Other financial assistance

| Cantonal grants | Other cantonal support | Caritas support | Loans

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Cantonal grants

All Swiss cantons have an organisation responsible for awarding study or learning grants.


You should send your application for a cantonal grant to:

  • The canton where you have your primary residence if you are over the age of majority and are financially independent, or
  • The canton where your parents live, or
  • Your canton of origin if your parents live abroad, or
  • The canton to which you have been assigned.

In Vaud canton, the relevant body is the Office cantonal des bourses d’études et d’apprentissage (OCBE).


Please note that students in receipt of a study grant from the canton are not entitled to apply for a partial waiver of course enrolment fees at UNIL, since these are included in the amount of the cantonal grant.


Other cantonal support

The Canton of Vaud can finance part or all of your compulsory health insurance premiums depending on your income and assets. This financial support is called a subsidy. It does not apply to supplementary insurance.

The purpose of the subsidy is to limit the cost of health insurance premiums to 10% of your qualifying income. The qualifying income is an amount calculated on the basis of income and assets. The reference premium is determined on the basis of the average cantonal premium, the household income and the premium region.

For more information, please visit the website of the Canton of Vaud.


Caritas support

Caritas' Groceries cards provide people in financial difficulty with access to 23 Caritas grocery shops throughout Switzerland on presentation of a purchasing card.

Caritas Groceries offer a wide range of products at very low prices. The range includes basic foodstuffs, fresh products, hygiene articles and all the essentials of impeccable quality.

UNIL students in precarious situations can obtain a Caritas' Groceries card from the SASME in order to benefit from this support.



EDUCA SWISS is a Swiss foundation that offers loans to students looking for a way to finance their studies. The foundation works to promote and finance education by supporting motivated people in implementing their education plans, offering them free assistance in planning and budgeting their studies, and granting them education loans tailored to their needs at attractive interest rates.

Conditions for obtaining a loan:

  • Be over 18
  • Have a clear professional objective
  • Be resident in Switzerland

To benefit from a loan, simply register on the EDUCA SWISS website. Registration is free and gives you access to a coach who will contact you to advise you and help you complete your profile with a realistic budget and a clear objective. Once the profile has been completed, you will gain access to EDUCA SWISS lenders and will be able to receive educational loans.


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