Multi-disciplinary approach of complexity, networks, geosimulations
June 9th 2010 - 2 workshops in parallel - start at 9h00
1- Workshop - Geosimulation and risks :
Room - Amphimax 414
Organized by Prof. Mikhail Kanevski (IGAR, University of Lausanne; ENVISA Group GDRE S4):
- 9h00 : Prof. Mikhail Kanevski : Introduction to workshop. Geosimulations and risk analysis at IGAR
- 9h45: Dr. Alexei Pozdnoukhov, National Center of Geocomputation, Maynooth Ireland: Machine learning for geospatial data
10h30 : Coffe break
- 11h00 : Dr. Beniamino Murgante, University of Basilicata, Italy : Data analysis and risks
- 11h45 : Dr. Vasily Demyanov, Heriot-Watt University, UK: Geoscience modelling and uncertainties
12h30 - 14h00 : lunch
- 14h00 : Dr. Rosa Lasaponara, CNR/IMAA, Italy: Environmental risks and natural hazards
- 14h45 : Prof. Stéphane Joost & Dr. Michael Kalbermatten, EPFL, Lausanne: Nominal and ordinal predictors in logistic regression for the identification of adaptive loci in animal and plant populations
15h30 : Coffe break
- 16h00: Christian Kreis, University of Lausanne: Evaluating the Impact of Community Policing Using GIS
- 16h45: Prof. Mikhail. Kanevski et al., University of Lausanne: Intelligent analysis of spatio-temporal data: current status and trends
- 17h15: General discussion
2- Workshop - Geosimulations of networks :
Room 146 - Amphipole (salle du tapis vert)
Organized by Celine Rozenblat and Daniele Ietri (IGUL, University of Lausanne; SPANGEO II Group GDRE S4) with Arnaud Banos (CNRS-Paris, SIMBAAD Group GDRE S4), and Marco Tomassini and Fabio Daolio, (ISI, HEC University of Lausanne):
(room with computers for real work on examples. Netlogo Software: Agent based modeling)
Workshop with :
- Prof. Marco Tomassini, ISI, HEC UNIL
- Dr. Arnaud Banos, CNRS, Paris; SIMBAAD group GDRE S4
- Dr. Daniele Ietri, IGUL, UNIL
- Ing. Fabio Daolio, ISI, HEC UNIL
Program :
10h30 : Coffe break
12h30 - 14h00 : Lunch
15h30 : Coffe break
- 16h00 : Workshop
- 18h00 : end
19h30: Welcome Party
June 10th 2010 - Start at 9h00
Conference: Multi-disciplinary approach of complexity, networks, geosimulations
Room : Amphimax 415
- 09h00 : Opening addresses, Prof. Torsten Vennemann,Vice-Dean of the Faculty GSE, Prof. Denise Pumain,
Univ. Paris 1, Institut Universitaire de France, Doctor Honoris Causa, Geoscience Faculty, UNIL, Director ERG S4, Prof. Mikhail Kanevski, Prof. Celine Rozenblat, organisers - 09h15 : Prof. Noshir Contractor. North Western University Jane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences & Director, Science of Networks in Communities lab. (SONIC): Multidimensional and multi-level Network theory
- 10h10 : Prof. Roger Guimera, Prof. Marta Sales, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, ICREA, Tarragona, Biophysics: Computational physics for the study of complex networks
11h00 : Coffe break
- 11h30 : Prof. Marco Tomassini, ISI Institute of System Information HEC: Cooperation in Co-evolving Networks
Lunch : 12h30 - 14h00
- 14h00 : Prof. Itzhak Benenson, Mathematical Biophysics – Geography, Tel Aviv Univ : Geo-simulations of urban phenomena
- 15h00 : Prof. Gerard Weisbuch, Department of physics, ENS Paris & Yoram Louzoun, Bar Ilan univ., Maths Dept: Economic inequalities spatial patterns in a sustainable world: a complex systems approach
16h00 : Coffe break
- 16h30 : Prof. Stefano Battiston, Chair of System design, ETHZ - Zurich : Trust, Recommender Systems and Coalitions in Social Networks
19h : Olympic Museum – Aperitif and free visit
20h : Olympic Museum – Conference dinner
June 11th 2010 - start at 8h30:
Conference: Multi-disciplinary approach of complexity, networks, geosimulations
Room : Amphimax 415
8h30-11h : following conference:
- Prof. Peter Allen, Complex systems, Cranfield
The Complexity of Structure, Strategy and Decision Making
- Prof. Lena Sanders, CNRS Paris – geography
Simulating the dynamics of systems of cities: the Simpop models
- Prof. David Lane, Scientific Board, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Innovation and Sustainability: A Complex Systems Perspective
11h00-11h30 : Coffe break
11h30-12h30 : tribute to Prof. Micheline Cosinschi
Cartography and geosimulation
- 11h30 : Prof. Denise Pumain, Univ. Paris 1, Geography. Cartography from top-down to bottom-up
- 11h40 : Prof. Stephane Joost, And a three, and a four, and a 001
- 11h50 : Dr. Christian Kaiser, Univ. Lausanne. Dynamic mapping
- 12h : Prof. Jean-Paul Ferrier, Univ. Aix en Provence.
- 12h10 : Prof. Jean-Bernard Racine, Univ. Lausanne. Cosinschi in the epistemology of cartography
- 12h20 : Prof. Micheline Cosinschi, Univ. Lausanne.
12h30-14h00 : Lunch - Buffet
14h00-16h00 : European Research Group S4 - General assembly
Prof. Denise Pumain, University Paris 1, Doctor Honoris Causa - Geoscience Faculty, UNIL
Prof. Arnaud Banos, CNRS - Paris, Presentation of the working groups
Evening: Closing:
Geo-Grill party (organized by the faculty near the Lake)