Emergency childcare

| Emergency childcare from Croix-Rouge vaudoise

As a parent with a UNIL contract, you are entitled to five working days a year to look after a sick child. You can also find an emergency care solution using the resources shown below.

Emergency childcare from Croix-Rouge vaudoise

Is your child ill, is the person who usually looks after them unavailable or has something unexpected cropped up at work?

If you are working or studying at UNIL, you can contact our partner la Croix-Rouge vaudoise, who will put you in touch with an assistant (minimum period of care: three hours).

Emergency care through la Croix-Rouge vaudoise is available to you free of charge through the Equal Opportunities Office for up to 35 hours per calendar year, provided that:

  • One of the parents is registered at UNIL or has a UNIL contract*.
  • The need for emergency care is the result of an unexpected short-term situation and associated with a professional or study obligation for the UNIL parent.
  • The parent’s home is in the canton of Vaud.

* Salary paid by UNIL

Above the 35-hour threshold or if you don't live in the canton of Vaud, the Red Cross will bill you for the custody. The rate is based on la Croix-Rouge vaudoise rates and the net family income.

Contact la Croix-Rouge vaudoise directly :


by phone, Monday to Friday from 7am to 12pm and from 1:30pm to 5:30pm:

021 / 340 00 80


Cancellation policy : 

With the exception of medical emergencies, if an assignment is cancelled less than 24 hours before the start of the assignment, 50% of the planned hours will be billed directly to the employee or student. These costs are not covered by the Equality Opportunities Office.


Other Croix-Rouge vaudoise benefits (not covered by the Equal Opportunities Office)


  • The Baby-Sitting service
    The Health and Family Assistance Sector has a list of Baby-Sitters who have received appropriate training from la Croix-Rouge vaudoise.
  • The Block Parent Service
    Was designed to meet the emergency needs of parents who are ill, temporarily unavailable or experiencing personal difficulties and who do not know where to place their children in the care of a caregiver.
  • Volunteer respite for caregivers
    As a family carer, you can take a little time out to recharge your batteries. Volunteers can come to your home and look after your sick relative for a few hours.

All information and offers from the Vaud Red Cross (in French) : https://croixrougevaudoise.ch/


Vieux Pressoir  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 20 59