Swiss Mobility Conference 2016

| Program | Abstracts | Contact | Presentations


20 & 21 October 2016 - University of Lausanne

The Swiss Mobility Conference (SMC) is the result of a collaboration between the chairs of urban sociology (EPFL) and geography of mobilities (UNIL). Its objective is to provide a place for discussion and debate for researchers in social sciences working on various forms of mobility.

Presentations will take place both in English and French (no simultaneous translation is planned during the conference) and will address mobilities in their diversity, revolving around the following themes:

  • theoretical debates
  • methodological innovations
  • public policy and decision making in mobility
  • regulation of mobility and its tools
  • the actors and their logics of action (residential choice, modal practices, multilocal living, etc.)
  • the norms and values underlying mobility and social inequality
  • temporality and spatiality of mobility
  • mobility prospective


  • Laboratoire de sociologie urbaine, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
  • Institut de géographie et durabilité, Université de Lausanne



Book of abstracts  (3230 Ko)


For any question, please contact



SESSION 1 - Theoretical debates on mobility

Christophe Mincke, Université Saint-Louis (Bruxelles)
Freed by Mobility - Freed from Mobility

Presentation  (95 Ko)

Richard Randell, Webster University (Geneva)
"Mobilizing the new Mobilities paradigm":The mobilization of a Paradigm, a Theory, or a Field ?

Presentation  (1686 Ko)

Nathalie Ortar, Monika Salzbrunn, Mathis Stock, Université de Lyon & Université de Lausanne
The mobility turn: epistemological obstacle or breakthrough?

Presentation  (73 Ko)

SESSION 2 - Life courses and mobility

Dirk Wittowsky, Kathrin Konrad, ILS – Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development gGmbH (Dortmund)
How will digital natives move – ICT and mobility behavior of young people

Presentation  (1231 Ko)

Florent Cholat, Luc Gwiazdzinski, Université Grenoble Alpes, Università di Milano Bicocca
Between home care, home support and access to services. Aging at home : The paradoxes of “reverse mobility”

Presentation  (4553 Ko)

SESSION 3 - Altermobilities

Emmanuel Ravalet, Vincent Kaufmann, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
From analysis of demand to implementation of scenarios: A prospective study of France in 2050

Presentation  (1136 Ko)

Marie Mundler, Université de Lausanne
From motility to empowerment. Impacts of bicycle lessons for adults in Switzerland

Presentation  (4710 Ko)

Guillaume Le Roux, Julie Vallée, Hadrien Commenges, Université Paris 1 & Université Paris 7
Paris by night…and by day. Daily mobility and social dynamics of places around the clock

Presentation  (2681 Ko)

SESSION 4 - Automobility

Tobias Arnold, Ueli Haefeli, Katharina Manderscheid, University of Berne & University of Lucerne
Peak Car in Switzerland? Understanding car-less households, their motives and structural preconditions

Presentation  (464 Ko)

Dominic Villeneuve, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Mobility practices of non-motorized households, the cases of Quebec City and Strasbourg

Presentation  (3656 Ko)

Patrick Rérat, Daniel Baehler, Gianluigi Giacomel, Antonio Martin, Stéphanie Vincent-Geslin, Université de Lausanne
Young adults' disaffection for driving license? Evidence from Switzerland

Presentation  (2630 Ko)

SESSION 5 - Cross-border mobilities

Yann Dubois, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Des modes de vie transfrontaliers ? Travail frontalier et vie quotidienne dans l’agglomération trinationale de Bâle

Presentation  (2002 Ko)

Guillaume Drevon, Luc Gwazdzinski, Philippe Gerber, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Université Grenoble Alpes, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research
Bricolages et arrangements des ménages dans les parcours de mobilité quotidienne

Presentation  (4800 Ko)

Philippe Gerber, Marius Thériault, Samuel Carpentier-Postel, Christophe Enaux, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Université Laval (Québec), Aix-Marseille Université & Université de Strasbourg
Intention and utility: integrating models of daily mobility behaviours ? The Luxembourg cross-border case study

Presentation  (1389 Ko)

SESSION 6 - Methodological innovations

Patrick Palmier, Fabrice Hasiak, CEREMA Nord-Picardie
ADNmobilité des individus. Analyse des comportements de mobilité basée sur une segmentation de la population construite sur une classification des Emplois du temps quotidiens des individus.

Presentation  (3511 Ko)

Yonca Krahn, Universität Zürich
How to research on movement, body and senses? Moving interviews and mental maps as methodological approaches to the mobile practice triathlon.

Presentation  (1177 Ko)

Fernando de Oliveira Simas, Dominic Villeneuve, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
In situ smartphone questionnaire: a paradigm shift for the origin-destination survey

Presentation  (2057 Ko)

Dominique von der Mühll, Derek P. T. H. Christie, Emmanuel Ravalet, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Pioneering a one-week interdisciplinary course on walking for students of architecture and engineering

Presentation  (1237 Ko)

Next editions




