Digital practices: platforms, affordances and ideologies

Workshop organisé dans le cadre du séminaire de Marcel Burger "Langages de la communication digitale".

University of Lausanne, Géopolis, room 2129 & 2121, 14-15 December 2017

The workshop assembles researchers in the field of digital communication and discourse analysis who have in common to focus on the links between discourse (language) and practices (communication) in the digital era (specific medium, platforms, affordances). The workshop is aimed at discussing the interplay of these dimensions. How do the affordances of a medium lead to create behavioral rules? What is at stake with the networks, groups and communities configuring the digital identity of the members? What creativity or limitations are familiar and just supplement a practice? What are emergent and reconfigure a practice or lead to a new practice? Such issues will be addressed by researchers as well as by the students of a new MA course in digital communication.


Korina Giaxoglou (The Open University London), Piia Varis (Tilburg University).


Marcel Burger, University of Lausanne.



Seventeenth Annual Gatherings in Biosemiotics — Lausanne, 6-10 June 2017

Université de Lausanne, Bâtiment Internef, salle 275

Organizers, University of Lausanne:

• Carlotta JACQUINTA
• Sébastien MORET
• Ekaterina VELMEZOVA
• Emilie WYSS

Scientific Committee:

• Prisca AUGUSTYN (Florida Atlantic University, United States)
• Luis BRUNI (Aalborg University, Denmark)
• Paul COBLEY (Middlesex University, United Kingdom)
• Yagmur DENIZHAN (Bogazici University, Turkey)
• Filip JAROŠ (University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)
• Timo MARAN (University of Tartu, Estonia)
• Ekaterina VELMEZOVA (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) (organizer)


The Gatherings in Biosemiotics are annual meetings of world scholars studying the myriad of communication and sign processes in living systems, from cellular signaling and communication in physiological systems to organisms and interspecies communication, to the sign-processes that are embedded within and necessary for human cognition and culture.

Any inquiries about the conference may be sent to Ekaterina Velmezova at ekaterina.velmezova@unil.ch

Lien: https://wp.unil.ch/biosemiotics2017/
