Dr. Thomas Lesaffre

I am a theoretical evolutionary biologist, broadly interested in plant evolution. During my PhD in the University of Lille (France), I worked on mathematical and computational models to study the link between life-history, mating system and mutation load in flowering plants. As a postdoc in the labs of Prof. Charles Mullon and Prof. John Pannell, I am working on the evolution of plant sexual systems, with a particular focus on the transition from hermaphroditism, where individuals express male and female sexual functions, to dioecy, where individuals are unisexual.

Social media
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=ENCt7ScAAAAJ&hl=fr&authuser=1
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Thomas-Lesaffre
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Thomas_Lsffr

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Office room: 4323
Phone: +4121 692 4243

Member of Pannell / Mullon Groups