My research focuses on the transmission of social information and the underlying evolutionary mechanisms in a wild population of vervet monkeys. I study how spatial movements and the spread of social information shape behavioural phenotypes from the individual to the population level. To this end, I use cutting-edge technologies, including remote sensing, metabarcoding, and touchscreen experiments, to determine the extent to which these new technologies might improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying social learning.
Field assistant at Vogelwarte
Laboratory technician and data analyses in Lausanne University
Master in Behaviour, Evolution and Conservation: Specialisation Behaviour, Economics and Evolution
Master thesis: "DNA metabarcoding opens new perspectives for behavioural ecologists: a case study on wild vervet monkeys", directed by Prof. Erica van de Waal and Dr. Luca Fumagalli
Various internships from two to six months:
Field assistant for the KORA (Predator Ecology and Wildlife Management), scientific mediator for the botanical gardens of Lausanne, the Museum of Zoology of Lausanne and the Natural history Museum of Neuchâtel and laboratory assistant at Lausanne University
Bachelor in biology at Lausanne University
Szentiványi, T., Markotter, W., Dietrich, M., Clément, L., Ançay, L., Brun, L., ... & Glaizot, O. (2020). Host conservation through their parasites: molecular surveillance of vector-borne microorganisms in bats using ectoparasitic bat flies. Parasite, 27.
Kunz, F. Brun, L. Zurkinden, D. Breitenmoser-Würsten, C. Breitenmoser U. et Zimmermann, F. (2017) Abundanz und Dichte des Luchses im Berner Oberland Ost: Fang-Wiederfang-Schätzung mittels Fotofallen im Teil-Kompartiment-IVb im Witner 2016/17. KORA Bericht Nr. 77. 21p
Zimmermann, F. Zurkinden, D. Brun, L. Breitenmoser-Würsten, C. Breitenmoser, U. et Kunz, F. (2017) Abundanz und Dichte des Luchses in der Zentralschweiz Mitte: Fang-Wiederfang-Schätzung mittels Fotofallen im Teil-Kompartiment IIIb im Winter 2016/17. KORA Bericht Nr. 78, 23p.