Preparation for the Test of English as a Foreign Language, Internet Based Test (TOEFL IBT)

You are often required to have passed this test to study in academic contexts where English is the main language (exchange programmes, Master courses, and so on).

You obtain a number of points, which need to match the points required by your chosen institution.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand meaning, opinions, perspectives, and nuances in written texts of a certain length in a general academic context
  • Understand the gist, details, and opinions in dialogues and talks in social and academic domains, when standard language is used
  • Orally express and justify your opinion on everyday topics; synthesise and/or summarise information from different written and spoken sources
  • Write an original and pertinent contribution in an academic forum justifying your opinion on a given topic
  • Write a formal and coherent synthesis essay which identifies appropriate information and connections between ideas from various academic audio and text sources
  • Navigate and increase awareness of academic intercultural differences
  • Identify and develop key independent learning strategies, especially those relevant to for exams

attention.jpgThis test shows your current level of English. The certificate you obtain has a limited validity (2 years).

►To allow students to sit the examination in December, te Centre de langues is offering a semi-intensive course in the Autumn semester (see below).

Practical information

Pre-registration dates and deadlines   All information
Required level from B2 Level descriptor
Structure of the module
(per week)
> Group 2 periods
  > Multimedia centre (EMA)* 1 period
Timetable Fixed according to the availability of the participants All information
Fees Language Center courses are only for members of the UNIL community (with a few exceptions) All information

*When indicated, the multimedia space for independent learning (EMA) is an integrated part of the course. It can be “online inscription” or “free access” (details)

attention.jpgYou need to pay to take this examination and to sign up yourself (external examination with no connection to the Cdl)

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