Military or civilian service

Military and Civil service

Requests for exemptions, permutation or time off are issued by your faculty secretariat with prior notice.

The Liaison Office advises and assists students who have to combine their studies with long periods of military service.

Make an appointment by phone:

Coordination Studies-Military service

Région Territoriale 1
Place de la Navigation 4
Case postale 208
1110 Morges 1
Tél. +41 (0) 21 316 47 40.

Complementary information


Loss of earnings insurance (APG)

This insurance covers part of the loss of earnings suffered by persons who do their military service or serve in civil defence.

Applications and forms for reimbursement of APG benefits should be sent to the following address:

Municipal Social Insurance Agency
P.O. Box 5032
1002 Lausanne

This is valid for all students over 21 years of age (or under 21 years of age if residing in Lausanne) enrolled at the University of Lausanne, including students domiciled outside Lausanne or the Canton of Vaud.

For students under 21 years of age who are not resident in Lausanne, you must send this application to the AVS communal fund in your commune of residence.


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