"Dentro il cristallo arcano": Verdi on Screen is a conference jointly organized by the Universities of Fribourg (department of Musicology and History of Music Theater) and Lausanne (department of History and Aesthetics of Cinema) as part of their research activites concerned with the relation between music and moving image. It is organized in collaboration with the Cinémathèque Suisse (National Film Archive). The conference will take place in Fribourg and Lausanne from November 27 to November 29, 2013.
Guiseppe Verdi and his work occupy a central place in the public's mind. His image has always benn subjected to complex and contradictory forms of popularity. Among these forms are those related to the moving image which took a central role in the twentieth century and persist until today. In celebration of Verdi's 200th anniversary year, while the number of opera relays and other video productions is exploding and as research is granting increasing importance to film music, this conference aimes to examine how the meaning of Verdi is conveyed by/for this media.
Among the topics being considered are: opera-films based on Verdi works, opera relays, movie sountracks exploiting his music, biopics, Verd'is portrayal in the media (advertising, television, etc.).
Colloque international co-organisé par l’Université de Fribourg, chaire de Musicologie et l’Université de Lausanne, section d’Histoire et esthétique du cinéma. Avec la collaboration de la Société Suisse de Musicologie - section romande, du Fonds National Suisse de la recherche scientifique et de la Cinémathèque suisse.
Sous la direction de Laurent Guido (Université de Lausanne), Delphine Vincent (Université de Fribourg) et Luca Zoppelli (Université de Fribourg).
14h00-14h30 : Allocutions et introduction au colloque
14h30-16h00 : Paul Fryer, Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance (Sidcup)
Verdi, the «bio-pic» and the birth of silent screen opera
Marco Targa, Università degli Studi di Torino
Verdi e il cinema muto
16h30-18h00 : Luca Zoppelli, Université de Fribourg
L’horloge arrêtée. Pédagogie et dépolitisation dans le feuilleton de Renato Castellani (1982)
Guglielmo Pescatore, Università di Bologna
Il pubblico che non dimentica: biografie verdiane nel cinema popolare italiano (e dintorni)
10h30-12h00 : Jaume Radigales, Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona)
Le Verdi shakespearien à l’écran
Peter Niedermüller, Johannes Gutenberg – Universität Mainz
Verdi und seine politische Dimension in den Filmen Bernardo Bertoluccis
14h00-16h00 : Marco Andreetti, Università La Sapienza (Roma)
Violetta violata : Visconti, Pasolini, Bellocchio
Roberto Calabretto, Università degli Studi di Udine
Presenze verdiane nel cinema italiano del secondo dopoguerra
Matteo Giuggioli, Universität Zürich
Bellocchio et Verdi : du cinéma politique à la mise en scène d’opéra
16h30-18h00 : Pierre Jailloux, Université Paris 8
Verdi par Argento : l’opera traviata
Delphine Vincent, Université de Fribourg
To Verdi With Love ? Citations verdiennes dans le cinéma américain contemporain
10h30-12h00 : Michal Grover-Friedlander, Tel Aviv University
Being Giuseppe Verdi
Giorgio Biancorosso, Université de Hong Kong
The Big Screen and Verdi’s Stage
14h00-16h00 : Héctor J. Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Don Carlos, modelli di narrativa politica ed estetica audiovisuale
Bernhard Kuhn, Bucknell University
Verdi in High Definition Quality: Hyperreality in the 21st Century
Christopher Morris, University College Cork
“Parmi veder le lagrime”: Rigoletto a Mantova and the New Liveness
16h30-18h00 : Charlotte Rey, Université de Lausanne
Attractions et dispositifs dans Traviata et nous (Philippe Béziat, 2012)
Carlo Cenciarelli, Royal Holloway, University of London
Opera’s Twilight ? Verdi from Cinema to YouTube
Colloque_Verdi_Abstract.pdf (151 Ko)
Projection de Il bacio di Tosca de Daniel Schmid
en collaboration avec la Cinémathèque suisse