
Research funding


Support at FGSE

For administrative and budgetary questions, for the opening of funds and for request of residence permits, contact your institute secretariat.

For support in fundraising (identification of funds, proofreading of requests): Amélie Dreiss (research consultant).

For questions about the FGSE Investment Fund (FINV) and the latest guidelines: Rémy Freymond (adjoint de faculté).

Support at UNIL Direction

Contacts at the Research office

Establish a budget and a collaboration

Estimate the salary costs of your projects: refer to the HR scales. For more information, please contact your institute secretariat.

Calculate the overhead and VAT of an external funding (or ask for an exemption), contact the Financial Service.

For Public Procurement: (Research office).

Do you have partnerships, a consortium, or collaborations? The agreements should be sent for review to PACTT (if private partners) or to the Legal Department (if public partners).

Finding a research funding

To help you identify grants and founders, UNIL 4 Research and the platform Fundraiso are at your disposal at UNIL. To benefit from Fundraiso premium access, your computer must have an IP address from UNIL.

Projects funded at FGSE are listed on Géoreka.

Research and innovation

  • Innosuisse supports science-based innovation for the economy and society, including with its BRIDGE scheme
  • InnoTREK (PACTT UNIL) grants to launch a start-up
  • UCreate: turn your innovative idea into reality with the UNIL HUB

Foundations and other funding opportunities

In the domain of geosciences and environment:

Some collaborative research calls:


For Junior researchers: see also section below.


Research data and scientific computing

Contacts and drop-ins

Support for scientific computing is available, on a wide range of subjects.
Presence in Geopolis of Flavio Calvo / Margot Sirdey: Monday 9:00-12:00, office 4631

A data stewardship service provides support and counselling on issues related to the planning, dissemination, opening and preservation of research data (DMP, storage, sharing and archiving).
For any request, please write to:
Presence in Geopolis of Zhargalma Dandarova: Tuesday 1:30-5:00 pm, office 4631

For questions related to the DCSR (storage and computing) service of the Centre informatique, please write to with "DCSR" in the email title.

Examples of support for scientific computing
  • Automatisation of data post-processing pipelines
  • Refactoring of code in view of public sharing and/or social development
  • Adaptation of code to the high-performance computing infrastructure
  • Advice on implementation of numerical schemes/algorithmic
  • Support for DCSR infrastructure (running on the cluster, virtual machines, data storage)
Realising a Data Management Plan (DMP), useful information and guides
Storing data during a research project – short term

Find your storage service

UNIL offers storage services to meet all the needs of its community, in compliance with internal regulations and applicable laws. This site will help you choose the service you need.

Good practices for sustainable digital data

With a growing generation of digital research data, UNIL is faced with a financial and infrastructure challenge, as well as energy costs with a high environmental impact (Numérique durable : Comprendre le cycle de vie). Here are a few good practices that researchers can adopt to manage their data:

  • Recycle existing data! Some of the data you need may already have been produced and made accessible; can help you identify repositories that contain reusable research data.
  • Think about the usefulness of the data produced from the outset. Does the data collected correspond to the objectives and hypotheses of the study? Minimising data collection to "if ever" or "it might be interesting one day" will help you avoid wasting time and resources gathering, cleaning, processing and securing data that isn't needed.
  • Adjust the storage format to minimize volumes wherever possible. For example, in the case of interview data, should the audio recordings be kept or just the text transcripts?
  • Reduce the number of file copies while ensuring their backup. The choice of UNIL infrastructure provided by the Division calcul et soutien à la recherche (DCSR) helps to minimize the number of data copies. In fact, the DCSR NAS guarantees a secure backup with only 2 copies (it performs backups in two separate locations and daily snapshots over a three-month period).
  • Favour less energy-intensive storage solutions. When certain data are not used daily, they can be stored on magnetic tapes (Long Term Storage – LTS of the DCSR).
  • Select, throughout the project, on a regular basis, which versions of the datasets are to be eliminated, retained, archived for the long term and shared. Should the raw and intermediate data be kept, or only the final data? And when should unnecessary data be eliminated?
  • Favour the use of free software and open file formats to guarantee the accessibility and long-term re-use of your data - and therefore the least possible generation of new data.
  • Share research data (including negative results) "as open as possible, as close as necessary" to encourage future re-use on the one hand and, on the other hand, avoid the unnecessary generation of existing data.
Archiving data at the end of a project – long term

To find a specialist or generalist data repository, the FNS suggests the use of registry.

Commonly used repositories :

  • FORS : Swiss repository in social sciences, based at UNIL
  • SWISSUbase : new research data archive at UNIL
  • ZENODO : CERN generic repository, free up to a certain volume, accepted by the FNS
  • Dryad : Generic repository, free up to a certain volume, accepted by the FNS


Publications and Open Access


For technical question or general problem on Serval, contact

For questions related to Serval or Open Access, contact the FGSE staff :

FGSE support staff verify and correct Serval records’ metadata, when possible and without systematically informing the authors. Authors are responsible for the content of their Serval records.

For a support on fund-raising for publication, general questions on OA and author right, a training request: Amélie Dreiss (research consultant).

For a question concerning literature search, contact the staff of the libraries.

Publishing in Open Access (OA)

Any person within the UNIL community who is the author of a scientific publication must:

  • Deposit on Serval UNIL institutional repository the PDF of his/her articles (journal, etc.) and book sections (chapters, etc.).
    Please note: the PDF cannot be modified or deleted once the record has been published.
  • Create a notice with links to the authors and units (see UNIL Open Access Directive). This in no way restricts your choice of publication in terms of format, timing or publisher.

To learn about Open Acces at UNIL, follow the guide!

To quickly update your publications on Serval, you can:

  • Export your publications from WoS (Web of Science) in Endnote format, then import them in Serval.
  • Create a link between your ORCID number and Serval in your Unisciences webpage (Video Tutorial UNIL). We advise you to export publications from Serval to ORCID: reverse import (ORCID to Serval) generates errors.

The UNIL online tool Papago offers personalized advice on your funding opportunities, rights and obligations regarding OA publishing.

Finding a funding source for publications


UNIL Researchers can request funding for book OA publication through the UNIL Publication fund.

Researcher can request SNSF funds for the publication of books or book chapters.

Other publications

For journal articles, UNIL offers 360° support to cover the different OA roads: from Hybrid, to Platinum, to Gold.

SNSF grantees can obtain funding of their articles in Gold OA scientific journals (see SNSF rules).


Best practices: ethics, EDI, integrity, security, drones


For questions related to ethics in research (advice, training, certification) contact Amélie Dreiss (research consultant).

Contact EDI (Equality, diversity and inclusion): Natalie Emch

In case of questions or doubts related to scientific integrity, you can contact in complete confidentiality:

For questions about travel abroad or security in the field, contact Rémy Freymond.

For questions related to insurance:

If you have any questions about well-being and safety at work, you can find the contacts on the Comité d'hygiène et sécurité page. At UNIL, independent persons of trust offer free and confidential listening and advice in case of a difficult situation (conflicts, discrimination, harassment).

For the use of drones by yourself or members of your team, contact:


Information on ethics certification procedure is on the dedicated FGSE page.

This  guide for researchers in human and social sciences will help you decide why to apply (or not) for ethics certification.

Equality, diversity and inclusion – EDI

Information and events are on the dedicated FGSE page.

Scientific integrity

The bodies for scientific integrity at the FGSE, their mission, and the procedure to follow in case of a breach of integrity are on on the dedicated FGSE page.

Security and wellbeing, field work, international travel

You will find all the information on safety and field work, foreign travel on the dedicated FGSE page.

Information on well-being and safety at work is on the page of the Comité d'hygiène et sécurité (CHS). The CHS is also an internal contact point in case of difficulty, conflict, harassment, etc.

The webpage Help UNIL identifies where to find help in case of difficult situations (conflicts, discrimination, harassment), internal procedures and internal resources, as well as training offers.

  • IDYST has contacts for its members on its intranet.
  • ISTE has a harassment cell.
Drone use

A specific FGSE internal regulation reminds the legislation and the good practices.

Whether you are an occasional or regular user, follow the swiss legislation, which is evolving.


Communication and research valorisation


For question or support request concerning a research project you wish to promote, please contact or make an appointment with Laure-Anne Pessina (communication officer).

For media training: Rémy Freymond.

For a support to Unisciences, personal or team web pages: Floriane Beetschen.

For the personal pages of the IGD members: Martin Vesely.

For a question about the Webmapping (mapping of the FGSE expertise): Rémy Freymond.

Valorisation: how to proceed

Consult our 10 recommendations for good communication.

The Research dicastère can help you develop and, if necessary, format your material for an actu, an article on the Géoblog, an interview, a press release, or a social network broadcast (e.g. tweet). It supports your communication projects towards the media and coordinates them with Unicom (Communication and audiovisual service.).

Find our press releases and our press review.

Valorisation: tools

The forms below (media article & press release) help you structure the research you want to promote. By providing a text in French or English in the recommended format, you will help the GSE communication team develop a quick strategy to communicate your research.

Valorisation : how to proceed


Career, junior researchers and training


For personalized support on career development or advice on career applications: Amélie Dreiss, research consultant.

Find a career fellowship or a position

The SNSF and the EU offer instruments at different stages of the academic career ( Eligibility to main grants).

Procedures for applying to FGSE as host institute.

See the above section Research funding for generic information.

Mobility grants

Other offers

Training programs


  • Graduate Campus: training and support for doctoral candidates and postdocs, to develop their career, spice up their research and network in the university community.
  • CUSO: Workshop Program for the development of transversal competences in doctoral candidates.
  • Service d'orientation et carrière: UNIL support for the transition to employment.
  • APNS, The Association of Postdocs in Natural Sciences offers training, events and workshops.
  • ACIGE, Association du corps intermédiaire de la Faculté des géosciences et de l’environnement, can inform and guide you.

Women scientists

For all


Research department

General contacts

Vice-Dean for Research
Prof. Céline Rozenblat

Faculty Assistant for Research
Rémy Freymond

Research Consultant
Research Funding, Open Science, Open Access, Research ethics
Amélie Dreiss

Doctoral Students' Secretariat
Johanna Fournier

Autres contacts
Administration du Décanat/Affaires extérieures


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