Preparing and submitting the project

Who can submit a project?

A FIP project may be submitted by: member(s) of the teaching staff, MER(s), lecturer(s), privat-docent(s), full professor(s), provided that he or she is still in charge of teaching the following semester, or a Faculty / School.

FIP projects are primarily intended to support the development or transformation of existing courses, modules or curricula in UNIL's Faculties / Schools. Project leaders may transfer the projects initially developed thanks to the FIP to a continuing education program in which they are involved. This transfer must be defined when the application is prepared.


When can I submit a project?

Projects can be submitted throughout the year, but will be evaluated twice a year at regular intervals:

  • An evaluation in February for a project launch in the following autumn or spring semester.
  • An evaluation in September to launch the project in the following spring or autumn semester.


What are the steps involved in submitting a project?

  1. Preparing the project sheet
    An initial discussion is necessary to present the project's objectives and discuss its feasibility. The meeting must be requested at, and will be attended by the pedagogical engineer of the Faculty(ies)/School(s) in which the project is to be carried out and pedagogical adviser from the CSE (Teaching support centre)

    After the interview, a project sheet is drawn up by the project leader in consultation with the pedagogical engineer and adviser. The project leader submits the project sheet to the Faculty(ies)/School(s) concerned for prior approval to ensure that the project is in line with their strategic plans. Once it is validated, the project sheet must be sent to
  2. Preparation of the full application
    After receiving prior approval from the Faculty(ies)/School(s), the project leader prepares an application form (including the evaluation of the resources required and the in-kind resources to be mobilised - to be validated with the services concerned -, budgeting, planning, etc.). The complete dossier (application form) is validated by the Faculty(ies)/School(s).
  3. Submitting the application
    Applications approved by the Faculty(ies)/School(s) may be submitted by the project leader throughout the year by e-mail to Applications are evaluated twice a year.


Is it possible to obtain advice before preparing the project sheet?

Teachers wishing to obtain a preliminary advice on a project idea can contact the Faculty/School's pedagogical engineer or a CSE pedagogical adviser to discuss it. This step is optional, but it can help to better define or confirm an idea during the project ideation phase.


What funding is available for the projects selected?

Projects are funded up to a maximum of CHF 20,000 per project. The duration of projects is one year, renewable twice (3 years maximum) if this contributes to the sustainability of the project, which is one of the objectives of the FIP. However, if renewal of funding is envisaged, this must be indicated in the initial application. Otherwise, a new application must be submitted.

For larger projects such as collective or inter-faculty projects, a duration of up to 3 years can be envisaged immediately (without considering that the project has been renewed from one year to the next). The budget allocated to this type of project is CHF 60,000.

The budget envelope represents the maximum amount available, but it does not have to be used in full. Meetings (with pedagogical advisers, pedagogical engineers, etc.) and other In-kind resources are not deducted from this envelope.

The total budget available for all projects is CHF 600,000 per year.


What services can be provided by the Faculties/Schools or central services?

An analysis is carried out during the dossier preparation phase to identify what is considered as in-kind support from the Faculty(ies) or Central Services and the need for other, external resources. The in-kind support covered by a Faculty/School or a central service corresponds to the usual services provided by the latter, within the limits of available resources. If these resources are exceeded, the fund will be used to finance project needs via additional resources and/or an external mandate. Several in-kind resources may be requested for one project.

(Non-exhaustive) list of eligible expenses:

  • External service provider for a service that does not exist or is not available at UNIL;
  • Purchase of equipment to enable the project to be carried out and ensure its continuity;
  • Hiring of human resources that do not exist or are not available at UNIL;
  • Purchase of licences or software.

Non-exhaustive list of ineligible subsidies:

  • Salary (or additional salary) of the project leader;
  • IT development which can be carried out by UNIL's central or faculty services;
  • Purchase of specific single-use equipment.

In-kind resources identified:

  • Production of videos and other educational multimedia;
  • Creation of graphic elements;
  • Educational IT development;
  • pedagogical advice and engineering;
  • Conducting surveys or focus groups with students and other project beneficiaries;
  • Working time of a human resource other than the project leader ;
  • etc.

FIP : un dispositif simplifié


Application deadline for the next evaluation

September 30, 2024