Discover our Graduate Campus workshops
The Graduate Campus offers multiple workshops designed for postdocs, and built around key soft skills, such as Academic English, figures and graphics, or the preparation of a job application, academic or non-academic.
To see all the available workshops, their description and how to sign up, please go to the Workshops webpage.
Advanced continuing education
Mentoring network for women scientists
The Réseau romand de mentoring pour femmes is a mentoring program for the next generation of women. It helps female researchers in resolving all issues related to academic life organization as well as their scientific project’s completion.
Event organization by postdocs for postdocs
As a postdoc, you'd like to organize an event for UNIL or CHUV postdocs (workshop, conference, visit, etc.)?
Submit your project to the UNIL Direction!
Submission can be done at any time: once the evaluation has been made of your project, funds (maximum CHF 4'000.-) are attributed as long as the annual budget is available.
Please find details on the dedicated page.