General agreements


  • Please note the conditions, the application procedures, and deadlines for each exchange agreement
  • Your application must be in French for French-speaking destinations and in English for all other universities
  • If you are applying to both French and non-French speaking, submitting an English version will do
  • Your Outgoing Student Advisor (see “Contacts”) must sign each of your Learning Agreements before submitting your application
  • You will receive a reply about your selection by early of February at the latest


How to apply?

To prepare and apply for an exchange under the General agreements, please refer to the guidelines provided by the SASME website (Student Affairs and Student Mobility Office), specifically on the General agreements page.


Learning Agreements - Documents to use

When applying for general agreements, please use only the documents provided below to complete your Learning Agreement.

Reminder, last date for signing learning agreements : November 26, 2024, 4 p.m.

In the document, the ‘Field(s) of study’ field corresponds to your specialisation; for example: MScM Marketing, BSc Ecopo (Economics), MScF Corporate, etc...

Next application deadlines :

- April 1st, 2025: Swiss Mobility


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