Swiss Mobility


  • Please note the conditions, the application procedures, and deadlines for each exchange agreement
  • Bachelor students: with a minimum grade average of 4.2 at the end of the 2nd year, an exchange in the Spring semester of the 3rd year is possible
  • The application requires a Learning Agreement per institution "Study Plan for Swiss Mobility" to be uploaded and an online application form
    • Since your Learning Agreement is provisional at the time of application, only your signature is required

Information on exchanges at the Universität St. Gallen from 2024-2025

All applicants (Bachelor/Master) applying to St. Gallen are allowed to select a second choice


From April 1st, 2025, all Bachelor applications for St.Gallen must meet the following requirements:

- Module 2.1: minimum grade average of 4.5 at the Winter exam session

- Module 2.4: 6 ECTS validated at the Winter exam session

- ISEP Test English B2

Other information: 

  • With a minimum grade average of 4.5 at the end of the 2nd year, an exchange in the Spring semester of the 3rd year is possible
  • If you participated in an exchange during the Autumn (General Agreements, SEMP/CIVIS/Faculty, Free Mover, Swiss Mobility), you will not be able to take part in an exchange at St.Gallen in the Spring, and vice versa. However, an exchange in another Swiss university remains possible
  • Students interested in an exchange at St.Gallen in the Spring should ideally register by April 1st, 2025
  • By the deadline of October 15, 2025, applications for the Spring will only be accepted if there are still seats available.
  • If the number of applications exceeds the allocated seats, a selection will be made.


From April 1st, 2025, all applications for the Master MScCCF and MDE for St.Gallen must meet the following requirements:


- 4.5 minimum grade average at the Winter exam session


- 24 ECTS validated at the Winter exam session with a minimum grade average of 4.5

How to apply?

Please follow the instructions below for HEC Lausanne.

The online application, for the deadline of April 1 2025, on our Intranet, is open !

  1. Prepare the "Swiss Mobility Study Plan" that you find on this page
  2. Language test for Bachelor's applicants to St.Gallen
  3. Save this document as follows into a single PDFNAME_Firstname_SwissMobility_2025-2026
  4. Please note that a study plan is required for each chosen institution
  5. Complete the fields of the online application form and upload your "Swiss Mobility Study Plan" at the end of the form
  6. The HEC Student Exchange Office will transmit your application to SASME (Student Affairs and Student Mobility Office)

Next application deadlines :

- April 1st, 2025: Swiss Mobility


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Tel. +41 21 692 33 00
Fax +41 21 692 33 05
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