Holiday activities

| Holiday activities at UNIL | Other holiday activities

In collaboration with EPFL and their external supplier L’écoline, as well as L'éprouvette, the science and society laboratory of UNIL, we offer 11 weeks of holiday activities for the children of employees and students of UNIL and EPFL, spread over the two campuses, for children aged 4 to 12.

The weeks are divided as follows: 

Spring break (February) : 1 week at EPFL for children aged 4 to 9

Easter holidays (April) : 2 weeks at EPFL for children aged 4 to 9

Summer holidays (July) :

4 weeks at EPFL for children aged 4 to 9

2 weeks at UNIL for children aged 9 to 12

Autumn holidays (October) : 2 weeks at EPFL for children aged 4 to 9

Holiday activities at UNIL

During the summer your children will be on holiday and you’ll be at work?

If you are working or studying at UNIL or EPFL, your child(ren) can join one of the summer activity weeks organised in July by the UNIL Equal Opportunities Office in collaboration with L’éprouvette.

The price for one week (including lunch, activities, materials and travel) is CHF 350.

If needed, a reduction of one third of the camp price can be granted to parents who are members of the UNIL student body, under certain conditions.


Weeks 2024

The 2024 holiday activities will take place in the following weeks: from 15 to 19 July and from 22 to 26 July.

Programme (in French)



What is a typical day like ?

  • 08.30 am Meeting at Forum
  • 09.00 am Beginning of science/nature activities
  • 12.00 Lunch at Unithèque / La Banane
  • 01.30 pm Beginning of afternoon workshop
  • 05.30 pm Departure from Forum (until 5:30 p.m. at the latest)





The videos made by the children during the participatory video afternoons in 2022




Other holiday activities

Workshops at L’éprouvette (UNIL)

L’éprouvette, the University of Lausanne’s public laboratory, offers fun, educational workshops all year round, including during the school holidays.

You can also book workshops to celebrate your child’s birthday.

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Activities run by UNIL/EPFL Sports Department

During the February half-term, the UNIL/EFFL Sports Department organises a ski camp at Les Diablerets for the children (aged 7-14 years) of members of both universities.

During the summer school holidays, sports clubs of Lausanne region and the Centre Sport et Santé of the UNIL/EFFL Sports Department offer children (aged 8-12 years) 5 days of various activities.


Science Promotion Service (SPS) camps at EPFL

The SPS organises science camps for children aged 11-13 throughout the summer.


Activities offered by the City of Lausanne

Camping, mountaineering, one-day packages and neighbourhood activities are offered by the Children and Leisure Department, in conjunction with the Fondation pour l’animation socioculturelle (FASL).

Lausanne office of holiday activities for 5-18 year-olds
Place Chauderon 7a
1002 Lausanne
Tél. : 021 315 68 22/65

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Holiday passports and other activities in the canton of Vaud

Municipal activities of Lausanne area available to children during the school holidays.

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Vaud famille

Vaud famille gathers all the information concerning families domiciled in the canton of Vaud. In particular, it maintains an up-to-date directory of camps, holiday activities and other activities offered for children in French-speaking part of Switzerland.

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Vieux Pressoir  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 20 59