ARCHIVE - Urban Networks and Network Theory

From 8th to 9th, June 2007 | Invited Participants | Programm | Publications

From 8th to 9th, June 2007


This high-level seminar, which will be closed to the public, will bring together around thirty network experts from a wide range of disciplines: communication sciences, information technology, mathematics, economics, regional sciences, urban studies and social network sociology. The seminar is seen like a first step to develop a Worldwide, European and Swiss network on urban networks and network theory. The aim of this network will consist in linking conceptual, methodological and empirical approaches of cities and social networks towards a transdisciplinary network theory.

The seminar will address two issues:

  • The transition from a network/networks of actors, individuals, firms or institutions to the coherent development of a city or system of cities
  • The potential transfers and links between the various disciplinary and methodologica interpretations of the concept "network"

The seminar shall be divided into four individual sessions, which will deal respectively with multi-scale networks, economic networks, power and strategies, and finally networks of innovation.


  • Prof. Céline Rozenblat, Institut de géographie, UNIL
  • Dr Géraldine Pflieger, LASUR, EPFL Lausanne


Invited Participants

  • Prof. François Bavaud, Mathematics, UNIL Lausanne
  • Charles Albert-Bohan, UMR ESPACE - CEFRES, Geographer, Prague, Tcheque Rep.
  • Marie-Noëlle Comin, UMR Geographie-Cités, Geographer, Paris, France
  • Prof. Micheline Cosinschi, Urban Geography, UNIL Lausanne
  • Prof. Antonio Da Cunha, Urban Geography, UNIL Lausanne
  • Theophile Emmanouilidis, Computer scientist - philosopher, IGUL-UNIL Lausanne
  • Prof. Florenzo Ferlaino, Instituto di ricerche economiche e sociali (IRES-Piemonte), Politec. di Torino
  • Bérengère Gautier, Geographer, UMR ESPACE - IAMM, Montpellier France
  • Prof. Jeffrey Huang, Architecture, Media and Design Lab', EPFL
  • Prof. Michael Kanevski, Geomatics and Analysis of Risk, IGAR-UNIL Lausanne
  • Pierre-Yves Koenig, Computer science, IAMM-Montpellier, France
  • Alain L'Hostis, Urban Planner, INRETS, Lille
  • Dr Jean-Christophe Loubier, Geographer, IGUL-UNIL
  • Prof. Mario A. Maggioni, DISEIS Università Cattolica, Political Economy, Milano
  • Guillaume Massard, Industrial Ecology, UNIL Lausanne
  • Prof. Guy Mélançon, Computer science, INRIA- Bordeaux, France
  • Dr Nicolas Nova, Architecture, Media and Design Lab', EPFL
  • Prof. Jean-Bernard Racine, Urban Geography, UNIL Lausanne
  • Dr Jonathan Rutherford, Urban-Planner, LATTS-ENPC
  • Marie-Paule Thomas, Urban-Planner, LASUR-EPFL
  • Prof. Alain Thierstein, Territorial and Spatial Development, Technical University of Munich
  • Dr Patrice Tissandier, Geographer, Bordeaux
  • Sandra Vinciguerra, Economic Geography, University Utrecht
  • Gil Viry, Sociologist, UNIL-EPFL



June 8th

Urban networks and networks theory
Géraldine Pflieger, Céline Rozenblat

First session - Economic networks within and between cities

The interlocking network model as a generic approach to cities and economic development
Peter Taylor, Urban Geography, Loughborough University, UK

City networks and urban system dynamics: a reconstruction through simulation
Denise Pumain, Urban Geography, Institut Universitaire de France, Paris

Second session - Multi-scale city networks

Space of flows: networks between global and local
Manuel Castells, Communication science, USC - ANN, Los Angeles

Small worlds and multi-scale city networks
Christophe Jemelin, Céline Rozenblat, Pierre Dessemontet, Vincent Kaufmann, Urban Geography and Urban Sociology, UNIL- EPFL, Lausanne

Designing connections: people, places and information
Federico Casalegno, Communication science, MIT Cambridge USA

Network applications for territorial planning in Switzerland
Pierre-Alain Rumley, Director of the Federal Office for Spatial Development in Switzerland

June 9th

Third session - Power and strategy in urban networks

Powerful city networks: More than connections, less than domination and control
John Allen, Economic Geography, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK

From Disasters to WoW: Theorizing social processes in multidimensional network
Noshir Contractor, Communication science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Fourth session - Networks of innovation and spatial clusters

Urban spaces in the spider economy: Basel and the geography of selective, global value and knowledge flows
Christian Zeller, Economic Geography, University of Berne

The emergence of eco-industrial networks within the framework of industrial ecology
Suren Erkman, Industrial Ecology, IPTEH UNIL Lausanne



Handbook of Theoretical and Quantitative Geography


In 2007, the FSGE organized the 15th European Colloquium for Quantitative and Theoretical Geography (ECTQG07). The high-quality and variety of the contributions at the Colloquium reflected the broad range of issues and methods investigated in Europe, as well as the vigor and scope of contemporary research in quantitative and theoretical geography. To deepen the questions raised, several European research teams were asked to write articles presenting and evaluating, for various geographical fields, the progress achieved, the methods used and the scientific prospects. Six themes were selected: Cellular automata, multi-agent systems and cooperative phenomena - Epistemological issues in geography - Geographical flows and networks - Health geography and epidemiology - Resource management and risk analysis - Urban economic geography and spatial economic analysis.

Bavaud F., Mager C. ed., Handbook of Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, 2009 Lausanne. [full text in open access]

To order
Christophe Mager
Institute of Geography and Sustainability
Quartier Mouline - Géopolis
CH-1015 Lausanne
fax: 41 21 692 30 75

50 CHF (shipping not included)
Payment by Bank Transfer only
Informations on request

Abstracts  (128 Ko)

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