Curriculum vitae
Giovanni B. Crosta is presently professor at the University of Milano Bicocca, Italy. He collaborates with various universities and research institutes and participates to several european and international projects. He collaborated with various technical offices and local administrations both in Italy and abroad on landslide hazard and risk assessment. Teaching and research activities are mainly focused on engineering geology subjects, soil and rock mechanics, landslide mapping, monitoring and modelling. Research activities are presently focused on: triggering of shallow landslides, and definition of empirical and physically based thresholds, also with adoption of monitoring techniques for soil moisture content and changes; identification of the transition from slow to fast moving landslides and evaluation of displacement and velocity thresholds; characterization and modelling of long runout landslides (rock avalanches); monitoring and modelling of deep seated slope gravitational deformations; rock fall modelling and definition of hazard assessment procedures both at local and regional scale; geomorphological mapping for landslide susceptibility zonation; alluvial fan geomorphological description, classification and zonation. He has been guest editor for some special issues on: Large slope instabilities (Engineering Geology, Elsevier), Rainfall triggered landslides (NHESS, EGU; Engineering Geology, Elsevier), Landslides and debris flows (NHESS; EGU).