Christophe Monnot



External researcher
Maître de Conférences en sociologie du protestantisme, Université de Strasbourg 

Sociology of religions

Institute for Social Sciences of Religions (ISSR)

email : christophe.monnot<at>

Research fields:

Sociology of religions
Congregations studies
Swiss religious scene
Religious communities
Islamic implantation
Public management of religious pluralism

> Publications of Christophe Monnot

> Media interventions



Since December 2010, Christophe Monnot has a PhD in Religious Studies at the University of Lausanne in joint supervision with the EPHE at La Sorbonne, Paris for a PhD in Sociology. His thesis relays on the analysis of data collected in a large quantitative survey of religious congregations in Switzerland. The survey was conducted in the frame of the National Research Programme 58 under the direction of Jörg Stolz (UNIL) and Mark Chaves (Duke University).  After several post-doctoral positions at the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva, he was awarded a grant from the NSF to conduct an investigation at the CNRS in Paris in the research laboratory Group Societies, Religions, Laïcites (GSRL).

Since 2012 he has been assistant professor in sociology of religion at the University of Lausanne with different lectures at the Faculty of Sciences of Society and Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Geneva. His lectures focus on the theories and methods of surveys (both quantitative and qualitative), theories of secularization, post-secularity and sociology of organizations.

In terms of research, since 2015 he co-leads with Irene Becci Terrier a survey on the role of the new spiritualities and religion in the energy transition in the program Volteface. He is involved as head of research at the University of Bern in the first investigation supported by the NSF on the issue of the seculars in Switzerland. Stefan Huber and Jörg Stolz direct this survey. He is also board member of the Research Network 34 (Sociology of Religion) of the European Sociological Association (ESA) since its founding in 2011.

Works of Christophe Monnot have been awarded. In 2008 he received the Yves Lambert award distinguishing his first article in the journal Social Compass, and in 2011, the prize Paul Chapuis-Secrétan from the University of Lausanne rewarding his PhD thesis.

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Switzerland’s changing religious diversity. The National Congregations Study Switzerland II

