© Rete Semi Rurali
15-17 September 2023, Vercelli, Italia and online (via zoom)
Program (PDF)
Rice is one of the three most produced cereals worldwide (together with maize and wheat). However, the future of rice cultivation is seriously threatened in many regions of the world. Rice cultivation combines many of the environmental problems generated by industrial agriculture in general: soil salinization, superweeds, biodiversity loss, and greenhouse gas emissions. While rice epitomizes multiple tensions that run across distinct agricultural paradigms, its cultivation can also be a source of promising agricultural practices and opportunities for habitat restoration and food security. By bringing together different actors (rice farmers, breeders, researchers) and disciplines (agronomy, social science), this workshop aims to provide a space for the exchange of varied experiences on rice culture in diversified farming systems.
The transnational and cross-disciplinary range of topics covered will span from agronomic challenges to political factors influencing rice production, from seed systems to the plate.
For more information please see the attached program
The conference is organized by Marianna Fenzi and Rete Semi Rurali in Italy and it is co-funded by the FGSE’s Subside Relève / Matterhorn Grant and LiveSeeding.