Luca Fumagalli - Associate Professor

My personal research interests are reflected by the different activities of my group, described in the research section of the LCB web site and my group homepage.

Curriculum Vitae

Born in 1965 in Switzerland.


Professeur Associée - DEE, University of Lausanne, CH

Maître d'enseignement et de recherche at the DEE and IUML, University of Lausanne, CH

Collaboration with the Institute of Human Forensic (, University of Lausanne, CH.

Privat-docent, University of Lausanne, CH.

Maître-assistant at the DEE, University of Lausanne, CH.

Founder and responsible for the Conservation genetics section of the Laboratory for Conservation Biology University of Lausanne, CH.

Molecular analyses (genetic identification of wild mammals from biological samples) for the Wildlife Conservation Office.

1996 - 1997
Postdoctoral fellow at the Dpt. of Zoology, University of Queensland, Australia with Prof. C. Moritz.

1995 - 1996
First assistant in Zoology at the University of Lausanne, CH.

1989 - 1995
PhD thesis with Prof. J. Hausser, University of Lausanne, CH. "Inter- and intraspecific variability of mitochondrial DNA in the shrews of the Sorex araneus group".

1987 - 1989

Studies in Anthropology and Master thesis at the University of Geneva, CH.

1984 - 1987
Studies in Zoology and Ecology at the University of Lausanne, CH.

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