Exam sessions

Special arrangements

Exam session dates

For exam dates, please refer to the UNIL calendar or the faculty calendar.

Exam schedules

Exam schedules are published at the following times:

  • Winter session: mid-December
  • Summer session: mid-May
  • Autumn session (August-September catch-up): mid-August

Exact dates will be communicated to @unil.ch e-mail address and on the news channel.

The schedule for each exam can be viewed here.

Please note that some exams may take place on Saturdays, and that we are not responsible for any exam timetable clashes for students taking courses outside HEC or following other study plans.

Exam directives

Please read the exam directives (on procedures, calculators and dictionaries) carefully:

Special arrangements

Requests for special examination arrangements should be sent to hecbachelor@unil.ch during the first four weeks of each semester.

All requests must be accompanied by an expert opinion from a specialist department or doctor. The medical certificate must contain the information specified in this document: Directive aménagements spéciaux examens BSc

Consultation of examination papers

Examination papers for Modules 1 and 2 are available from the Bachelor's program administration. Consultations for Module 3 examinations are organized by each teacher. Consultation dates are communicated at the same time as the exam timetable.

To reserve a place for the Module 1 and 2 exam consultations, click here.

Please read this  directive before your consultation: Directive pour la consultation des examens de Bachelor

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