Regulatory framework and practical advice
As exchange studend, all you need to do is to complete the « Course Registration ». In French, this registration is called « inscription aux enseignements ».
There is no exam session for exchange students. So, you will get credits by completing « validations internes ». These « validations » may take multiple forms (even off-session exams) and have to be defined at the beginning of the semester with the professor responsible for each course attended.
As exchange student, you are not able to register for tutored personal assignments or extended written assignments. You could nevertheless produce such papers as part of an additional assignment linked to one of the courses you are registered for if the teacher permits it. This would allow you to get more credits than those initially attributed to the course. In order to do so, you must discuss the kind of work to be produced and the credits expected with the professor at the beginning of the semester. Furthermore, you must also notify the exchange student advisor that you are undertaking this extra work.
Extensions to deadlines cannot be granted. We therefore urge you to submit your academic assignments in time in order to get your credits.
If you wish to register for an annual course but are only staying in Lausanne for one semester, it is possible to obtain half of the credits attributed to the course by doing only one validation (on a single semester’s course material). Those options must be discussed at the beginning of the semester with the professor responsible for each course of this kind. Furthermore, you must notify the exchange student advisor if you choose to do this.
We recommend that you attend more classes than you expect to take in the first week, and then determine which classes make the best combination for you.
Activate your email address as soon as possible in order to be notified by email of the registration procedure and the administrative tasks you need to complete.