other administrative applications.


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