Open science takes on the coronavirus pandemic
"Data sharing, open-source designs for medical equipment, and hobbyists are all being harnessed to combat COVID-19."
(Mark Zastrow, Nature , 24.04.2020)
Coronavirus Is Forcing Medical Research to Speed Up
"As scientists race to understand the coronavirus, the process of designing experiments, collecting data and submitting studies to journals for expert review is being compressed drastically."
(Kim Tingley, New York Times Magazine , 21.04.2020)
Covid-19 : How unprecedented data sharing has led to faster-than-ever outbreak research
"Advances in gene sequencing have allowed scientists to trace and monitor the COVID-19 pandemic faster than any previous outbreak. However, gaps in our knowledge of how coronaviruses work has made it difficult to understand what makes the new coronavirus special."
(Horizon : The EU Research & Innovation Magazine , 23.03.2020)
How Open Science and Open Data can help in the fight against COVID-19
"With the global Novel Coronavirus pandemic filling headlines, TV news space and social media it can seem as if we are drowning in information and data about the virus. With so much data being pushed at us and shared it can be hard for the general public to know what is correct, what is useful and (unfortunately) what is dangerous. Thankfully though, scientists around the world working on COVID-19 are able to work together, share data and findings and hopefully make a difference to the containment, treatment and eventually vaccines for COVID-19."
(GÉANT, Connect Magazine )
So schnell war die Wissenschaft noch nie zuvor
[Jamais auparavant la science n'avait été aussi rapide] "La lutte contre le coronavirus entraîne un changement radical dans la science. Les chercheurs partagent leurs données, travaillent plus rapidement que jamais et s’adressent au public par le biais des médias sociaux."
(Martin Amrein, NZZ am Sonntag, 22.03.2020, disponible via la plateforme Synopsis de l'UNIL)
Un doctorant bernois propose un outil open source pour suivre les chiffres du coronavirus en Suisse
"Alors que la colère monte contre le manque de transparence des chiffres de l'épidémie de coronavirus en Suisse, un jeune chercheur a programmé un agrégateur en quelques heures. Tout est gratuit: des données au code en passant par cet article tant ces données sont importantes pour bien réagir face à l'épidémie et mieux la comprendre."
(Annick Chevillot, , 22.03.2020)
A completely new culture of doing research
Coronavirus outbreak changes how scientists communicate.
(Kai Kupferschmidt, Science Magazine , 26.02.2020)