FAQ Bachelor

Before the exchange

Do I have to pay the tuition fees at the host university?

Except in the case of a Free Mover exchange, you will not pay tuition fees at the host university. You will remain registered at UNIL for the duration of your exchange and will pay a reduced semester fee of CHF 180.- instead of CHF 580.- .

For a Free Mover exchange, the UNIL fee is CHF 210.- per semester.

Can I go on exchange during the Master if I have already done an exchange during my Bachelor's degree?

Yes, even if you have already done an exchange during your Bachelor's degree, you have the possibility to repeat the experience during your Master's degree. Small downside, you will probably not be able to go to the same destination.

Can I do more or less than 30 ECTS credits on exchange?

You should always check with your host university if they allow you to do more or less than 30 ECTS credits.

Can I do an exchange semester as part of an agreement and then do a second exchange semester?

Yes and no.

If you are selected for one semester as part of an exchange agreement, you will not be able to undertake another exchange during the second semester through an exchange agreement.

However, and if the academic calendar allows it, you can always do a Free Mover exchange or a Swiss mobility (except St.Gallen), respecting of course the deadlines for submitting your application.

If I am already on Swiss mobility in the Fall semester, can I extend my exchange to the Spring semester?


If you are on Swiss mobility in the Fall semester, you can extend it to the Spring semester, respecting of course the deadline for submitting your application or undertake a Free Mover exchange.

Conditions are different for St.Gallen, please contact the HEC Student Exchange Office.

Please be aware of overlapping academic calendars.

I have questions about the mobility grant, who should I contact?

SASME handles all grant questions. Please contact them directly:


During the exchange (Once selected)

Can I change my Bachelor’s degree specialization (Management/Economics) after my selection for an exchange?

Yes and no, it all depends on the availability of courses in Economics or in Management at the host university. Please always check the destination table if the other specialization (Management or Economics) is indicated as possible and always ask the host institution if you can change your choice of course. You will need to inform your HEC Lausanne Outgoing students advisor.

Who can inform me about housing issues?

You can contact the incoming coordinator of your host university.

Do I have to follow the official study plans of HEC Lausanne during my exchange?

Yes, like all students undertaking their third year at HEC Lausanne, you are required to follow your official study plan and its requirements during the exchange.

I don't understand my study plan, who can I contact?

You can always contact the Bachelor’s office if you do not understand your study plan and you can also consult your Outgoing students advisor.

Bachelor contact: https://www.unil.ch/hec/contact/bachelors

HEC Lausanne Student exchange Office contact: https://www.unil.ch/hec/home/contact/relations-internationales-et-mobilite.html

Where are the official study plans?

You will find the official study plans on our website: https://www.unil.ch/hec/bachelors/program 

Do I have to validate my courses before?

Yes, it is your responsibility to validate your courses before submitting them or taking them at your host university. If you don’t, you take the risk that the ECTS credits obtained during your exchange will not be validated. The HEC Student exchange Office will send you the link to application for course validation (MobHEC), before the start of your exchange or as soon as it is requested by the host university.

Is there a deadline to validate my courses at HEC Lausanne?

No, you can ask to have courses validated at HEC Lausanne as long as your host university allows you to change your courses. Please note, however, that validation can take up to 5 working days, thank you for anticipating your requests.

How do I know if my courses will be validated?

It is essential to validate your courses on MobHEC before submitting them to your host university. Once the validation is done, you will have to make sure to refer to it in your final choice of course. Be careful not to take courses that have been refused, otherwise HEC Lausanne will not recognize these ECTS credits.

If I take a course equivalent to a mandatory course on exchange (Bachelor in Economics, “option fondamentale”), can I repeat this course when I come back ?


If you have taken a course equivalent to a mandatory course (“option fondamentale”) such as "International Money and Finance" during an exchange in the Fall, you will not be able to take "International Money and Finance" in the Spring semester at HEC Lausanne.

This principle applies generally to all courses. You will not be allowed to take any course at HEC Lausanne that has been judged equivalent or similar to an HEC Lausanne course, and that has been validated during an exchange.

Does HEC Lausanne review my study plan done on exchange?

It is your responsibility to follow your study plan. The HEC Lausanne Student exchange Office validates the courses, but you are solely responsible for fulfilling the requirements of your study program.

Will my grades be converted?

Yes, all courses passed on exchange are passed at HEC Lausanne. Once your transcript of records has been submitted by your host university, grades and credits will be converted according to the current conversion scale.

How can I find about the conversion of grades and ECTS credits?

Once you have been selected and the exchange confirmed by the host institution, you can ask your Outgoing students advisor at hec.outgoing@unil.ch for the conversion scale.

Do my exchange grades count towards my grade average?


Except for Pass/Fail, exchange grades count towards your average.

What are the conditions to cancel an exchange?

Please always contact your mobility advisor first at hec.outgoing@unil.ch. A cancellation must always be exceptional. Indeed, once an exchange is cancelled, we cannot reallocate the place to another student.

After the exchange

Will the credits and exam obtained during my exchange be recognized?

Yes, as long as the courses have been previously validated by HEC Lausanne on MobHEC.

Once the exams have been passed, exchange grades will be converted to HEC Lausanne grading scale and will appear in the transcript of records of HEC Lausanne.

For information, any course passed on exchange is passed at HEC Lausanne. A failed course is not reported in the HEC Lausanne transcript of records, however the missing ECTS credits must be completed the following semester.

What happens if I fail some courses during my exchange ?

If you fail one or more exams, you have several options:

  • You are still in your host university and a retake session is organized: you can take part in it, like local students. Please pay attention to the academic calendar if you are only doing one semester on exchange.
  • There is no retake session: the failed course won’t be reported in your HEC Lausanne transcript of records and you will have to complete the missing credits at HEC Lausanne the following semester.

Please note that you will not be allowed to take any course at HEC Lausanne that has been judged equivalent or similar to an HEC Lausanne course, and that has been validated during your exchange.

  • As the HEC Lausanne retake session is only intended for HEC Lausanne students, no retake exam from a host university can be done in Lausanne.
I am continuing my Spring semester at HEC Lausanne, how do I choose my courses?

If you have done your exchange semester in the Fall, you must be very careful about the courses you choose at HEC Lausanne in the Spring semester. Indeed, you cannot take a course at HEC Lausanne that is too similar to a course you took on exchange. Please be informed that random checks will be carried out.

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