General condition
- Be enrolled at UNIL and registered with the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC)
- Not have graduated
- Obtain validation for the Summer School from the HEC Mobility Office prior to participation
Academic condition
- Successfully completed Modules 1.1 and 1.2, or be in the 2nd or 3rd year of a Bachelor’s program to submit an application
validation in the study plan
Based on the Summer School description:
- Bachelor: Validation within one of the categories of the 3rd-year study plans for the BScE and BScM programs
- Master: Validation on a case-by-case basis, but primarily as extracurricular credits
Summer Schools
- BIPs, LSE Summer School, VIU Summer Sessions, VIU Summer Schools, ICPU and other form of short-term mobility
Maximum number of credits, by level of study (Bachelor/Master)
- Maximum 6 ECTS in total
- A maximum of two Summer Schools, regardless of the number of credits awarded for each Summer School
- In-person
- Hybrid (a mix of in-person and virtual formats)
- In case of success, the result of the Summer School will be recorded as a "Pass" in the HEC student’s file.
Transcript of records
- The student is responsible for submitting their transcript to within the deadlines specified during the validation process. Failing to do so will result in the Summer School not being recorded in the HEC student’s file.
Information and contact
- Jessica Fastré,