Training and tools

Conflicts, harassment, discrimination and Help | UNIL : Understand, prevent and act.

The “Conflicts, harassment and discrimination: understanding, preventing and taking action” training course aims to provide insight into interpersonal issues that can lead to infringments of personnality rights, so as to be able to prevent them and take appropriate action when a situation arises. It also introduces participants to Help | Unil and the resources available. The course is run by the Equality Office and the Delegate for the Protection of the Work and Study Environment. It provides an opportunity to discover concrete tools, such as the 5Ds of bystander intervention, and to discuss concrete situations.


  • Understand UNIL's legal framework, procedures and resources (institutional message / Charter and Directive 0.4. / Help | Unil / players and authorities) in terms of preventing and dealing with attacks on personal integrity, including psychological and sexual harassment;
  • Be able to identify risk situations in the workplace or at school and take appropriate action, in conjunction with the Aide | Unil program
  • Familiarize themselves with concrete tools such as the 5Ds.


    Seema Ney, Assistant, UNIL Equality Office
    Dr Christelle Rigual, Delegate for the protection of the work and study climate, UNIL


Date and time to be planned according to needs (customized training for a department, for example)

Target audience

Any interested member of the UNIL community / adaptable to a more specific audience (executives, academics or PAT, students, etc.)

If you would like to organize a customized training course for your team, please contact us at or

UNIL training courses
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