On the ground floor of the Unicentre building, where the Rectorate is based.
Hall of reception 220.
Monday, Thursday and Friday: 10am to 1pm.
Tuesday and Wednesday: 1pm to 3pm.
Monday, Thursday and Friday: 10am to 1pm.
You can visit us without an appointment every day - except Tuesday mornings - from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 4.30pm.
Telephone: +41 (0)21 692 21 13
Specific hotline for financial assistance: +41 (0)21 692 60 30
E-mail addresses: For financial assistance, fees exemptions, etc.: affaires.sociales@unil.ch
For accommodation: logement@unil.ch
For student jobs: travail@unil.ch
For university exchanges: studentmobility@unil.ch
For Master's Grants Program: mastergrants@unil.ch
For psychotherapeutic consultation: consult.psy-unil@chuv.ch
For Swiss Confederation grant holders: virginie.durret@unil.ch